A “Destruction Galore” Hulk Game Is Long Overdue — Make It Happen, Marvel

Imagine the destructable sandbox possible in a modern game.

Story Highlights

  • Hulk’s video games have ceased now, but they were numerous in the past, like the movie tie-ins.
  • Ultimate Destruction, the pinnacle of mindless demolition was the iconic character’s best game.
  • With today’s technology, the potential for a new Hulk game with mind-blowing devastation is endless.

Why do we enjoy superhero games or titles with over-the-top powers in general? The feeling of absolute control over the world, and the prospect of wielding overwhelming powers to subjugate everything is everyone’s dream. Admit it, you’ve had the thought at least once, haven’t you? Games that are a complete power fantasy appeal to a lot of people. And what better display of destructive power and all-empowering control than a Hulk game?

YouTube video

Hulk’s Devastating Game Appearances

How long has it been since we’ve had a solo Hulk game? A little too long I’d say. Modern times may not have the deserving representation of the monstrous entity, but his video game appearances in the past were numerous, and a fan favorite. This brings me to discuss the three prominent games featuring the green monstrosity we know and love.

YouTube video

Radical Entertainment, the unfortunate Prototype developer axed by Activision was also responsible for two of these. The first, Hulk (2003), is a 3D representation of the character, and a tie-in with the Eric Bana movie. Featuring beat ’em up levels of the Hulk, and stealth levels of Bruce Banner, the game is an entry point, conveying the potential Hulk possesses as a video game star.

Stealth missions in a Hulk game are a fascinating choice | Source: Sid Prime (YouTube)
Stealth missions in a Hulk game are a fascinating choice | Source: Sid Prime (YouTube)

Next is The Incredible Hulk, by Sega this time, and based on the Edward Norton movie. Although I have many issues with this game like its repetitive level design and combat elements, and the downright horrible controls, camera issues, and dumb enemy AI, the game is a solid Hulk portrayal. A 3D open world where you can wreak as much havoc as you want, the destructive fun is all that matters to me.

Dropping in like The Incredible Hulk 2008! Some bugs really add to the experience.
byu/HawkMan_X inPlayAvengers

The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction — The Best Of The Bunch

What’s the third game you ask? Why, it’s none other than The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. Radical Entertainment’s brilliant sequel to the 2003 game, and the best title to feature the unstoppable monstrosity.

The Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction
byu/signwalker93 inhulk

In contrast to its prequel, Ultimate Destruction is a true open world, giving you absolute control of the Hulk. Not only that, it is the most accurate and the most enjoyable game version of the character. The devastating freedom, roaming the city as an unstoppable force of nature, and creative gameplay elements that screamed “power.” It is nothing less than an absolute treat.

Ultimate Destruction, The best Hulk game to date | Source: xTimelessGaming (YouTube)
Ultimate Destruction, The best Hulk game to date | Source: xTimelessGaming (YouTube)

It’s not that the game is just dumb fun and all about destruction. There is considerable depth in its gameplay elements. Enemies are challenging, world design is intriguing and creative, and the boss fights are “boss fights” in the truest sense; a marvel like nothing else. It is not only a fun Hulk game, but a meaningful and enjoyable superhero title in general.

A Modern Hulk Game, Infinite Possibilities

Unfortunately, we never got another game after The Incredible Hulk, and it’s a damn shame. Considering what’s possible in the games of today, imagine how destructive and just mad fun a Hulk game can be

byu/graciliano from discussion

Over the years, the popularity of Marvel characters has grown exponentially. Thanks to the MCU, iconic characters like the Hulk are way more recognizable and beloved now. There’s no way a creatively designed game will be met by anything less than universal acclaim. And I mean a single-player game, not a ridiculous live service like Marvel’s Avengers.

Marvel is already pursuing multiple games, and I don’t need to tell you how popular those are. Insomniac’s Spider-Man games are among the best and most praised superhero games. Similarly, Blade and Black Panther games are on their way. Why not a new Hulk game?

Now imagine such an open world in a Hulk game | Source: PlayStation (YouTube)
Now imagine such an open world in a Hulk game | Source: PlayStation (YouTube)

For a moment, imagine this scenario. Take Ultimate Destruction as a template, create it with the technologies possible today, and merge the concept with an Insomniac Spider-Man-style open world. Add in complex moves and abilities for the Hulk, and give him free reign over the sandbox, destroying whatever’s in sight, while taking out the bad guys. I’ll pay top dollar for a game like this.

Would You Like To See And Play An Hulk Game Developed By Insomniac Games For Playstation And Set In The Same Universe As Playstation Spider-Man And Wolverine?
byu/Chemical_Incident280 inSpidermanPS4

Oh, and one more thing. A Hulk game without destruction is the last thing I want. A Wolverine without excessive violence and a Hulk without endless destruction are hollow representations. I understood it, but was never particularly fond of the MCU’s new “mellow” Hulk. What I want is a revisit of the glory days, a game with mindless wrecking and an overpowering showcase of might. Make it happen, Marvel.

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Hanzala is a dedicated writer who expresses his views as opinion pieces at eXputer. He's always been fascinated by gaming and has been an avid consumer of many different genres for over a decade. His passion for games has him eager to encounter the latest RPGs and actively look for new Soulslike to challenge. He puts forth his experience and knowledge of gaming into captivating opinion pieces.

Experience: 8+ months || Education: Bachelors in Chemistry.

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