With The Update 8.0, Crime Boss: Rockay City Makes Heisting Fun Again

Forget the grind and grab your crew.

Story Highlights

  • Crime Boss: Rockay City’s Update 8.0 fixes the grind for loot.
  • Explore the neon-soaked criminal world in solo or co-op heists.
  • Developers are improving the game with new heists and a growing community.

Crime Boss: Rockay City, with its recent Update 8.0, has swooped in and redefined the cooperative heisting genre. Forget the frustration of Payday 3’s delays – Crime Boss is the heisting experience I’ve been craving, and it’s only getting better.

Although, Crime Boss wasn’t always that good. The launch was rough, with a progression system that felt like a chore, and the voice acting was at its worst. But the developers (bless their hearts) haven’t abandoned their game. Update 8.0 is a game-changer, and here’s why you should grab your crew and dive back into the neon-drenched streets of Rockay City.

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A New Progression System

The progression system was improved with Update 8.0, and it is now even better. There’s no need to grind hours and hours for reputation points. Now, there is no confusion about how to progress and unlock new gear, skills, and safe houses. Every heist feels meaningful because you’re actively working towards something you want. This update is considerate of my time and does not overwhelm me in terms of making reasonable progress.

Apart from the simple progression, this update also included several options for progress. There is bonus experience for completing challenges and objectives in heists, which adds replayability to each mission or heist. This keeps the gameplay fresh and rewarding, making your progression even more satisfying.

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Solo Crime Boss Or Co-Op Heists

Crime Boss combines the best of both worlds, with a strong single-player narrative and an enjoyable co-op mode. The single-player mode is a rogue-lite experience in which you control Travis Baker, a tough criminal boss. With each run, you acquire new talents and crew members, gradually expanding your criminal empire. It’s an exciting way of improving your abilities before engaging in a co-op.

Rockay City
Welcome to 90’s Rockay City | Source: Steam

Speaking about co-op, Update 8.0 takes it to the next level. The Crime Time option allows you to collaborate with friends to plan a series of heists. Communication is essential; shouting instructions, organizing distractions, and watching each other’s backs during firefights are pure fun. To keep the game interesting, new levels of difficulty are added regularly, and goals can be mixed and changed.

Not Quite Perfect, But Getting There

Let’s be honest, Crime Boss isn’t flawless. The voice acting is so bad that it is laughable. And there can be occasional glitches like guards somehow spotting you through walls. However, these are minor issues in comparison to the gameplay’s pure enjoyment.

The commitment of Crime Boss’ development team is what really makes it stand out. It’s not just been mere fixing of glitches but they have listened to what we have to say and tackled our issues. Update 8.0 is evidence of that dedication. They are definitely devoted to giving us the best heisting game.

Crime Boss: Rockay City DLCs on all platforms for a limited time free
byu/Defiant_Blacksmith56 inPlayStationPlus

A Thriving Community

Crime Boss has a strong and energetic fan base, and its developers appear to care about the community. There can also be features such as ranking systems or players being able to fight each other for the position of the ultimate crime lord of Rockay City.

According to the developers, there are many more exciting heists in the works. Every new robbery will have its own set of difficulties and opportunities through which you will have to try yourself and learn to use the abilities of your team in a new fashion.

Crime Boss Roadmap
The roadmap for future updates looks promising | Source: 505 Games

A Bright Future For Crime Boss: Rockay City

With a revamped progression system, a compelling single-player experience, and a co-op mode that’s pure chaotic joy, Crime Boss: Rockay City is the hot topic these days. The developers are certainly quite passionate about the game and as more and more DLCs and fresh content are launched, one can only presume that the gangs of Rockay City have a bright future ahead of them.

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With a committed development team, a passionate community, and an exciting roadmap, Crime Boss: Rockay City is sure to be the heisting game for many years to come. Then, are you ready to answer the call of crime? Get your group together and dive into Rockay City. Update 8.0 has made Crime Boss: Rockay City the greatest place to conduct heists, and the underworld has a bright future ahead of it.

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Fahad Shabbir is a 3rd-year computer science student with a lifelong passion for gaming. As an opinion writer at eXputer with a deep love for challenging experiences, Fahad brings a unique perspective to the table. His background in various genres and active participation in gaming forums fuel his insightful analysis of the industry's hottest topics. Expect him to dissect the latest releases, unpack hidden depths, and provide a detailed look at the ever-evolving landscape of PC gaming. Get familiar with Fahad's gaming library by checking out his Steam profile.

Covers Opinion Pieces at eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Computer Science.

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