How To Get Better At Rainbow Six Siege? [Tips & Tricks]

Get your desired ranked with ease with these tips to become a better Rainbow Six Siege player!

Rainbow Six Siege is a game for those who love tactical, team-based shooters with immense lethality and consistent chaos. The game’s online CO-OP missions and PUG matches are all of the hype these days. Hence, getting better at Rainbow Six Siege can be a bit challenging.

Especially considering the fact that the most popular games have the most skilled gamers that play the game on a daily basis. However, don’t worry we’ve got you covered. Read on if you’re here to get better at Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege.

Key Takeaways
  • The best ways to get better at Rainbow Six Siege is to:
    • Play with a full squad to increase odds of winning.
    • Explore maps for unique spots and callouts.
    • Plan moves before each round for optimal execution.
    • Prioritize precision and agility in gunfights, aiming for headshots.
    • Avoid chasing opponents and prioritize staying alive.
    • Invest in a good headset for clear audio cues.
    • Coordinate operator choices with team strategy.
    • Customize loadouts to suit preferences or map conditions.
    • Remain aware of surroundings, avoiding duplicate coverage by teammates.
    • Prioritize strong defense for victory.

How To Get Better At Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege?

It doesn’t matter if you’ve given enough time to the training session of the game you’ll still get dominated in some ranked matches just because your opponent might have the idea of some quirky tricks which you don’t have any idea about.

After spending a handful of hours with the game, I’ve come out with some profitable tips to help improve your game and possibly get better in Rainbow Six Siege.

It doesn’t matter if you think that you’re getting rekt in the Ranked matches. Follow these tips and you’ll become a ranked pro very soon.

Try To Operate With A Full Squad

Queue with your squad
Queue with your squad [Screenshot by eXputer]
Don’t get into a rank queue unless you have 5 people to play with. Random players might not be good enough and you’ll encounter difficulties while interacting with them. The best idea is to play with your friends or gaming buddies you are comfortable playing with.

Discover The Maps Completely

Discover the maps
Discover the maps [Image by eXputer]
You have to remember the differences and signs of all the locations. Understanding which floors are breachable and which are not is a skill that can win you a match against strong opponents.

You can build a murder hole in the breachable walls by meleeing or shooting a couple of shotgun shells. It’s pretty unconventional as around 25% of all the players use this tactic.

Plan Your Strategies

Be authentic
Be authentic [Image by eXputer]
Planning is a huge aspect of How to get better at Rainbow Six Siege. Plan your strategies for attack and defense before commencing ranked matches. Going to a ranked match without any planning or strategies isn’t a good idea, you’re going to suffer total disappointment. Sort out your flanking paths in defense.

An instance of such a method can be two flankers while the other three members of your team camp the objective. In attack, evacuate out the flankers by fighting together then go for the objective. The corresponding plans don’t always work. So, keep yourself modernized with the meta and accommodate your strategies respectively.

Be Precise And Agile In Gunfights

Aim sharp
Aim sharp [Image by eXputer]
Work with your favored operators frequently to get habitual to their gun’s recoil or bullet trajectory patterns. Your skill in terms of aiming and reflexes in a 1v1 gunfight will perceive you through every situation, and you’ll be a horror for your opponents to deal with.

Work on flick shots, drop shots, and the most essential thing, leaning.

A player with great learning skills is a force to be judged with. The angle at which you’re leaning can either create or break a gunfight.

Stay Alive At All Times, Don’t Chase Your Opponents

If your K/D ratio drops, don’t get annoyed. Don’t begin playing like a lunatic by frantically speeding your opponents. To make things easy, go ahead and utilize the cameras and drones to discover the opponents and prepare your attack.

Save the drones, and sneak them into a dark spot. Later on, use them to hunt the defenders, their gadgets, barbed wires, or traps.

Utilize Echo’s Yokai or Valkyrie’s cameras to watch where the attackers are evolving from. The legitimate intel you can gain from these gadgets will serve you more than playing for kills.

Also, the whole game depends upon your movement. If you don’t know when to move and when to actually attack your enemies you’re going to have a hard time in the ranked matches. We’ve attached a short clip below to give the readers an idea of good movement. We kept everything calm and approached our opponents with ease.

Upgrade Your Hearing

Hyper X Cloud Series Gaming Headset
Hyper X Cloud Series Gaming Headset [Screenshot by eXputer]
Impeccably, you need a headset that supports 7.1 surround sound, as audio signals play a tremendous part in Rainbow Six Siege. Siege is regularly pitching a variety of audio signals at you to help you get the drop on nearby enemies.

For example, whenever a charge is set, the Operator will vocalize this: if you’re nearby enough you’ll hear it, you can blast through where they’re placing the charge to dismantle the equipment or for an easy kill.

It’s deserving perceiving that crouching or crawling makes the slightest noise, but if you step on broken glass, it will make noise regardless, so this can be utilized to the advantage of a lurking enemy.

Roam Whenever You Can

For the utmost part, if you want to master Siege you’ll need to obtain team experience, but a self-sufficient solo player can help a team get an initial edge, especially if they’re on the defending team. It’s beneficial if only one or two (max) players roam, but there are obvious kills to be determined early on if you punch holes in, say, a boarded-up window and shoot out at opponents that don’t know you’re there.

Furthermore, utilizing the cameras to spot where they’ve come in and circling out behind them is an excellent way to get cheap kills or take down shield bearers for a team that’s winning its time breaching into the area of interest. You can perceive a lot of kills roaming, but if the tactic is consistently ineffective against a savvy opponent, fall back to the default of applying a full-team defensive perimeter.

Pair Your Operator To Your Team

Operators [Image by eXputer]
There’s nothing more critical than observing someone use Fuze throughout a hostage mission: it suggests that they plausibly won’t get to use his grenade-spamming particular ability, or they’ll adopt it and kill the hostage, resulting in an automated loss. More relevant, though, is pairing your Operator with what your team has selected.

Utilizing VOIP in Rainbow Six Siege is an excellent way to settle what you want offensively or defensively, but there are some Operator staples that should always be added: Thermite for attackers, and Rook (armor boost) for defenders. Especially if you’re playing versus a team that employs specific tactics, there are often great counter combinations if you match the right Operators and counter-tactics.

Customize Your Loadout

Loadout [Screenshot by eXputer]
Firstly, it’s adequate to favor unlocking Operators over customizing their weapons, but once you’ve got some attackers and defenders, begin investing in weapon customizations.

For my primary weapons (except for the shotgun), I always attach a scope, a compensator to help with recoil (or suppressor, for stealthy shots but reduced damage), and a front grip for a better handle in Rainbow Six Siege.

I favor throwing a suppressor on my pistols because they’re great for silently taking out cameras, or playing stealthily if my primary weapon doesn’t have a silencer.

Be Informed Of Your Surroundings

Scan properly
Scan properly [Screenshot by eXputer]
Next up on How to get better at Rainbow Six Siege, regularly take notes of your surroundings. Primarily don’t step in front of an area that a teammate is covering except if you’re on the other side and can create a lethal crossfire.

I’ve been killed by careless friendly players before or dealt damage to them when they’ve stepped in front of me while I’m attacking an opponent. Be attentive to walls that can be blasted behind or beside you, and try to dodge staying in the same position for too long if you’ve just been spotted, as skilled players will shoot you through the wall.

Defense Is Key

Scan properly
Scan properly [Screenshot by eXputer]
Having the best defenses in place is essential for victory. You might not have an idea of what Operators the enemy has at the start, but several teams use identical ones round after round, so you can make safe assumptions. On top of this, there are always specific things you should be doing to make it difficult for your opponent to get inside your defensive boundary.

Take a player to reinforce any hatches above your position, and communicate with your team about which walls should be strengthened, and which ones should be left open. Blocking the entire team in a single room is unusually the best idea, particularly if you’re playing the defuse missions where you may be required to shift between two points.

In the end, I’d like to mention that a lot of people try to “try hard” way too much in Rainbow Six Siege. The method to glory is to always stay patient and practice calculated risks to avoid failure. An insane play achieved with a cool mind has a higher chance of succeeding than one done while you’re raging at the enemy for killing your way too many times. Good luck!

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Martin Bell is a News Writer on eXputer who’s been invested in the latest technology and games since the very early years of his childhood. He’s clocked in several hours into CS:GO and other eSports games and is enthusiastic about PC hardware. His passion for gaming and PC hardware shows in the News stories that he breaks for his audience. He is a professional journalist who loves networking with people in the industry to catch the latest scoop before it hits the mainstream media. Experience: 5+ years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Broken 250+ News Stories || Mainly Covers News Articles on eXputer

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