The Industry Needs To Modernize These 6 Fantastic Classics

A blast from the past like no other.

Story Highlights

  • The gaming industry, ever since its inception, has given rise to tremendously iconic titles.
  • With the changing times and tech, some of the older classics have been long forgotten and walked over.
  • Titles like The Simpsons: Hit and Run, The Legend of Dragoon, and others deserve a modern revisit. 

There are only so many games you can call upon from the early 1990s to late 2000s that have been able to scratch that itch for you in all the right ways, offering a sensational gameplay experience bar none even decades after their initial release. Well, I’m of the opinion that some of those would benefit tremendously from a modern remake, allowing new players to get a taste of what went down back in the day.

Similar to terrific video game franchises that deserve to be revived, the following games are a cherry-picked collection of titles that made a killing during their time, with all of them boasting a high chance of success, should a remake come blessing down their way. Make sure to read until the end for the best results.

These Games Deserve A Modern-Day Makeover Bar None

And in case you feel like there are some crucial games I missed here, don’t hesitate to post a comment down below and spark a discussion.

1. Mercenaries: Playground Of Destruction

Mercenaries: Playground Of Destruction
Mercenaries: Playground Of Destruction Was Wild Back in the Day | Source: YouTube (XTG)

The first entry on the list is something I’ve made a ton of fond memories with, being the chaotic third-person shooter it is, and nothing but a complete joyride back in the day. The sequel, Mercenaries: World in Flames, is exceptional in its own right as well, featuring improved gameplay and better visuals, but the reason I headlined this with the first game is that I couldn’t help but put the spotlight on the OG first.

The sheer thrill of calling in an airstrike on your enemies in Mercenaries is a bundle of enjoyment on its own and something that would translate extremely well to a modern-day makeover, I kid you not.

2. The Simpsons: Hit And Run

The Simpsons Hit And Run
The Simpsons: Hit And Run Will Always Fail to Disappoint

The 2003-released action-adventure gem is one of the few games in time that are still missed nearly and dearly to this day, primarily because of how genuine fun this game was back in the day with its quirky humor, enjoyable gameplay, and passable graphics. It’s such a deserving game that never actually got backwards compatibility, let alone a remaster or remake.

Hit and Run is quite loved among various gaming circles, even to the point that someone, particularly a skilled game developer, remade the entire game in an open-world format. Talk about dedication.

3. The Legend Of Dragoon

The Legend of Dragoon is an RPG Done Splendid
The Legend of Dragoon Is a Classic RPG | Source: Japan Studio

What’s become much of a cult classic now, The Legend of Dragoon is an exceptionally high-quality RPG that never turned out to get the treatment it genuinely deserves. Even in 2024, the game, having been released for the PSX (or PlayStation 1) back in the day, still holds up graphically, and that alone speaks volumes about the legacy of the RPG in question.

There’s a ton of potential in the IP that I feel has gotten ignored quite a bit, but hopefully, maybe things could change for the better down the road. But when something like Expedition 33 comes along, the fire inside sure starts burning brighter for The Legend of Dragoon 2.

4. Skies Of Arcadia

Skies Of Arcadia Remaster Rumors
Skies Of Arcadia Needs to Make a Comeback | Source: Sega

I absolutely adored Skies of Arcadia on the Sega Dreamcast, even though I wasn’t a turn-based RPG fanatic at the time. The game had a certain way of sucking you in, making you feel so immersed in its breathtakingly detailed world, fun characters, top-notch story, and addictive gameplay. Even if you happen to fire up the title on a Dreamcast today, it’s going to give you the same thrills and highs as it did about 24 years ago in its launch year.

Catch a glimpse of Skies of Arcadia’s gameplay from the following video.

YouTube video

5. Chrono Trigger

If you haven't played Chrono Trigger yet, drop everything and pick it up.
Chrono Trigger Remains a Timeless RPG Throughout the Stretches of Time | Source: Square

An RPG like Chrono Trigger has been lost to the echelons of time, considering the fact that it remained an exceptional game of its time and that we’re never going to get a sequel anyway, the developer of the project confirmed earlier in the year. It’s wishful thinking I know, but here’s hoping that something changes down the line, a nerve is struck, and the action-adventure finds itself back in business.

You’ve got exceptional replayability with this game, with a surprising number of QoL additions that make Chrono Trigger stand out. The fun factor is immense, the characters are fantastic, and there’s just no reason this game wouldn’t do well with a modern take. No question about it.

6. The Warriors

The Warriors
The Warriors Is One of Rockstar’s Best Works | Source: Rockstar Games

At long last, we have at our disposal one of the finest movie tie-in games ever made, right alongside the likes of X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Spider-Man 2. The Warriors’ beat-’em-up gameplay makes for a fantastic action title that would unequivocally do great in today’s day and age if Rockstar decides to give it a little revisit.

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Huzaifa, an Online News Editor at, is a video game industry aficionado with a talent for unearthing the juiciest stories for his beloved readers. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Data Science, he dives deep into the abyss of news, meticulously dissecting every tiny detail to serve his audience. When he's not unravelling breaking news, he becomes a master storyteller, conjuring up captivating tales from the depths of his imagination. With a wealth of experience as a Video Game Journalist, he's penned his mighty words for numerous other video game outlets, leaving no video game unturned and no pixel unexplored! Experience: 4+ Years || Education: Bachelor of Science in Data Science || Previously Worked at VeryAli Gaming & TheNerdMag || Covered 100+ News Articles

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