Humankind Vs Civilization 6: Which Is Better?

In Humankind vs Civilization 6, the main difference is Humankind is faster paced while Civilization 6 is a slow paced game.

The Humankind vs Civilization 6 debate is hotly contested because both titles share similarities in developing a nation and culture, battling for survival, and strategic planning. On the other hand, both titles have various differences in retrospect to each other. 

Key Takeaways
  • Humankind and Civilization 6 are both turn-based strategy games that require players to build their civilizationmanage resources, and engage in diplomacy and warfare.
  • Civ 6 and Humankind both have victory conditions, including military, cultural, scientific, and diplomatic.
  • Here are some of the comparisons:
    1. Humankind: customizable cultural progression
    2. Civ 6: historical accuracy, linear progression
    3. Humankind: faster pace, streamlined gameplay
    4. Civ 6: slower pace, more city management
    5. Humankind: no unit stacking, more strategic
    6. Civ 6: unit stacking, complex tactics, crowded battles
    7. Humankind: strategic unit positioning in combat
    8. Civ 6: terrain and tactics influence combat

Comparison Between Humankind And Civ 6

Here’s a quick comparison between Humankind and Civ 6. This comparison table includes some major aspects of the two games like the pacing, combat, and progression:

GamePaceUnit Stacking CombatCity Management Progression
HumankindFaster paceNo unit stacking, more strategicStrategic unit positioning in combatManage Empire as a whole Customizable cultural progression
Civ 6Slower paceUnit stacking, complex tactics, crowded battlesTerrain and tactics influence combatManage Individual Cities Historical accuracy, linear progression


While exploring the different aspects of Humankind vs Civilization 6, we will first discuss their similarities. Both of these games are similar in terms of the following:

  • Gameplay Mechanics.
  • Cultural Progression.
  • Diplomacy and Warfare.
  • Victory Conditions.

Gameplay Mechanics

Gameplay of Civilization 6.
Civ 6 gameplay screenshot. [image by us]
Gameplay of Humankind.
Screenshot of Humankind gameplay. [image by eXputer]
The gameplay mechanics of both Humankind and Civilization 6 share several similarities, making them enjoyable turn-based strategy games:

  1. Starting with a Single City: Players begin with a single city and expand their civilization over time.
  2. Gradual Growth: Expansion involves managing resources, researching technologies, and expanding territory.
  3. Turn-Based System: Both games employ a turn-based system for unit movement, decision-making, and battles.
  4. Strategic Planning: Success requires careful planning and strategic decisions, focusing on various aspects like science, culture, diplomacy, or military might.
  5. Tech Tree: A tech tree unlocks new technologies, units, and buildings as players progress through different historical eras.
  6. Diplomacy and Warfare: Interactions with other civilizations, trade, alliances, and military conquests play key roles in both games.

Cultural Progression

Cultural progression in both Humankind and Civilization 6 is marked by different historical eras, like Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern. Advancing through these eras unlocks new technologies and units, enabling players to construct advanced structures, expand their influence, and strengthen their civilization.

This progression is a central gameplay element, guiding players from an early era through various historical periods. Effective resource management and strategic choices shape the direction and success of their civilization.

Diplomacy And Warfare

Diplomacy and warfare are essential aspects of both games:


  • Players interact with other civilizations, forming alliances, negotiating trades, and engaging in diplomatic relations.
  • Peaceful options include alliances, trade, and technology exchange.
  • Aggressive diplomacy, like espionage and sabotage, can provide advantages.


  • Warfare is turn-based and involves using military units.
  • Players manage resources and strategically position units for battle.
  • Unit types (ranged, melee) add complexity, requiring tactical decisions in combat.

These elements emphasize the importance of diplomacy and military strategy in achieving success and expansion in both games.

Victory Conditions

Both Civilization 6 and Humankind offer multiple victory conditions, though they differ in some aspects:

Civilization 6 Victory Conditions:

  1. Scientific Victory: Requires researching and launching a spacecraft to Alpha Centauri.
  2. Cultural Victory: Achieved by having the most influential culture globally.
  3. Military Victory: Conquer all other civilizations on the map.
  4. Diplomatic Victory: Gain the support of the majority of city-states and civilizations.

Humankind Victory Conditions:

  1. Military Conquest: Achieved through military dominance.
  2. Cultural Dominance: Becoming the most culturally influential civilization.
  3. Scientific Achievement: Requires researching all technologies in the tech tree.
  4. Economic Dominance: Achieved through economic superiority.
  5. Diplomatic Influence: Gained by diplomatic actions and alliances.


Now comes differences, the center of discussion of our hot topic, Humankind vs Civilization 6. Both of the games are dis-similar in terms of:

  • Unit Stacking.
  • Combat.
  • City Management.
  • Progression through different eras of history.

Unit Stacking

Civilization 6 (Civ 6):

  • Allows stacking multiple units on the same tile.
  • Complex tactical options, combining different unit types.
  • Can lead to overcrowded battlefields.


  • Units cannot stack, simplifying combat.
  • Requires strategic unit positioning and use of abilities.
  • Encourages tactical thinking and strategic gameplay.

While Civ 6’s unit stacking offers complex tactics, Humankind’s non-stacking system promotes strategic positioning and thoughtful use of unit abilities, catering to players who prefer a different level of complexity in their gameplay experience.


Both Humankind and Civilization 6 incorporate combat as a fundamental element, but they have distinct approaches:

Humankind Combat:

  • Emphasizes strategic unit positioning.
  • Units possess unique abilities that can be strategically used in battle.
  • Requires thoughtful planning and strategy for success.
    Humankind combat.
    The combat system in Humankind. [image by eXputer}

Civilization 6 Combat:

  • Terrain plays a crucial role in combat.
  • Terrain features like high ground or natural barriers can be used tactically.
  • Encourages players to utilize the environment for advantageous combat positioning.
terrains in Civ 6.
Different terrains in the realm of Civ 6. [image by us]

City Management

City management differs between Humankind and Civilization 6:

Civilization 6 City Management:

  • Focuses on individual city management.
  • Involves building infrastructure, assigning workers, and constructing buildings.
  • Each city has its set of resources and requires individual management.

Humankind City Management:

  • Employs a more macro-focused approach.
  • Cities represented as districts, placed for strategic resource optimization.
  • Emphasizes empire-wide considerations and district interactions.

The distinct city management styles offer players varied gameplay experiences, with Civilization 6 focusing on individual city development and Humankind taking a broader empire-level perspective.

Progression Through Different Eras Of History

Civ 6: Different eras.
Civ 6 is composed of different eras. One such era is shown in the screenshot. [image by eXputer]
Progressing through different eras of history varies between Civilization 6 and Humankind:

Civilization 6 Era Progression:

  • Progression via researching technologies and building Wonders.
  • Each era unlocks new technologies, units, and buildings, following a linear historical path.
  • Emphasizes historical accuracy.

Humankind Era Progression:

  • Progression through combining different cultures to create a unique civilization.
  • Offers customization and tailoring to player’s playstyle and strategy.
  • Faster pace, allowing quicker progression through different eras compared to Civilization 6.

These differences in era progression contribute to distinct gameplay experiences, with Civilization 6 offering a historically accurate, linear path and Humankind providing more flexibility and customization.

Cultures in Humankind.
Cultures in Humankind. [image by us]

Which Game Is Better?

It’s difficult to say which game is objectively better, as both Humankind and Civilization 6 offer unique and engaging gameplay experiences. Ultimately, the choice between the two games comes down to personal preference.

  • Players who enjoy a more customizable and faster-paced experience may prefer Humankind, which offers a unique approach to cultural progression and a streamlined gameplay experience.
  • On the other hand, players who enjoy a more historical and slower-paced approach to gameplay may prefer Civilization 6, which emphasizes historical accuracy and a linear path of progression.

You would now be fully aware of the similarities and differences between both games. However, the choice is all yours. If you are still confused, you can refer to the subreddit to know what exactly the players are up to.

If you are the kind of a person that prefers fast pace games, then you would probably want to go with Humankind. But if you prefer going slow and enjoying every bit of a game, Civ 6 would do it for you. Both games are highly enriched with tactics and strategies, so the overall gameplay is similar.

You will get an immense experience of dealing with cultures and cultural progression in Humankind. If you are fond of historical gameplay, Civ 6 deals more with historical and linear progression.


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Sulaymaan Ahmad is a Senior Writer on eXputer who covers all the latest and greatest games. He has an engineering background and a knack for decimating players in First-Person Shooter games. He also enjoys narrative-driven games with characters he can emotionally invest in. Sulaymaan's love for gaming has been going strong for several years which is evident on his gaming profiles at Steam and PSN. Experience: 3+ Years || Written 150+ Guides || Mainly Covers Strategy Guides on eXputer

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