WoW’s Format Changes Made The Great Push 2024 One Of Its Most Competitive Events

World of Warcraft fans got treated to an amazing e-sport event, thanks to some timely adjustments.

Story Highlights

  • World of Warcraft recently made some changes to its Mythic Dungeon International format.
  • This has helped to make its recent “The Great Push 2024” event extremely fun and exciting. 
  • While the long-time champion, Echo, still came out on top, it was still much closer than usual.

Recently, Echo emerged victorious at World of Warcraft’s The Great Push 2024 event. This is an annual event where the world’s best teams compete against one another to see who can clear Mythic Plus Dungeons the fastest. Fan-favorite Echo was expected to win, but the competition this time around was a lot closer than it usually tends to be.

This was because Blizzard had changed the format for The Great Push. While not everyone was in favor of these changes, personally, I think they ended up being great. The adjustments to the format included enforcement of the 1 Tank, 1 Heal, and 3 DPS group composition. This was enough to dramatically shift how different teams approach the competition, making it more competitive overall. Here’s why.

About the Author: Danish Bukhari has played World of Warcraft since 2014, both on retail and private servers. With over 1000+ hours across several characters and realms, he is an expert in the game and the discourse around it.

Teams Actually Pushed Keys

Previously, many teams taking part in The Great Push tended to have 4 DPS characters, with just one Tank. As a result, much of the first day of the competition was simply spent on playing up keys. This was generally a less fun experience for viewers, as the actual point of the tournament: pushing higher-level dungeons wasn’t achieved.  The competition, as a result, didn’t heat up until the day had already passed.

Pushing Challenging Keys Is The Whole Point Of This Tournament (via Blizzard Entertainment).
Pushing Challenging Keys Is The Whole Point Of This Tournament (via Blizzard Entertainment).

Based on the previous format, eliminations were not really based on a team’s ability to push massive keys, but on whether they could play them as fast as possible. That seems antithetical to the core idea of the tournament, which is all about teams going head-to-head to see who can push the highest keys. This adjustment might not seem huge, but it does have large implications for how the tournament functions overall.

The Competition Was Exciting

The format change helped to make the competition a lot more exciting, with many close calls and great moments. Fans are now hoping that a similar format is adopted for the game’s upcoming expansion, The War Within. Another great aspect of the change-up was that other teams got to shine this time around. While Echo still clinched the win, in the end, Mandatory was a close second

Team Echo Pulled Through Despite A Volatile Day 1 (via
Team Echo Pulled Through Despite A Volatile Day 1 (via

For a second, it looked like it was actually going to win, especially after Echo’s rough start. But their Day 2 performance blew every other team out of the water. In the end, Mandatory struggling with its Brackenhide and Azure Vault keys ended up being the deciding factor. Still, the fact that other teams got so close is pretty indicative of the fact that Echo’s dominance in the MDI and TGP circuit might be coming to an end.

If seeing all these professional players clash against one another has excited you enough to try pushing Mythic Plus keys yourself, then now is as good a time as any to hop back into the game. And for those struggling with the challenge, using a WoW boost service is also a possible option. 

The Changes Indicate Blizzard’s New Philosophy

As I said, not all WoW players might be fans of these new rule changes being introduced to The Great Push. But the fact that it led to a much more exciting experience for both the players and the spectators, is reason enough to keep it. The team behind World of Warcraft has been doing some great work nowadays. After a series of poorly received expansions, the developers really took a lot of the feedback they received to heart. 

byu/Moai_Plus from discussion

And so, they’ve been a lot more flexible with the changes being brought to the game nowadays. Some of the upcoming features teased for The War Within, like Warbands and Delves look like they’re going to further continue on this trend of giving players things they’ve been asking for a long time. Hopefully, the dev team will keep on delivering great quality. 

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Danish is an opinion piece writer at eXputer who loves sharing his takes on the industry. He is a long-time PC gamer with a passion for delving into the discussion and discourse surrounding the titles that he plays. Often eager to jump right into the fold and formulate his take on the latest topics, his noteworthy presence on gaming forums, and keen insight help him understand the gaming community in a thorough manner. This helps him provide a more nuanced look into any topic or discussion.

Writes Opinion Pieces at eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Mass Communication.

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