Killer Instinct Tier List: All 29 Characters Ranked

Our Killer Instinct tier list ranks all the characters from best to worst to help you select the right ones.

Update: This Tier list has been checked against all the character changes in the latest patch Update 3.11.15.

Killer Instinct has 29 characters for you to choose from, and all of them are different in their own way. Some specialize in close-range scenarios, while others can help you handle your opponent from far away. Nevertheless, to help you select the right characters, we have curated a Killer Instinct tier list, in which we have ranked all characters from best to worst.

Key Highlights
  • Choose from 29 characters in Killer Instinct.
  • Rankings based on abilities, versatility, stats
  • Top picks: Omen, Aganos, Fulgore, Rash, Aria
  • Avoid Sabrewulf, Sadira, Orchid
  • Opt for S-Tier characters for a smooth experience.

Killer Instinct Tier List Table 

Tiers Characters 
S-Tier Omen, Aria, Aganos, Rash, Fulgore
A-Tier Tusk, Arbiter, Glacius, Thunder, Eyedol
B-Tier Shadow Jago, Spinal, Eagle, Hisako, Jago, Kilgore, Mira, Cinder, Maya, Gargos
C-Tier TJ Combo, General Raam, Kim Wu, Riptor, Shin Hisako, Kan-Ra
D-Tier Sabrewulf, Sadira, Orchid

All Killer Instinct Characters Comparison

Complete stats for the characters in Killer Instinct: 

CharacterTierRaceFighting StyleAffiliationObtained Weapon(s)Allies
FulgoreSCyborgBalancedThe Alliance and UltratechPlasma Blades, Laser, and Miniaturized Nuclear CoreUltratech
RashSBattle Toad, Human (Previously)Beat em’ upBattletoadsSmash Hits and Speeder BikeProfessor T. Bird, Zitz, and Pimple
AganosSWar Golem. Ichorien (formerly)Armored Rushdown and Armored ZoningThe Alliance, Night Guard (future member), and Ichorien (previously)GeokinesisBabylonian King, Thunder, Tusk, Ultratech, Kim Wu, Hisako, Eagle, Night Guard, and Glacius
AriaSArtificial SuperintelligenceBalancedThe Alliance and UltratechBooster Drone, Blade Drone, and Bass DroneFulgore, Cinder, Spinal, Aganos, Kan-Ra (pawn), Thunder, Riptor, Kilgore, and Eagle
OmenSDemonic EntityBalancedGargosElectrokinesisGargos (master), Mimics, Sadira, Shadows, Mira, Other Omens, and Shadow Jago
EyedolADemonic bicephalous cyclops, Undead ogre (previously human) Rushdown (Savage Head) and Zoning (Warlock Head)HimselfSpiked Mace and Skull-laced Club The Alliance
ThunderAHumanGrapplerNight Guard (future member), The Alliance, and Ultratech (temporary)TomahawksEagle (younger brother), Glacius, Tusk, (Shin) Hisako, Kim Wu, Night Guard, Aganos, and ARIA
GlaciusAUnknown extraterrestrial speciesZoningThe Alliance and Eagle (associated)CryokinesisEagle (protégé), Night Guard, Tusk, Aganos, Kim Wu, and Thunder
ArbiterASangheiliUnknownSwords of SangheliosType-1 Energy Sword, Plasma Grenades, and Type-51 CarbineSwords of Sanghelios and (UNSC) The United Nations Space Command
TuskAHuman (Immortal)Mid-range Pressure and BerserkerNight Guard (associated) and The AllianceSteel Greatsword (KI2) and Warg-Gram (KI 2013)Maya, (Shin) Hisako, Night Guard, Thunder, Eagle, Yeouiju, Kim Wu, and Aganos
JagoBHumanBalancedThe Alliance, Night Guard, and DisavowedKatana (KI 1 and 2) and Kora (KI 2013)Orchid, Tusk, TJ Combo, (Shin) Hisako, Thunder, Eagle, Aganos, Maya, Glacius, Kim Wu, and Yeouiju
HisakoBOnryō, Former HumanSurprise Grappling and Counter-AttackingNight Guard (Associates) and The AllianceNaginataKim Wu, Night Guard, Eagle, Glacius, Yeouiju, Jago, Aganos, Thunder, and Tusk
EagleBHuman (bionically enhanced)ZoningThe Alliance, Disavowed (previously), Night GuardArchery, Blade Gauntlets (KI 1996 Comics), and Bionics/RoboticsThunder (brother), Orchid, Kim Wu, (Shin) Hisako, Tusk, Night Guard, Glacius (custodian), and Aganos
SpinalBReanimated SkeletonProjectile RushdownUltratech and The AllianceCutlass, Kraken Shield (KI 2013), and Buckler Shield (KI 1 & 2)Ultratech, Kan-Ra, During Tournament ARIA, and Gargos (resurrected servant)
Shadow JagoBPossessed HumanBalancedShadow LordsBroadswordOmen and Gargos
GargosBIchorien (KI 2013) and Gargoyle (KI2)Overwhelming Area ControlHimselfAstral Powers and MinionsArmy of Omen, Shadow Jago, Dretch, Izzik, Mimics, Jago (KI), Shadows, Spinal (KI2), Sadira, and Kan-Ra
MayaBHumanProjectile RushdownThe Alliance and Night GuardTemperance & Vengeance (KI 2013) and Steel Daggers (KI2)Night Guard, Aganos, Thunder, Glacius, Tusk, Kim Wu, Eagle, and (Shin) Hisako
CinderBExperimental human-alien hybridHit and Run and Highly Mobile Frame-Trap RushdownThe Alliance and UltratechPyrokinesisARIA, Kilgore, Sadira (formerly), Fulgore, and Riptor
MiraBVampire and Human (previously)Glass CannonThe Coven and Night Guard (formerly)Blood Magic and Gloves of RasavathamThe Coven, Maya (previously), Night Guard (previously), Omen , Sadira, and Gargos.
KilgoreBCyborgSearch & Destry, ZoningUltratechHigh-caliber artillery and Twin minigunsThe Alliance and Ultratech
Shin HisakoCKami, Human (In life), and Onryō (formerly)UnknownThe Alliance and Associated Night GuardKatanaTusk, Yeouiju, Thunder, Night Guard, Eagle, Kim Wu, Aganos, and Glacius
RiptorCGenetical engineer of velociraptor-human crossbreedHit and Run and RushdownThe Alliance and Ultratech Claws & TailUltratech, Fulgore, Cinder, Kilgore, ARIA, and Sadira (previously)
Kim WuCHumanJeet Kune Do-based Kung Fu, Strong Ground Control, and Anti-ZoningNight Guard (associated) and The AllianceDragon Nunchaku (KI 2013)Yeouiju, (Shin) Hisako, Thunder, Aganos, Eagle, Night Guard, Tusk, and Glacius
General RaamCLocustHardcore GrapplerLocust HordeCombat Knife and KryllQueen Myrrah and General Karn
TJ ComboCGenetically modified HumanGrappler RushdownNight Guard, Disavowed, and The AllianceBoxing Gloves(KI 1994), MMA Gloves (KI 2013), and Wrist Wraps (KI2)Night Guard, Aganos, Tusk, Eagle, Orchid, Glacius, (Shin) Hisako, Thunder, and Kim Wu
Kan-RaCUndeadTrap Zoning and Ranged GrapplingGargos (manipulated version)SorceryEyedol (for approximately three seconds) and Spinal (ancient co-conspirator)
OrchidDHumanRushdown Disavowed, The AllianceElectrified Tonfas (KI2) and Electrified Eskrima Sticks Jago, Maya, Thunder, Tusk, Kim Wu, (Shin) Hisako, Eagle, Aganos, TJ Combo, Glacius
SadiraDHumanAerial RushdownRed Eyes of Rylai and UltratechPair of Bladed Gauntlets w/ TalonsRed Eyes of Rylai, Mira, ARIA (previously), Ultratech, Omen , Gargos, and Cinder
SabrewulfDWerewolf (lycanthrophy afflicted Human)RushdownThe Alliance and Night Guard (previously)Fangs and clawsUnknown


S-Tier characters on our list are the strongest characters in Killer Instinct. These characters have some of the best stats and offer unrivaled moves.


  • Specialty: Master of zoning and rush-down tactics.
  • Key Abilities: Utilizes Fireballs and Lasers to keep opponents at bay, excelling in both offense and defense.
Killer Instinct Tier List


  • Specialty: Combo-centric fighter with rapid execution.
  • Key Abilities: Offers a diverse range of powerful combos that are challenging for opponents to break, ideal for aggressive playstyles.


  • Specialty: Dominates with close-up power and remarkable defense.
  • Key Abilities: Despite limited mobility, Aganos boasts formidable close-range attacks and a robust defense mechanism, making him a tough contender.
Killer Instinct Tier List


  • Specialty: Exceptional range and hard-hitting combos.
  • Key Abilities: Aria stands out with her extensive range attacks and complex combos, capable of overwhelming any adversary with precision and versatility.


  • Specialty: Supreme mobility on the battlefield.
  • Key Abilities: Omen’s unmatched mobility allows for dynamic and unpredictable movement, making him a relentless foe.
Killer Instinct Tier List


A-Tier characters fall just below S-Tier characters, but they are still pretty powerful. They have some of the best attacks in the entire game and can help you quickly destroy your opponent. 


  • Specialty: Dual-nature gameplay with distinct heads for varying strategies.
  • Abilities: The savage head excels in aggressive rush-down tactics, while the warlock head adopts a more strategic, patient approach to dismantle opponents.


  • Specialty: High damage output in close combat.
  • Abilities: Thunder dominates up-close with devastating attacks, making him a fearsome adversary once he breaches the gap between him and his opponent.
Killer Instinct Tier List


  • Specialty: Long-range combat and zoning capabilities.
  • Abilities: Utilizes unique projectiles to maintain distance and control space, effectively keeping opponents at bay while dealing consistent damage.


  • Specialty: Durability and defensive play.
  • Abilities: Features high health and an energy shield for extended survivability, allowing for a defensive stance that can absorb incoming attacks while gradually wearing down adversaries.
Killer Instinct Tier List


  • Specialty: Powerful strikes with added mobility.
  • Abilities: Known for his Deflect Window, enabling automatic counterattacks, Tusk combines formidable striking power with surprising agility, offering a balanced offense and defense.


B-Tier characters are neither too powerful nor too strong. They offer decent stats and abilities, but they are nowhere near perfection. However, they can do wonders but only when in the right hands. 


  • Specialty: Health regeneration in Instinct mode.
  • Advantage: Consistently regaining health makes him resilient, especially useful for prolonged engagements.
Killer Instinct Tier List


  • Specialty: High damage output despite slow speed.
  • Advantage: Tricks to bypass enemy defenses make her a formidable opponent in skilled hands.


  • Specialty: Zoning with bird companion assistance.
  • Advantage: Can stun opponents for follow-up attacks, excelling at keeping enemies at bay.
Killer Instinct Tier List


  • Specialty: Offensive powerhouse with a full skull meter.
  • Limitation: Lacks defensive options, focusing purely on attack.

Shadow Jago

  • Specialty: Faster and more skillful than his regular counterpart.
  • Advantage: Better at zoning with stronger, faster projectiles and teleportation abilities.
Killer Instinct Tier List
Shadow Jago


  • Specialty: Demonic strength and the ability to summon minions.
  • Advantage: Minions add to his offense, making him a challenging opponent due to added battlefield control.


  • Specialty: Offensive play with versatile dagger techniques.
  • Advantage: Can break opponents’ stances and create powerful weapons, excelling in aggressive tactics.
Killer Instinct Tier List


  • Specialty: Combo-heavy playstyle.
  • Advantage: Advanced combos can overwhelm opponents, suited for players who enjoy technical, combo-driven gameplay.
Killer Instinct Tier List


  • Specialty: High-risk, high-reward attacks that can drain health.
  • Advantage: Exceptional mobility and powerful attacks make her a threat at any range.


  • Specialty: Excellent zoner with fast projectiles.
  • Advantage: Capable of keeping opponents pinned down from a distance, excelling in control and damage from afar.
Killer Instinct Tier List


C-Tier characters in our Killer Instinct tier list, are some of the worst in the game. You can’t expect them to help you do wonders during a match, and they don’t have powerful skills to offer. 

Shin Hisako

  • Strengths: Excellent in close-range combat with various attacks to counter zoners.
  • Limitations: May struggle against characters with superior zoning capabilities or those who excel in crowd control.
Shin Hisako
Shin Hisako


  • Capabilities: Possesses a mix of agility and decent attacks, with a focus on rush-down tactics.
  • Drawbacks: Lacks the overwhelming power or utility seen in higher-tier characters, making her more predictable.
Killer Instinct Tier List

Kim Wu

  • Specialty: High damage output and effective at close range, challenging to zone out.
  • Challenges: Requires a steep learning curve due to a unique playstyle, making mastery difficult but rewarding.
Kim Wu
Kim Wu

General Raam

  • Traits: Emphasizes brute strength with powerful grab and close-combat moves.
  • Weaknesses: Can be predictable and might struggle against fast or ranged characters who can keep him at a distance.
Killer Instinct Tier List
General Raam

TJ Combo

  • Advantages: A combo-centric fighter with fast movement and difficult-to-break combos.
  • Disadvantages: Reliance on combos can be a double-edged sword against opponents who can anticipate and counter effectively.
TJ Combo
TJ Combo


  • Approach: Utilizes traps to control the battlefield and dictate the pace of the match.
  • Risks: Highly dependent on strategic trap placement; ineffective if traps are consistently avoided or countered.
Killer Instinct Tier List
Kan Ra


D-Tier characters are the worst in Killer Instinct, and you must avoid playing with them at all costs. These characters aren’t worth picking as there are much better options available.


Orchid is one of the fastest characters in our tier list, as she can cover great distances quickly. However, she also happens to be one of the worst, as there isn’t much that you can do with her other than move around quickly. Sure, she has some decent moves that can help her deal a good amount of damage, but these moves aren’t something that can help you turn the situation in your favor.



Sadira is yet another character in Killer Instinct who should be avoided at all costs. This is because Sadira relies mostly on her Instinct mode, and you can’t always stay in it. Furthermore, Sadira excels mostly in her jumping attacks, so you can’t expect much from her. 

Killer Instinct Tier List


Finally, we have Sabrewulf. While the character looks badass, there isn’t much it can do. Just like the characters mentioned above, this one also fails to perform well against zoners as they can keep him at bay easily. 


Ranking Criteria

It took us days of research to create this tier list, as we had to examine the abilities and stats of every character in the game. The tier list has been carefully created to help new and even old players select the right characters for their playstyle.

The research process involved exploring different forums and watching multiple videos to develop an opinion about a character. After we did our research, we put each character in a certain tier based on the results. Nevertheless, the characters are subjective, and the rankings will differ for everyone. 

This was everything you needed to know about the Killer Instinct tier list. We have tried our best to rank all of the characters in the best possible way. It is important to remember that even if you choose an S-Tier character, it is not necessary that you’ll perform well with him.

This is because the style of the character might not suit you, and you might perform better with an A-Tier character. For this reason, it is important to try out multiple characters before sticking to one. Before leaving, make sure to check out our Dead By Daylight tier list as well. 

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Haddi is a Senior Writer at eXputer who loves to play games and talk about them like a fanatic. Hadi's years of experience in this industry let him provide a unique and critical perspective on games to share with his audience. His work is also featured on several other websites. You can hit him up on his gaming profile at Steam!

Experience: 5+ years || Previously Worked At Gamepur, Gear Siege, GearNuke

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