WWE 2K24: Best Wrestlers [Personal Favorites]

With over 500+ hours of WWE Games experience and as a Pro Wrestling fan, these are my picks for the best wrestlers.

As someone who’s been playing WWE games since childhood, various wrestlers in them have heavily enthralled me at a young age. In WWE 2K24, my list of the best wrestlers heavily depends on my real-life favoritism toward them, hence why, despite their overall rating, these are generally the ones I like the most due to their character and moveset.

  • Author’s Note: I have been playing WWE Games from my PS2 days, including being up-to-date on almost every main WWE 2K entry and having a Pro Wrestling hobby for over 10+ years now. So you can rely on my expertise for the best wrestlers in WWE 2K24.
Key Takeaways
  • There are 250+ playable wrestlers in WWE 2K24, out of which I’ve ranked my top 10.
  • Each wrestler in WWE 2K24 is distinguished and classified based on weight class, playstyle, and overall rating.
  • Wrestlers have their own special moves called Signatures and Finishers, along with a list of combos.
  • My personal favorite picks include Cody Rhodes, Asuka, and the late great Bray Wyatt, AKA The Fiend.

My Top Picks And Comparison Between Them

Below is a summary of the best wrestlers in WWE 2K24:

NO.WrestlerRatingTypeWeight Class
10Seth “Freakin” Rollins93TechnicianLight Heavyweight
9Sami Zayn87TechnicianLight Heavyweight
8Jey Uso90StrikerHeavyweight
7Asuka90StrikerLight Heavyweight
6Bianca Belair95PowerhouseHeavyweight
5Rhea Ripley96PowerhouseHeavyweight
3The Fiend Bray Wyatt92PowerhouseHeavyweight
2Roman Reigns97PowerhouseHeavyweight
1Cody Rhodes93TechnicianLight Heavyweight

10. Seth “Freakin” Rollins

The Visionary, Seth “Freakin” Rollins. (Image by eXputer)
WEIGHT CLASSLight Heavyweight
  • Why I Chose Him: Seth has a versatile moveset in this game, ranging from a couple of high-flying attacks to having a unique offense due to being a Technician.
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Seth Rollins has always been my favorite ever since his singles run after parting ways with the Shield in 2015. Even in 2024, I can safely say he’s the most charismatic professional wrestler from his current run under the Visionary gimmick as the World Heavyweight Champion and a future Hall of Famer with his countless achievements in WWE.

  • Signature and Finishers: Seth’s major signature and Finishers include the Pedigree from Triple H, as well as a Corner Buckle Bomb that he uses from time to time. His main and unique finisher is the Curb Stomp.
  • Favorite Combos: My personal favorite combos include the Visionary Forearm and Standing Shiranui, all great attacks to utilize for mix-ups.

9. Sami Zayn

wwe 2k24 sami zayn
Sami Zayn. (Image by eXputer)
WEIGHT CLASSLight Heavyweight
  • Why I Chose Him: Sami is not only my most underrated Wrestler but also has some unique finishers in his arsenal, such as the Helluva Kick.
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Sami Zayn rose to Main Event status during his Bloodline storyline, capping it off in a Tag Team match at Wrestlemania with Kevin Owens against the Usos. However, right now, he isn’t involved much in anything, so I hope WWE puts him back in the Main Event spotlight once again later this year.

  • Signature and Finishers: Includes his unique Helluva Kick in the Ring Corner and his Top Rope Brainbuster, which goes back to his El Generico days.
  • Favorite Combos: My recommended combos from Sami’s move-set include both iterations of the Half & Half Suplex combos and the Michinoku Driver 4.

8. Jey Uso

wwe 2k24 jey uso
Main Event Jey Uso in his brand-new entrance. (Image by eXputer)
  • Why I Chose Him: Jey may lack combos in a few ways, but he makes it up for me by being the most adoring singles wrestler in WWE, only second to Cody Rhodes, in my opinion.
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Jey Uso, now dubbed “Main Event Jey Uso,” became my favorite ever since his rise to popularity back in 2020 when he fought Roman Reigns at Hell in a Cell. Currently, he’s far from his days with the Bloodline faction, and I honestly can’t wait for his first-ever singles Championship run in the unforeseeable future.

  • Signature and Finishers: One of Jey’s signatures is the Running Hip Attack, reminiscent of his Dad Rikishi’s move, and the Uso Splash and Spear are his two Finishers.
  • Favorite Combos: Jey has some flashy combos as he likes to do a few crowd-pleasing taunts in between combos, but my favorites are both the Superkick ones and the simple Enzuigiri 4.

7. Asuka

wwe 2k24 asuka
The Empress of Tomorrow, Asuka in her Kana persona. (Image by eXputer)
WEIGHT CLASSLight Heavyweight
  • Why I Chose Her: One of the most versatile female wrestlers focusing on Submission-based moves and my favorite wrestling entrances ever.
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I regret not knowing about Asuka since her previous ventures in the Japan Indy Wrestling circle, but thankfully, her debut in WWE’s NXT proved to me why she’s aptly nicknamed the Empress of Tomorrow. In WWE 2K24, she rocks a facepaint, one that traces back to her early work in the indies as Kana, her villainous gimmick.

  • Signature and Finishers: Asuka’s Signatures consist of the Empress Combination, a set of kicks to the opponent, and the Running Hip Attack. Lastly, her Finisher is the Asuka Lock Submission move.
  • Favorite Combos: Asuka has a variety of combos, but my favorite ones are the Fujiwara and Cross Armbar, which transition into submission moves, and also the spinning backfist combo.

6. Bianca Belair

wwe 2k24 best wrestlers
The self-proclaimed EST of WWE Bianca Belair. (Image by eXputer)
  • Why I Chose Her: One of the most versatile female wrestlers focusing on Submission-based moves and my favorite wrestling entrances ever.
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Bianca Belair is not only one of the Cover stars for WWE 2K24 but also one of the best female wrestlers in the world right now. There’s a reason why she’s the “EST” in everything from the greatest to the strongest, as she has a hard-hitting move-set and is incredibly adored by fans worldwide.

  • Signature and Finishers: Bianca’s Signature comprises the Standing Shooting Star and Glam Slam, while the Finisher is called KOD (Kiss of Death), a powerful Argentine Facebuster.
  • Favorite Combos: Bianca’s entire move-set is brutal, consisting of my personal favorite combos, such as the Spinebuster 17 and Rear Clothesline.

5. Rhea Ripley

wwe 2k24 best wrestlers
Mami Rhea never disappoints in her entrance. (Image by eXputer)
  • Why I Chose Her: The current Woman’s World Heavyweight champion, one of the greatest female athletes, and with a stunning display of moves to her kit in WWE 2K24.
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Rhea Ripley is easily my favorite female wrestler in WWE, and part of that might be due to her in-ring prowess and also her gothic gimmick. But that aside, she’s had a great championship run all this year, and I’m looking forward to her match against Becky Lynch at Wrestlemania 40 in April.

  • Signature and Finishers: Rhea’s main signatures include the Electric Chair Facebuster and Snakebite, but her Finishers are the best with the Riptide Slam and the Prism Trap Submission maneuver.
  • Favorite Combos: After playing solely with Rhea in Universe mode, my most used combos are Snapmare Knee Smash 1, Thrust Kick 1, and the Knee Lift 9.

4. Gunther

wwe 2k24 best wrestlers
The Ring General Gunther. (Image by eXputer)
  • Why I Chose Him: Gunther’s marvelous in-ring work has been translated incredibly well in WWE 2K24, making him one of the best wrestlers to play with.
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Gunther, AKA the Ring General, and one of the longest-reigning Intercontinental champions, is the Best Wrestler in WWE 2K24 with a diverse move-set and the most enigmatic characters. In my opinion, his overall rating should’ve been higher, considering the work he’s put in throughout the year and having five-star-worthy matches.

  • Signature and Finishers: Diverse in style, two renditions of the Rear Naked Choke, Diving Body Splash, and Krossline with two normal finishers ranging from the Powerbomb to the Emerald Flowsion.
  • Favorite Combos: Gunther’s signature ringwork revolves around sending chops to the chest, so most of the Chop combos are pleasing to use, but my noteworthy recommendation is the Stalling Butterfly Suplex.

3. The Fiend Bray Wyatt

wwe 2k24 bray wyatt
The terrifying and deadly, Fiend Bray Wyatt. (Image by eXputer)
  • Why I Chose Him: Bray Wyatt passed away sooner than anyone would’ve expected, and like me and other fans worldwide, his memory still lives on via his various gimmicks, including The Fiend.
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Bray Wyatt, unfortunately, passed away this past year, but thankfully, he left behind a fantastic legacy for fans to experience in his memory. You can experience almost all of his characters in WWE 2K24. Still, I specifically chose The Fiend persona due to how memorable it was for being the most terrifying gimmick since The Undertaker.

  • Signature and Finishers: Two of each, but both iconic as the Signature is Sister Abigail, a move Wyatt retained from his debut, and the Mandible Claw Finisher, a ruthless submission technique.
  • Favorite Combos: Due to his Powerhouse class and physique, The Fiend doesn’t have too many special combos, but my most used one is the Swinging Gutbuster 1, a great grapple combo.

2. Roman Reigns

wwe 2k24 roman reigns
The Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns. (Image by eXputer)
  • Why I Chose Him: He was also one of the highest-rated and overall best wrestlers in WWE 2K23 and relatively maintains that in WWE 2K24 as the longest-reigning WWE Undisputed Universal Champion.
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The Tribal Chief’s presence on this list was certainly expected, but he quite frankly deserves that since Roman’s entire Head of the Table gimmick since he turned heel back in 2020 has been pure cinema.

  • Signature and Finishers: The most notable Signature move is the Superman Punch, along with the Spear as the finisher; however, you can also combine the two as a Super Finisher.
  • Favorite Combos: Roman has an assortment of combos that can all work amazingly, but my personal picks are the School Boy-Plex, Suplex Toss 2, and the Powerslam 2.

1. Cody Rhodes

wwe 2k24 best wrestlers
The American Nightmare, Cody Rhodes, in all his glory. (Image by eXputer)
WEIGHT CLASSLight Heavyweight
  • Why I Chose Him: The cover athlete of the Standard edition and my personal attachment to him ever since I saw his rise to stardom in AEW.
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The American Nightmare Cody Rhodes is the best wrestler in WWE 2K24, with a move-set that his generational family also used, showcasing that wrestling indeed has more than one royal family.

  • Signature and Finishers: The most notable Signature move is the Superman Punch, along with the Spear as the finisher; however, you can also combine the two as a Super Finisher.
  • Favorite Combos: You can pretty much use any combo you want since they’re viable, but my favorite one was the Half Hatch Knee Strikes.

Honorable Mentions

Below are a few wrestlers from WWE 2K24 that I couldn’t manage to fit into my list but are worth mentioning since I adore them equally:

  • Becky Lynch: The Man, AKA Big Time Becks, just like Rhea and Bianca, has a high overall rating and a fantastic cross-armbar submission technique as a finisher.
  • AJ Styles: One of my favorite wrestlers since his debut in WWE 2K17, who, despite being toned down to mid-card status, is still heavily loved by hardcore fans.

My Take On The Best Wrestler

Aside from the rating and a few playstyle differences, the best wrestler comes down to your personal preference, so feel free to let me know who your favorite is and for what reasons in the comments box below!

This brings me to the end of my guide. If you have any questions or queries, feel free to reach out to me. For more guides, stay tuned to eXputer!

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Community Feedback

Nice list, Would\'ve loved to see some classic picks like Undertaker, John Cena and Randy in ths list too.

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Usama Mehmood is a Games Specialist, and writer on eXputer who's either hunting for the richest loot in Destiny 2 or endlessly playing his favorite games such as Yakuza or Final Fantasy. Usama has been gaming for 15+ years during which he has accumulated 4000+ hours on Destiny 1 & 2. His constant adoration for video games has allowed him to pursue eXputer as a platform to showcase his striving talents in writing helpful articles. Get familiar with Usama's extensive gaming library on his Steam, PSN, and Xbox profiles.

Experience: 2+ Years || Mainly Covers Reviews And Guides || Education: Bachelors in Physiotherapy.

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