Wuthering Waves’ Enemy Variety Is One Of Its Strongest Selling Points

For a game in its launch state, Wuthering Waves features a variety of enemy creatures to fight and absorb.

Story Highlights

  • Wuthering Waves features a vast cast of Tacet Discords at launch.
  • You can also absorb echoes from these enemies and use them in combat.
  • The variety of enemies is only expected to grow with further updates.

Wuthering Waves was released recently and has become an extremely popular title in a very short duration. While the game has below-average story-telling, the combat and other game mechanics make up for it quite well. Another thing that Wuthering Waves does exceptionally well compared to other similar games is the abundant enemy variety, which will likely continue to grow with further updates.

Open-world gacha games are getting popular with time, owing to Genshin Impact, but there are a few things that Wuthering Waves does better than other titles in the genre. While combat may be its focus, the enemy variety is also a strong point which usually doesn’t get mentioned as much. I remember the launch of Genshin Impact a few years ago, and the only mobs you’d find often were either Slimes or Hilichurls, with a few Fatui members here and there, but that’s it.

Wuthering Waves appears to have learned from that and added a fairly decent variety of enemies at launch. Not to mention that there’s also a good variety of bosses that the player can defeat, and the weekly bosses are also fun and challenging to fight against. Furthermore, you can absorb the echoes of these enemies and use them in fights and exploration.

You can absorb the echoes of Tacet Discords after defeating them. | Image Source: eXputer
You can absorb the echoes of Tacet Discords after defeating them. | Image Source: eXputer

Abundance Of Unique Mobs

At launch, Kuro Games’ Wuthering Waves features a total of 52 different enemies (or Tacet Discords), and each of them can drop an echo on defeat, which can be absorbed and used in combat. It is an interesting feature as each of the echoes does something unique and can be an integral part of your combat if used correctly. Not only that but a few of these echoes can be used outside of combat for exploration, such as the Fission Junrock echo.

Another interesting thing about the game is that you’d often find the defensive forces of the region battling against Tacet Discords, the exiles, or the Fractsidus, which is the enemy organization in the game, much similar to the Fatui in Genshin Impact. Note that the human enemies, such as the exiles or the Fractsidus, don’t drop any echoes on defeat. It only happens when the player beats a Tacet Discord.

You can track echoes from your Data Bank. | Image Source: eXputer
You can track echoes from your Data Bank. | Image Source: eXputer

The combat becomes much more complex and fun because of this, and the echoes also double as “artifacts” which is another interesting point as you can farm as many Tacet Discords as you like, without being restricted to domains and having to use your daily resources. Note that you’ll still have to hit the domains to get leveling up and tuning materials for your absorbed echoes.


Wuthering Waves features a wide variety of enemy mobs on launch, which is a cherry on top as the game’s combat is already quite fun compared to other open-world gacha titles. There are plenty of unique bosses, and the echoes these enemies drop after being defeated can also be used in combat, adding another layer of fun and complexity to the battles.

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Wuthering Waves FandomGame8.co

Fahad is a news reporter at eXputer with a huge passion for fighting games. For the past year, he has been utilizing his skills to report on the latest and greatest in the gaming industry. Side by side with his bachelor's in computer science, Fahad has also acquired a certification in English for Journalism from Coursera. Fahad now dedicates all his time to either playing video games or reporting news at eXputer.

Experience: 1+ Years || Covers News Stories at eXputer || Bachelor's in Computer Science.

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