Games That Feature Accurate Depictions Of Being Drunk Or Hungover

Talk about sky-high immersion.

Story Highlights

  • Disco Elysium is one of the best games out there that showcase how it feels to get drunk.
  • Other titles, such as Conkers Bad Fur Day and Yoshi’s Island, feel just as much like a fever dream.
  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance, an RPG, has an excellent system revolving around getting drunk as well. 

You don’t really realize the potential of video games until you’ve seen how Conkers Bad Fur Day handles its “getting drunk” mechanic. That title has the initial impressions of a kid’s game, considering the art direction and all, but let me tell you this here and now: That is not it

And it’s not just the latter that genuinely digs into the feeling of getting drunk or high, a bundle of other games follow suit, including Red Dead Redemption 2 — one of Rockstar’s all-time greats — and Kingdom Come: Deliverance, which is a personal favorite at this point.  

Follow along with the article as I recommend some of the most praiseworthy titles out there that know how to hit the right notes when it comes down to handling this ungodly feeling in-game. Oh, and in you feel like you’ve got a contribution to make to the listicle, feel free to take to the comments section down below. 

Kudos To These Titles For Nailing How One Gets Drunk In A Game

Make sure to read until the end for the best results. 

1. Disco Elysium 

Disco Elysium by ZA//UM
Disco Elysium Is Your Go-To Title for the Topic at Hand | Source: ZA//UM

All right, so for anyone who’s played the game, this is pretty much a no-brainer as far as getting drunk and then trying to solve murders on a whim goes. Disco Elysium is one masterpiece of an RPG, I’ll tell you that, and everything from the art direction and the voice acting down to the gameplay and the story is just purely top-tier. 

The depictions of getting drunk in Disco Elysium are so accurate, that you can’t help but start feeling a little hungover from just playing the game. And no, this is not hyperbole. More on the plus side, it’s more of an experience rather than a game, so I highly recommend that you dive into it blindly for the most favorable results. 

2. Conker’s Bad Fur Day

Conkers Bad Fur Day
Conker’s Bad Fur Day Came Out in 2001 | Source: Den of Geek 

Classified as a mere “tech demo” for the Nintendo 64 back in the day in the same vein as Astro’s Playroom being recognized as a demo game for the PlayStation 5, you can already tell that you’ve got a lot more to expect than just simple demonstration. Conker’s Bad Fur Day is a thriller from start to finish, featuring an introduction that’s super immersive, and really does a great job of grasping the interest of the player. 

I found the game hilarious on my first playthrough a couple of years back at a friend’s house, and never was there a moment where Conker’s Bad Fur Day got a bit too tedious for today’s day and age. Give it a shot if you can. 

YouTube video

3. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island | Source: Vulture 

While sober for the most part, Yoshi’s Island has a specific level that makes you feel as if you’re on an acid trip. It’s really unique, and I really have to hand it to the developers for coming up with such a different type of stage that’s fairly distant from the extended Mario IP. 

YouTube video

4. Kingdom Come Deliverance

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Is Set Amid The Chaos Of A Civil War In 15th Century Bohemia | Image Source: VG247
A Kingdom Come: Deliverance Sequel Is Also Coming | Image Source: VG247

I can recommend Kingdom Come: Deliverance for reasons more than one, considering how this exceptionally unique RPG handles its progression and a gigantic open world that will make you feel trivial compared to the other systems the game’s got going on for itself. The funny part is, Kingdom Come features a working feature for getting drunk that actually makes sense

When you start guzzling down that Moonshine, you’ll notice your alcohol stats rising up, and once you go full topsy-turvy, the hangover starts to kick in, hard. The game first debuffs your stats horrendously and hardens the controls for you so it’s difficult to walk, run, and fight. Pretty immersive if you ask me. 

But here’s the kicker: The RPG also offers you the opportunity to become a veteran alcoholic (if there’s something like that) which will make you immune to the side-effects of getting drunk down the road and transform you into a functional alcoholic. Not recommended, however. Your death will come sooner rather than later. 

YouTube video

5. Red Dead Redemption 2

Arthur Morgan in Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2 Is One Gem of an Action-Adventure Open-World Shooter | Source: Rockstar Games

Finally, Red Dead 2 easily deserves a spot on the list for its impeccable gameplay and one hell of a polished narrative action that will keep you hooked to your seat from start to finish. But wait, that’s not all. The game also knows how to have fun with the player, reversing the basic controls when Arthur is too much under the influence

The bar scene with Lenny is one of the best moments in Red Dead Redemption 2. Check out the following video by Noctober on YouTube and you’ll know what I’m on about. 

YouTube video

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