Bloodborne X Minecraft Interview: Modder Aims To Complete Project By 2025

We might get Bloodborne in Minecraft sooner than its PC port.

Story Highlights

  • Bloodborne X Minecraft mod has been in development for around two years.
  • It has been highly praised for offering a similar atmosphere to the original title in the Minecraft world.
  • We interviewed Potomy, the project’s lead, over an email Q&A session.

When you come to think about it, Minecraft and Bloodborne are two completely different titles that offer unique experiences to fans. One is a sandbox game with endless replayability potential; the other is Soulsborne, which has inspired many current action role-playing titles, like Remnant 2 and Lies of P.

Despite the massive popularity of Bloodborne, FromSoftware hasn’t touched the title in nearly a decade, and fans have now taken it into their own hands to bring new content to the community. One of those comes in the form of a mod, the developer of which came up with a unique idea, bringing Bloodborne to Minecraft and letting gamers enjoy the title in a new setting.

The results of the Bloodborne X Minecraft mod have been amazing, as players can easily travel through Yharnam – a fictional city in the game- and fight against creatures of the original title. To learn more about this ambitious project, we spoke with Potomy over an email interview

Bloodborne X Minecraft
Bloodborne X Minecraft Mod Offers Unique Experience For Fans – Image Credits: Potomy Official Twitter.
Could you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your work?

Potomy: I go with the name Potomy online, and I am the lead of the BB x MC project.

How did the idea of merging two very different concepts come to your mind?

Potomy: It was a process. Just like how whenever you have an idea, you take action. And upon that, you will see what will happen. From there, you will receive another idea that will essentially carry you to what you wanted to do initially. That led to what we’re currently doing.

You have been working on the project for over 2 years. What has the journey been like? And how much of your initial vision have you been able to translate into the playable version of the mod?

Potomy: It has been, and still is, a long yet short ride so far. I feel this project mirrors the same fundamentals of life. Countless conflicts and problems, yet we help each other and overcome the obstacles to achieve the vision, the goal we strive for. To answer the question, everything is a work in progress. However, I have this feeling that everything will work out. Nonetheless, we shall see.

Bloodborne X Minecraft
Bloodborne X Minecraft Mod Has Been In Development For Around Two Years – Image Credits: Potomy Official Twitter.
What are some of the major challenges you encountered during development?

Potomy: Developing a simple Minecraft mod to a game engine where people who don’t know programming can develop games in Minecraft using the engine we are making. The major challenges are and still are leading and managing the project.

How did you implement the AI behavior for each enemy to ensure they are as close to the original concept as possible?

Potomy: This part is working in progress atm. The current state of our development is building the foundation for creating such complex behavior, but again, all we know is time will tell.

Over time, you have received a lot of feedback and support from the community. How has that aided you with the mod's development? Do you have a certain method for how you consider adding new fan-requested content?

Potomy: Helps Immensely. All the unconditional love and excitement from our community is what I call home for others and, of course, myself. This provides us with a feeling of pure love and happiness, and that is one of the things that supports our team and me. Ah, fan-requests. We have received ideas that we also want to add, but we shall see.

Bloodborne X Minecraft
Bloodborne Offers A Dark Atmosphere – Image Credits: Potomy Official Twitter.
Will the mod have gameplay systems such as Insight and work similarly to how it does in the actual game?

Potomy: I want to make it just like the game, but things could change.

Is the combat going to be traditional Minecraft combat or a recreation of the action gameplay in the original game? One of the videos has a brief glimpse which hints at the latter.

Potomy: I can see the vision of myself playing the mod with all the combat and system, and I really want to remake it just like the game.

Creating a mod of such scale is a big challenge, especially when you don't have the budget of a studio. How do you balance both your real-life activities and your passion?

Potomy: I just do it. The support from my family, friends, and our community is what makes our goal a reality. With that, every day, I strive my best to meet and exceed the expectations of our supporters and community.

Bloodborne X Minecraft
Bloodborne Will Celebrate Its 10th Anniversary Next Year – Image Credits: Potomy Official Twitter.
So far, where does the mod stand in terms of completion? And how long do you think it would take before it reaches its final state?

Potomy: Ideally, it would be nice if we’re able to finish the project by the 10th year anniversary.

Which other FromSoftware title do you think would fit well in Minecraft?

Potomy: Everything works. But what I think is essential is to be able to convey the essential gameplay mechanics and design so others who don’t play Souls games can experience the genre.

How do you feel about Bloodborne not being on PC?

Potomy: I feel nothing now. It is what it is.

Bloodborne X Minecraft
The Mod Has Received Massive Appreciation From The Community – Image Credits: Potomy Official Twitter.
Another project that took inspiration from this IP, Bloodborne Kart, ended up getting caught in some legal issues, ultimately changing the name to Nightmare Kart. Are you concerned that something similar might happen to your mod if it gains a lot of attraction?

Potomy: I cannot say no, but neither can I say yes. Everything we made is from scratch 0. While, of course, we are recreating the game and getting direct inspirations and references, there are no files or anything taken or used from the original game.

Is there anything else you would like to share with the readers? Something we haven't touched upon yet.

Potomy: I would like to mention that I can not confirm anything about the above yet, though I can confirm one thing. One of my motives for this project is to spread the love and passion of this game to both communities and share the inspiration and creativity sparks as possible. Life could feel permanent, yet it is not. Nothing will matter in the end, but what matters is the feelings we have in the present and how they can impact the future world. I want to bring more positivity and inspiration to the world, so no matter what happens, I will keep doing my best.

YouTube video

Bloodborne X Minecraft mod has been in development for around two years and has seen great progression in recent times. While the original game is nowhere to be found on the PC, fans can enjoy this project until FromSoftware decides to release a PC port of the title. We extend our gratitude to Potomy for taking part in this interview. 

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Mudassir is a seasoned journalist with a passion for uncovering the stories behind our favorite virtual worlds. Armed with a trusty notepad and a keen curiosity, he dives headfirst into the gaming industry's most exciting personalities. His knack for insightful questions and his ability to connect with developers and gamers alike makes his interviews a must-read. While on the lookout for the next person to interview, Mudassir keeps himself busy by writing news surrounding the gaming universe. Experience: 4+ Years || Senior Journalist || Education: Bachelor's in Psychology.

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