Starfield: All Powers & Effects [Our Expert Recommendations]

Explore 24 transformative powers in Starfield, offering players unparalleled combat & exploration possibilities through ancient temples.

Bethesda invites players to master the art of utilizing Starfield Powers, and magical abilities rooted in ancient artifacts and temples. From manipulating gravity to peering into potential futures, Starfield offers a vast array of abilities that can impact your space-faring adventures. Whether you’re a novice explorer or a seasoned space traveler, you must make yourself well-versed with the 24 Powers in Starfield.

Key Takeaways
  • Powers in Starfield enhance combat, exploration, and strategy for a richer gameplay experience.
  • Derived from ancient artifacts, these powers are mysterious and add layers of discovery to the game.
  • Mastering these powers gives significant advantages against tough adversaries like the Starborn.
  • Temples scattered across the universe hold the secrets to unlocking these unique abilities.
  • Follow Vladimir Sall’s guidance to find hidden temples and unlock powers in Starfield.
  • Starfield’s New Game Plus offers enhanced versions of powers for greater in-game capabilities.
  • Neglecting to harness powers may limit the depth and challenge of the Starfield experience.
  • Quantum Essence, obtained from defeating Starborn, boosts power usage frequency.
  • Powers serve as invaluable tools, not just in combat but also in aiding exploration with strategic implications.

All Powers List In Starfield

Here is a quick look at all 24 Powers in Starfield, what they do & the best combat usage of each one of these powers in the game.

Serial NumberPower NameWhat This Power DoesBest Combat Usage of This Power
1Anti-Gravity FieldCreates a profound low gravity field.Suspend enemies; prevent them from shooting.
2Create VacuumHinders oxygen supply of adversaries.Incapacitate foes without engaging.
3Creators' PeacePacifies foes; they drop weapons.Retrieve weapons; calm hostile NPCs.
4EarthboundAdjusts gravity to Earth's level.Change gravitational properties.
5Elemental PullDislodges inorganic resources; attracts them.Instantly mine minerals and metals.
6Alien ReanimationRevives a deceased alien for aid.Tactical advantage when outnumbered.
7Eternal HarvestAllows flora to regrow in radius.Ensure a continuous source of resources.
8Grav DashUses gravity to thrust forward.Enhance inflicted damage temporarily.
9Gravity WaveReleases gravity wave; topples enemies.Target enemy weak points, like heads.
10Gravity WellCreates dense gravity area; compresses all.Attract and compress objects and enemies.
11Inner DemonEnemies confront fears; manifest hostile images.Divert enemy's focus.
12Life ForcedExtract life force from entities; assimilate it.Harm foes while rejuvenating oneself.
13Moon FormIncreases resistance; player becomes stone-like.Defensive stance against damage.
14Parallel SelfSummons player's alternate version from another dimension.Aids in combat; wields player's current weapon.
15Particle BeamDischarges pure particle energy beam.Inflict considerable damage to adversaries.
16Personal AtmosphereCreates unlimited oxygen zone around player.Ensure oxygen supply; enhance mobility.
17Phased TimeDecelerates universal time progression.Make everything move in slow motion.
18PrecognitionGlimpse into future events and actions.Anticipate actions and conversations.
19Reactive ShieldCreates shield; reflects incoming projectiles.Defend against bullets or lasers.
20Sense Star StuffDiscern all life forms around.Aid in navigation and strategy.
21Solar FlareReleases plasma orb; incinerates foes.Set adversaries ablaze.
22Sunless SpaceShoots icy coldness; freezes entities.Freeze any living entity in blast range.
23SupernovaDetonate with supernova energy.Cause massive damage to surroundings.
24Void FormBends light around player; almost invisibility.Use for stealth and surprise attacks.

In Starfield, Bethesda’s latest open-world RPG set in space, Powers are essentially magical abilities players can harness.

These Powers, derived from artifacts and their associated temples, offer unique combat, exploration, and interaction benefits, ranging from manipulating gravity to foreseeing future actions. Players can unlock and utilize these abilities throughout their game journey, enhancing both offensive and defensive capabilities.

1. Anti-Gravity Field

Anti-Gravity Field
Anti-Gravity Field (picture credits: eXputer)

I discovered that the Anti-Gravity Field power produces a field of profound low gravity, showcasing a planet’s intrinsic strength. With a cost of 45 energy units, this power can suspend enemies in the air, making them momentarily unable to shoot.

For players just starting in Starfield, this will be the inaugural power unlocked, and its associated temple can be located on Procyon III.

2. Create Vacuum

Create Vacuum
Create Vacuum (picture credits: eXputer)

I discovered that by utilizing the Create Vacuum power in Starfield, players can hinder the oxygen supply of adversaries within its effect radius for a set period. At the cost of 25 energy units, I was able to strategically defeat my enemies without directly fighting them.

3. Creators’ Peace

Creators' Peace
Creators’ Peace (picture credits: eXputer)

A power that emanates tranquility, Creators’ Peace in Starfield, when invoked, pacifies all foes within its radius and forces them to drop their weapons. For 25 energy units, this power not only brings peace but also allows players to retrieve those weapons.

Moreover, from my experience, if villagers or other non-enemy NPCs become hostile, this power can also calm them down. The path to obtaining this power is through the Artifact Nu, which is found during the mission titled “All That Money Can Buy.”

4. Earthbound

Earthbound (picture credits: eXputer)

A reminiscence of home, the Earthbound power in Starfield adjusts the surrounding gravity to mimic Earth’s gravity levels for a set duration. It’s an affordable power with a cost of 15 energy units and in my opinion, can be used strategically to change the environment’s gravitational properties.

5. Elemental Pull

Elemental Pull
Elemental Pull (picture credits: eXputer)

In the vast landscapes of Starfield, Elemental Pull from my experience proves to be a highly advantageous power. It discharges energy to dislodge inorganic resources in the vicinity and draws them towards the user.

For a mere 25 energy units, I managed to skip the use of mining lasers, as this power instantly mines minerals and metals from a planet’s surface in Starfield.

6. Alien Reanimation

Alien Reanimation
Alien Reanimation (picture credits: eXputer)

A power that blurs the line between life and death, Alien Reanimation in Starfield, for 35 energy units, revives a deceased alien, compelling it to fight alongside the player. From my experience it’s a tactical advantage when outnumbered, bringing forth an otherworldly ally from the beyond.

Note: In my opinion, Alien Reanimation is one of the most fun powers you can use in Starfield. Just having a bug-like creature following me around and fighting for me was unexpectedly enjoyable.

7. Eternal Harvest

Eternal Harvest
Eternal Harvest (picture credits: eXputer)

Nature’s rejuvenation embodied in power, the Eternal Harvest, allows previously harvested flora within a large radius to regrow. Costing 25 energy units in Starfield, it offers a continuous source of fauna nodes, ensuring that players never run short of natural resources.

8. Grav Dash

Grav Dash
Grav Dash (picture credits: eXputer)

I found out that gravity becomes a tool for momentum with the Grav Dash. For 15 energy units in Starfield, players can manipulate gravity to thrust themselves forward, enhancing their inflicted damage temporarily.

Grav Dash power, like several others, can be unlocked in any sequence following the completion of missions like “The Empty Nest” and “Power from Beyond.”

9. Gravity Wave

Gravity Wave
Gravity Wave(picture credits: eXputer)

Unleashing a formidable wave of gravity in a cone direction, the Gravity Wave in Starfield has the potential to disbalance and topple enemies. At 25 energy units, it’s not just a tool for offense in my opinion but also a way to strategically target enemy weak points like their heads.

10. Gravity Well


Gravity Well, a formidable power costing 45 energy units, creates an area pulsating with dense gravity. This potent force attracts and compresses everything in its vicinity, both objects and beings.

11. Inner Demon

Inner Demon
Inner Demon (picture credits: eXputer)

An introspective power with a twist, the Inner Demon in Starfield forces adversaries to confront their deep-seated fears, resulting in the manifestation of a hostile mirror image of themselves. For 35 energy units, it’s a strategic way to divert an enemy’s focus.

12. Life Forced


Life-forced power delves into the very essence of life, enabling the player to extract the life force from a living entity and assimilate it. At the cost of 25 energy units, it’s a dual-purpose power – causing harm to foes while rejuvenating oneself.

13. Moon Form

Moon Form
Moon Form (picture credits: eXputer)

From my experience, with the Moon Form power, players fortify themselves to the point of becoming as resilient as stone. Although rooted in place, they experience a heightened resistance to all forms of damage. It requires 35 energy units to invoke this formidable defensive stance.

14. Parallel Self

Parallel Self
Parallel Self (picture credits: eXputer)

A marvel of multidimensional physics, the Parallel Self power in Starfield summons an alternate version of the player from a different dimension. At the steep cost of 45 energy units, this doppelganger, armed with the player’s current weapon, aids in combat. Even weapons without ammo can be wielded effectively by this twin.

15. Particle Beam

Particle Beam
Particle Beam (picture credits: eXputer)

Focused cosmic energy finds its application in the Particle Beam power in Starfield. Players can discharge a beam of pure particle energy that inflicts considerable damage to adversaries in its path for just 15 energy units.

16. Personal Atmosphere

Personal Atmosphere
Personal Atmosphere (picture credits: eXputer)

Personally, I experienced that breathing becomes effortless with the Personal Atmosphere power. Generating a small zone of unlimited oxygen around the player ensures that the player’s oxygen meter remains full. With a cost of 45 energy units, it can also be used strategically to enhance mobility, especially when encumbered by heavy objects.

17. Phased Time

Phased Time
Phased Time (picture credits: eXputer)

Challenging the very fabric of temporal flow, the Phased Time power lets players momentarily decelerate the universal progression of time. By spending 45 energy units, everything seems to move in slow motion, except the player in Starfield.

18. Precognition

Precognition (picture credits: eXputer)

The mysteries of the multiverse unfold with the Precognition power. For 35 energy units, players can glimpse into the myriad possibilities of future events, anticipating actions and conversations of other entities before they transpire.

19. Reactive Shield

Reactive Shield
Reactive Shield (picture credits: eXputer)

With the Reactive Shield, players envelop themselves in an unstable antimatter shell. This dynamic shield, available for 35 energy units, in my experience not only augments resistance against attacks but also reflects incoming projectiles, making it a perfect defense against a barrage of bullets or lasers in Starfield.

20. Sense Star Stuff

Sense Star Stuff
Sense Star Stuff (picture credits: eXputer)

Bonding with the very essence of creation, the Sense Star Stuff power lets players discern all life forms around them. For 15 energy units, every living entity, be it human, alien, or Starborn, manifests as a glowing silhouette, aiding in navigation and strategy.

21. Solar Flare

Solar Flare
Solar Flare (picture credits: eXputer)

Channeling the scorching heat of stars, the Solar Flare power releases a plasma orb that can incinerate foes. At 25 energy units in Starfield, I believe that it’s a straightforward yet effective offensive tool, capable of setting adversaries ablaze.

22. Sunless Space

Sunless Space
Sunless Space (picture credits: eXputer)

The cold, unforgiving vacuum of space is encapsulated in the Sunless Space power. For 35 energy units, players can shoot a ball of icy coldness, freezing any living entity ensnared in its blast.

23. Supernova

Supernova (picture credits: eXputer)

Embodying the explosive climax of a star’s life, the Supernova power lets players detonate with the energy of a supernova. This massive explosion engulfs the surrounding area, causing tremendous damage, for just 45 energy units.

24. Void Form

Void Form
Void Form (picture credits: eXputer)

A play on perception, the Void Form power bends light around the player, rendering them almost invisible. For 45 energy units, in my opinion, it’s an invaluable tool for stealth and surprise attacks.

How To Unlock Powers In Starfield

Game Scene
How to unlock powers in Starfield (picture credits: eXputer)

The first power becomes available after completing the mission “Into The Unknown.” This mission involves locating the “Scanner Anomaly” and exploring Temple Eta, where you’ll activate a portal to obtain the “Anti-Gravity Field” power.

To wrap it up, in the captivating cosmos of Starfield, harnessing the full spectrum of Powers is paramount for any intrepid explorer. Derived from ancient artifacts and temples, these 24 distinctive abilities offer players unmatched combat, exploration, and strategic depth. In my opinion, mastering them is essential, ensuring an unparalleled and immersive journey through the vast reaches of space.

That is all about powers in Starfield. If you are interested in knowing more about the game, consider reading All Difficulty Settings in Starfield, and The BEST Starfield Backgrounds.


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Very useful guide


The megatable really made it easy to follow.

zoom zoom

in my playthrough i loved Grav Dash


Moon Form is the best

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Irfan Ansari is a Senior Editor and Guides Writer on eXputer. He has seven years of Video Game Journalism experience and has been gaming for more than 22 years. Over his editorial career, he has gained experience at multiple sites, including TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming. Irfan has also earned a degree in Writing and Editing from the University of Michigan. Learn some more about Irfan's gaming journey on his Steam, PSN, and Xbox profiles.

Experience: 7+ Years || Worked for TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming

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