Brawl Stars Tier List: Ranking All Brawlers

This tier List ranks ALL 86 brawlers according to their strengths, weaknesses, and win rates in pro play.

We present to you a Tier List that ranks all Brawl Stars Characters from best to worst. The Brawlers have been ranked in tiers ranging from S, all the way to F depending on their strength, weaknesses, overall game performance, and win rates.

A Brawler is a character that the player selects at the start of every match. Each brawler has unique basic weapons/attacks, abilities, and ultimate. Brawl Stars currently has an extensive roster of 86 Brawlers. While unlocking Brawlers can be part of the fun, it also takes time and effort since each one varies in rarity.

If grinding through gameplay isn’t your style, and you want to test the top picks, buying a Brawl Stars account with all the Brawlers unlocked is an option. Sites like igitems make this possible, letting you skip the Brawler grind and jump straight into the fun with a stacked roster.

Our list of character rankings precisely aligns with the changes introduced in the latest patch, update 07.010.

Key Takeaways
  • Currently, there are 86 playable characters (Brawlers) with unique rarities and classes.
  • Rankings based on win rate, damage, health, attack range, and utilities in various game modes.

Top Tier Brawlers: Strong base stats, impressive attack skills, versatile offense, defensive gadgets, and devastating supers.

  • Janet
  • Leon
  • Stu
  • Byron

Lower Tier Brawlers: Strong base stats, impressive attack skills, versatile offense, defensive gadgets, and devastating supers.

  • Penny
  • Bo
  • Edgar

All Brawl Stars Characters And Comparison

Let us have a quick glance at the comparison between every Brawler in our Tier List:

CharacterTierClassAttack DamageAttack rangeMovement speedProjectile speedMax Health
Byron – MythicSSupport340-51010.0720.04000.02400-3600
Ash – ChromaticSTank800-12004.67720-8205000.05400-8100
Eve – ChromaticSDamage dealer800-12009.33720.03500.02900-4350
Spike – LegendarySDamage dealer560-8407.67720.03261.02400-3600
Crow – LegendarySAssassin320-4808.67820(fast), 3000(with super)3261.02400- 3600
Stu – CommonSAssassin540-8107.67720-30003300.02900-4350
Leon – LegendarySAssassinMin range: 480-720, Max range: 192-2829.67820(fast),1070(with smoke trails)3500.03200-4800
Janet – ChromaticSMarksman 1000-15004-8.33720, 1401(with super)3500.03400-5100
Buster - ChromaticSTank660-19805.33770, 620 (while Super is active)4300.04800-6000
Bonnie - EpicSMarksman870-15009 (Clyde), 5 (Bonnie)8203000.07200
Sam - ChromaticSAssassin600-12003.0770, 970 (After Knuckle Buster)2900 (on throwing) 3600 (on retrieving)8100
Otis - ChromaticSController440-6609.07203200.03200-4800
Darryl – ChromaticATank240-3606.0770(fast), 2400(with super)3044.05300-7950
Pam – EpicASupport260-3909.0720.04130.04800-7200
Rico – Super RareADamage dealer320-4809.67720, 970(with robo retreat)3478.02800-4200
Gale – ChromaticAController280-4208.33720.03000.03600-5400
Tara – MythicADamage dealer440-6608.0720.03152.03200-4800
Sandy – LegendaryAController900-13506.0770.03500.03800-5700
Piper – EpicAMarksmanMin range: 350-520, Max range: 1520-228010.0720(fast), 1500(with super)4000.02400-3600
Belle – ChromaticAMarksman1040-156010.0720.04000.02600-3900
Lola – ChromaticADamage dealer260-3908.67720.04500.03800-5700
Rosa – RareATank460-6903.67770.05000.05400-8100
Buzz – ChromaticAAssassin420-632.67770(fast), 4500(with super)4000.04400-6600
EMZ – CommonADamage dealer520-7806.67720.01500.03600-5400
Brock – CommonAMarksman1160-17409.0720.02700.02400-3600
Meg – LegendaryATank300-4509.0770.04000.02300-3450
Colonel Ruffs – ChromaticASupport560-8409.0720.03500.02800-4200
Willow - MythicAController400-6007.33720.017502500-3750
R-T - ChromaticADamage Dealer700-186010, 3.33 (split)720 (Normal), 820 (Split)N/A3900-5850
Maisie - ChromaticAMarksman1280-19208.66720.03000.03600-5400
Mandy - ChromaticAMarksman1200-18009, 12 (Focused)720.03500, 4200 (with In My Sights)2800-4200
Chester - LegendaryADamage Dealer640-9608.33770, 1020 (with Candy Beans)800.03500-5250
Gus - Super RareASupport940-14109.33720.03600.03200-4800
Hank - EpicATank500-30003.33 (min. range), 4.67 (max. range)720, 870 (with It's Gonna Blow)4000.06000-9000
Gray - MythicASupport1160-17409720.0Instant3300-4950
Fang – ChromaticBAssassinKick: 1400-2100, Shoe: 350-5203-9720.04500.04300-6450
Tick – CommonBArtillery640-9608.67720.02000.02200-3300
Mr. P – MythicBController760-11407.0720.03000.03000-4500
Surge – MythicBDamage dealer1180-17706.67-8.67650(slow), 820(fast)3500.02800-4200
Barley – RareBArtillery760-11407.33720.01750.02400-3600
Griff – EpicBController260-3908.33720.03100.03400-5100
Gene – MythicBController960-14405.67-11.33720.03200.03600-5400
Sprout – MythicBArtillery980-14705.0720.01700.03000-4500
Mortis – MythicBAssassin900-13502.67820.02718.03800-5700
Frank – EpicBTank1240-18606.0770.05000.07000-10500
Max – MythicBSupport340-5108.33820(fast), 1120(with super)4000.03200-4800
Squeak – MythicBController1080-16207.67(long), 15.33(max)720.04000.03600-5400
Jessie – CommonBController1060-15909.0720.02870.03000-4500
Bea – EpicBMarksman800-120010.0720.03255.02400-3600
Poco – RareBSupport760-11407.0720.02500.03700-5550
Grom – EpicBArtillery1060-15907.67720.0840(normal), 3000(split)3000-4500
Bull – CommonBTank400-6005.33770, 1800(with super)2853.05000-7500
Collete – ChromaticBDamage dealer500-7508.67720, 4000(with super)4000.03400-5100
Carl – Super RareBDamage dealer660-9908.33720, 1440(with super)3000.04000-6000
Lou – ChromaticBController440-6609.33720.04000.03200-4800
8-bit – CommonBDamage dealer320-48010.0580(slow), 720(plugged in)4500.04800-7200
Nani – EpicBDamage dealer700-10508.67720.04000.02600-3900
Amber – LegendaryCControllerper flame: 200-300, Per sec: 2000-30008.33720.03400.03200-4800
Bibi – EpicCTank1400-21003.67820(fast), 920(with home run)3000.04600-6900
Dynamike – CommonCArtillery800-12007.33770(fast), 920(with fidget spinner)1900.02800-4200
Colt – CommonCDamage dealer360-5409.0720, 82(with slick boots)4000.02800-4200
El Primo – RareCTank360-5403(small)770(fast), 970(meteor rush), 1600(super)3261.06000-9000
Nita – CommonCDamage dealer960-14406.0720.02718.04000-6000
Shelly – CommonCDamage dealer300-4507.67720.03100.03800-5700
Edgar – EpicFAssassin540-8102.0820(fast), 3500(super), 1020(after super)3500.02800-4200
Jacky – Super RareFTank1240-18603.33770(fast), 928(with pneumatic booster)N/A5000-7500
Bo – CommonFDamage dealer600-9008.67720.02800.03600-5400
Penny – Super RareFArtillery940-1418.0720.03400.03600-5400

Our Tier List Picks

Here are our rankings summarized: 

Ranking Table 
Tiers Characters 
S-Tier Crow – Legendary, Spike – Legendary, Eve – Chromatic, Ash – Chromatic, Byron – Mythic, Janet – Chromatic, Leon – Legendary, Stu – Common, Otis – Chromatic, Sam – Chromatic, Bonnie – Epic, and Buster – Chromatic. 
A-Tier Tara – Mythic, Gale – Chromatic, Rico – Super Rare, Pam – Epic, Darryl – Chromatic, Rosa – Rare, Lola – Chromatic, Belle – Chromatic, Piper – Epic, Sandy – Legendary, Colonel Ruffs – Chromatic, Meg – Legendary, EMZ – Common, Brock – Common, Chester – Legendary, Mandy – Chromatic, Maisie – Chromatic, R-T – Chromatic, Willow – Mythic, Gray – Mythic, Hank – Epic, Gus – Super Rare, and Buzz – Chromatic
B-Tier  Barley – Rare, Surge – Mythic, Mr. P – Mythic, Tick – Common, Fang – Chromatic, Frank – Epic, Mortis – Mythic, Sprout – Mythic, Gene – Mythic, Griff – Epic, Poco – Rare, Bea – Epic, Jessie – Common, Squeak – Mythic, Max – Mythic, Lou – Chromatic, Carl – Super Rare, Collete – Chromatic, Bull – Common, Grom – Epic, Nani – Epic, and 8-bit – Common
C-Tier El Primo – Rare, Colt – Common, Dynamike – Common, Bibi – Epic, Amber – Legendary, Shelly – Common, and Nita – Common
F-Tier Penny – Super Rare, Bo – Common, Jacky – Super Rare, and Edgar – Epic

S-Tier Brawlers

Brawl Stars Tier List S Tier
S Tier

These are the undisputed best brawlers in brawl stars given the current meta. They have high base stats, useful attacks, and gadgets accompanied by some devastating supers. They will dominate any map with any team comp. If your goal is to grind ranked or just win games in general, you should consider giving one of the following brawlers a try.

Byron (Mythic) Byron is the top healer in the game, with attacks that deal damage and heal allies. His long-range capabilities make him an excellent carry, especially when paired with heavy damage dealers like Ash.
Ash (Chromatic) Despite being nerfed, Ash remains a top Chromatic Brawler with a large health pool and the ability to charge up his rage. Paired with a healer like Byron, they become an unstoppable combo.
Eve (Chromatic) Eve deals significant damage over long distances, and her large projectile is difficult to dodge. She can also escape from enemies and her hatchlings can absorb enemy damage and ammo.
Spike (Legendary) Spike has long-range attacks, healing abilities, and strong area control. While nerfed, he remains powerful enough to stay in the S tier.
Crow (Legendary) Crow is strong against tanks, cutting their healing in half and slowing them down. He can shut down many meta team compositions, although he requires some skill to use effectively.
Stu (Common) Stu is difficult to master but becomes one of the best brawlers once learned, earning him a spot in the S tier.
Leon (Legendary) Leon can quickly burst down enemies at close range and still deal decent damage from afar.
Janet (Chromatic) Janet’s super is challenging to land, but her attacks have variable range and deal decent damage, making her a balanced champion on release.
Buster (Chromatic) Buster excels at both long and short-range attacks, with a preference for close combat. His fast movement speed and high health make him formidable.
Bonnie (Epic) Bonnie is a hybrid brawler with long-range damage and a flexible fighting style. She can adjust her stats to suit any situation, making her a versatile choice.
Sam (Chromatic) Sam serves as a tank with significant damage output, known for durability and versatility across all modes. He is a top choice for winning players.
Otis (Chromatic) Otis excels at crowd control, consistently dealing damage and disabling opposing brawlers. However, players must be prepared for the challenges posed by his underwater creature.

A-Tier Brawlers

Brawl Stars Tier List A Tier
A Tier

These brawlers are a good and viable pick, they work well in many different team comps as some of them can dish out heavy damage, and others can help their team by healing or dealing with tanks, whatever the case, these Brawlers will help you win games or just have fun in general. If any of your favorite brawlers are in this tier you don’t have to worry about considering a different main brawler anytime soon.

Darryl (Chromatic) Darryl remains strong despite recent nerfs, boasting high damage and a massive shield while rolling.
Pam (Epic) Pam offers a balance of health, damage, and healing, particularly effective when paired with tanks benefiting from her slow healing.
Rico (Super Rare) Rico excels on maps with walls that he can bounce shots off, making him a highly viable pick in many ranked maps.
Gale (Chromatic) Gale received a significant buff to his star power, enhancing his ability to deal with close-range brawlers and tanks.
Tara (Mythic) Tara’s super remains potent for disrupting enemy teams, particularly against long-range brawlers prevalent in the current meta.
Sandy (Legendary) Sandy’s versatility, including team invisibility and stunning enemies, makes him suitable for most situations.
Piper (Epic) Piper shines at long range, able to deal devastating damage and escape from close-range encounters.
Belle (Chromatic) Belle’s solid attack range, consistent damage, and super make her effective against tanks and in various situations.
Lola (Chromatic) Lola boasts useful long-range attacks and a versatile gadget, although recent nerfs to her super have slightly reduced her effectiveness.
Rosa (Rare) Rosa remains a strong tank option despite anti-tank brawlers in the meta, still viable but slightly less dominant.
Buzz (Chromatic) Buzz offers high burst damage but requires patience to charge up his super effectively, suitable for skilled players.
EMZ (Common) EMZ’s recent rise to A-tier is due to the popularity of strong tanks in the current meta, bolstered by her second gadget allowing her to shoot through walls.
Brock (Common) Brock’s rework improved his versatility and ability to control areas with long-range damage, earning him a place in the A tier.
Meg (Legendary) Meg’s powerful mecha remains potent despite recent nerfs, still a top choice for many players.
Colonel Ruffs (Chromatic) Colonel Ruffs’ attack damage buff and ability to buff himself or teammates make him a solid choice for 1v1 situations.
Willow (Mythic) Willow’s utility with her super and puddles make her a valuable addition to any team, despite her lower health and damage.
R-T (Chromatic) R-T offers versatility across game modes with balanced stats but lacks extraordinary abilities.
Maisie (Chromatic) Maisie boasts a good health pool and significant damage output with an extensive attack range, excelling in supporting allies from afar.
Mandy (Chromatic) Mandy carries matches with her epic damage and attack range, although she struggles in close combat situations.
Chester (Legendary) Chester provides consistent high damage output and versatility across various modes, with unpredictable but effective abilities.
Gus (Super Rare) Gus focuses on healing allies rather than offense, making him challenging to master but valuable for support.
Hank (Epic) Hank offers good health and variable damage output, suitable for various game modes.
Gray (Mythic) Gray provides moderate health and damage, with high utility including a fake bullet to knock down opponents, making him useful in various situations.

B-Tier Brawlers

Tier B
B Tier

The following brawlers can work in certain game modes or team comps, but they are not a go-to option in the current. They are in the middle of the tier list as we are not actively advising you to refrain from picking these brawlers if you like playing them, nor are we advising you to necessarily pick them every game. These Brawlers can be fun to play and are used by some people but just don’t rely on them for climbing ranked as it is unlikely to work.

Fang (Chromatic) Fang received significant nerfs, moving her down from S-tier to the top of the B-tier, reducing her burst potential and counterplay capabilities.
Tick (Common) Tick’s long-range attacks and area control potential make him effective when supported by his team, although he lacks durability and struggles solo.
Mr. P (Mythic) Mr. P’s recent buffs have elevated him from one of the worst brawlers to a viable option, ranking him near the top of the B-tier.
Surge (Mythic) Surge’s ranking fluctuates based on his ability to charge his ultimate, making him viable against certain enemy compositions in the current meta.
Barley (Rare) Barley’s viability has increased due to map rotations favoring him, allowing him to stay behind cover and deal damage effectively.
Griff (Epic) Griff’s recent buffs have improved his effectiveness, particularly in dealing with tanks and navigating over walls.
Gene (Mythic) Gene’s powerful super can be risky to use against high DPS enemies, but provides utility when used effectively, although he lacks consistent long-range damage.
Sprout (Mythic) Sprout struggles against close-range brawlers in the current meta but retains some viability depending on enemy team compositions.
Mortis (Mythic) Mortis excels at dashing attacks but faces tough competition from close-range brawlers in the current meta.
Frank (Epic) Frank’s effectiveness is hindered by the prevalence of anti-tank brawlers in the current meta, making him trickier to play.
Max (Mythic) Max’s recent buffs have made her a solid option, providing support to her team in various ways.
Squeak (Mythic) Squeak has generally been underpowered since release but remains a viable option in pro play for controlling the enemy team and map.
Jessie (Common) Jessie’s effectiveness depends on map features like spawns or turrets that she can utilize, struggling otherwise.
Bea (Epic) Bea can counter tanks and excel in certain scenarios but faces competition from other long-range and anti-tank brawlers.
Poco (Rare) Poco’s consistent healing is valuable to his team but faces competition from other healers in the current meta.
Grom (Epic) Grom’s recent nerfs have balanced his dominance, placing him in the middle of the tier list as a brawler.
Bull (Common) Bull’s viability as a tank is hindered by difficulties in landing his super in the current meta.
Collete (Chromatic) Collete’s second gadget and her ability to counter tanks make her a preferred pick against tank-heavy compositions.
Carl (Super Rare) Carl’s versatility is limited by the riskiness of his ultimate on offense but recent buffs have improved his viability.
Lou (Chromatic) Lou’s recent buff to his super has improved his ranking, making him somewhat viable with decent range, attacks, and ultimate.
8-bit (Common) 8-bit excels at long-range combat but suffers from slow movement speed, making him vulnerable to being caught.
Nani (Epic) Nani thrives in open maps where her basic attacks can easily land and kill multiple enemies simultaneously.

C-Tier Brawlers

Tier C
C Tier

These brawlers are a little better than the brawlers down in the F tier, but they are still weak and not worth using in most cases, especially not in pro play. If you want to pick them for any reason, pick sparingly in other game modes such as normal battle royale, so there is no team that can lag behind due to you playing these Brawlers.

Amber (Legendary) Amber’s damage-over-time abilities are ineffective against the prevalence of tanks and healers in the current meta.
Bibi (Epic) Bibi boasts high damage and health but faces stiff competition from superior tank brawlers.
Dynamike (Common) Dynamike’s delayed and hard-to-hit attacks make him a subpar option, in need of potential rework.
Colt (Common) Colt’s high damage output is offset by the difficulty in controlling his multiple bullet attacks, making him challenging to use effectively.
El Primo (Rare) El Primo struggles with being kited and bullied by anti-tank brawlers unless he can effectively land his ultimate ability.
Nita (Common) Nita’s bear paws can sometimes hinder her team, and she faces competition from more effective brawlers.
Shelly (Common) Shelly can counter certain brawlers effectively with her kiting abilities but lacks versatility and utility, placing her at the bottom of the C tier.

F-Tier Brawlers

Tier F
F Tier

Based on all the information we could find, and first-hand experience; we have decided these to be the worst Brawlers according to the current meta in this tier list.

These Brawlers are what you call the bottom of the barrel, they are the lowest of the low in the current meta. It is better to avoid them at all costs in ranked games. Moreover, they are just not fun to play with their gameplay being flawed or very weak.

Edgar (Epic) Edgar remains at the bottom of the tier list due to his vulnerability to numerous abilities and characters in the game, making him easily countered.
Jacky (Super Rare) Despite a recent buff to her superpower, Jacky still struggles to be viable in the current meta, lacking the strength and utility to compete effectively.
Bo (Common) Bo’s slow projectile speed and difficult-to-land basic attack, combined with his easily avoidable ultimate ability, contribute to his low ranking in the tier list.
Penny (Super Rare) Penny’s position at the bottom of the tier list persists despite recent updates that failed to improve her viability, leaving her lacking in strength and utility compared to other brawlers.

Brawler Rarity in Brawl Stars

For choosing a brawler to play, the first thing a player notices is the inner rating system for the rarity of brawlers in the game itself. This rarity-based system is classified into the following 7 brackets:

  • Common
  • Rare
  • Super Rare
  • Epic
  • Mythic
  • Legendary
  • Chromatic

But these classifications are not translative to the performance of a brawler in-game. The rarity of a brawler does not decide whether it is a viable option for winning games or not, it is more of an indicator of how unique and beginner-friendly the brawler’s kit is.

Tier List Criteria

We have crafted this final tier list after weeks of extensive research, first-hand experience, and consultation with pro players; the tier list has been created while keeping in mind the rarity and difficulty of the brawlers so it may be easier to find the right fit for you. Firstly, the tier list contains a description of how strong or weak every brawler is in the current meta.

Secondly, it contains an explanation of why the brawler has been placed in its designated tier. However, if you are only looking for a short tier list presenting the names and tiers of Brawlers; you may go through the Table Of Contents given above.

After having gone through our brawl stars tier list; we believe you will now be able to confidently select the brawlers you want to play and grind with. We hope this article has generally helped you expand your knowledge and understanding of brawl stars as well. Now that you are fully up-to-date with the ups and downs in brawl stars, we suggest you turn your attention toward our tier lists of some similar top-down multiplayer games such as Risk of Rain 2 and Mobile Legends

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Community Feedback
Leonel messi_FC24

Thanks. I’m gonna tell my son Tiago all this


Edgar is really good with the Hardcore gadget. You could activate the gadget jump on someone the the super.

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Muhammad Sanan Khan is a Tier List expert on eXputer who loves to talk and write about everything related to video games. He has half a decade's worth of experience writing for video games and is also the founder of TopTierList, a website dedicated to Tier Lists and rankings only. For some reason, Sanan is obsessed with ranking things and researching what's best. Learn some more about Sanan's gaming journey on his Steam profile. Experience: 5+ Years || Founder at TopTierList || Mainly Covers Tier Lists on eXputer || Education: BBA.

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