Story Highlights bb
- The horror genre in video games has been convoluted with numerous different iterations over time.
- Some games, although claiming to be great art pieces, fail to live up to their genre’s hype.
- However, there are others that hit the nail on the head with the whole horror theme, such as
I would say that the horror genre has seen a decline as compared to its golden days back in the 1990s and and 2000s, right to the point where not a lot of developers are dipping their toes into the AAA horror game space anymore. As such, those who have been craving a good horror experience will find their options narrowed down significantly in the day and age we live in today.
That’s why I’ve decided to do the work and compile a list of top-notch horror games that are actually, genuinely scary, and not full of fake jumpscares that you can see coming from a mile away. Keep on reading, therefore, to immerse yourself in horror titles that you would actually want to play.
Keep An Extra Pair Of Pants Nearby Just In Case With These Horror Titles
While you’re at it, though, make sure to post a comment ahead and tell us about some of your favorite horror games ever.
1. Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem

Starting off the list is an old one here, and I’m not sure if a lot of you out there are going to be familiar with the premise of Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem. It’s a Nintendo GameCube exclusive that launched way back in 2002, enjoying great critical acclaim as it took off like crazy not long after release.
If you’ve still got your old GameCube lying around, I highly recommend you try out Eternal Darkness. You’ll find that the title offers an incredible atmosphere, followed by unique gameplay segments that you’re not going to find anywhere else. For starters, at one point in the title, you’re made to believe that the game has crashed and all of your save data has been corrupted.
While in reality, that’s just Eternal Darkness itself playing tricks. And there’s the bathtub scene. Oh, you do not want to miss that.
2. Alien: Isolation

Let me preface the entry of Alien: Isolation by saying that I first played the game in 2014, right when it came out, and every now and then when I try to visit it, I have to put the controller down. It’s too scary, I kid you not, so this is definitely your cue to pick this one up and give it an honest shot.
Alien: Isolation is too damn scary.
byu/Apollothefourth inpatientgamers
As you go through the game navigating immediate enemies, obstacles, and other challenges, you constantly have to be aware of the Alien, the primary antagonist of the title menacing around the station. That’s the real threat to Amanda — the protagonist — so don’t go in expecting a cakewalk.

SOMA is one game that every sci-fi or horror fan should try at least once in their life. The game came out 5 years after Amnesia: The Dark Descent’s inception, which is absolutely unmissable and coming up later on the list as well, and takes pride in boasting the same great qualities carried over from the latter, although with a unique storyline, and even better sound design.
As expected, therefore, Frictional Games has worked up a masterpiece in the name of SOMA, making it in such a style that the title lurks in your head even long after you beat it. Not a lot of games out there that can boast the same level of quality, I can assure you.
4. Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water

Koei Tecmo’s Fatal Frame franchise is exceptional in its own way, and if I have to recommend one iteration in the series, I suggest starting off with Maiden of Black Water. It’s quite tense, knows how to build just the right type of atmosphere, and keeps things ever-amusing with an interesting cast of characters.
5. Amnesia: The Dark Descent

The game that started it all. Lo and behold! Amnesia: The Dark Descent is considered one of the major pioneers of modern-day horror games, kickstarting the careers of now-famous YouTubers like PewDiePie and even Markiplier all the way back in 2012. Frictional Games’ expertise on the subject allowed it to craft The Dark Descent to perfection, instilling certain mechanics that made the title dramatically stand out from the competition.
It’s extremely stressful, so trek with caution, but rest assured, you won’t be able to complain at the end of the day that this isn’t horror enough.
6. Outlast

At last, we’ve got Outlast to talk about as well on the list, but not any of its sequels. The first Outlast is in a league of its own—the characters, the environment, the difficulty, even the visuals, all giving other horror games a super good run for their money. If you think you can survive true horror, I challenge you going through this one.
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