Apex Legends Latest Patch Does Not Fix Leveling Up Reward Bug

After almost two weeks of waiting, the most recent Apex Legends patch fails to deliver the promised fix for the players not receiving correct rewards when leveling up.

Apex Legends has been in the hot waters for two weeks after the release of its new Season, Haunted. Since the launch of the new Season, Haunted, players have constantly faced many major bugs. So far, the development team has not been doing much about those bugs, and players constantly complain on different forums.

The most prominent bug of the bunch was where players were not receiving the correct reward when leveling up. Just after the day of this issue, Respawn Entertainment took note of that on its official account on Twitter, @Respawn. It said, “We’ll provide an update in this thread as soon as we have one. Appreciate your patience with these new changes.”

After almost two weeks of waiting, Respawn Entertainment has finally released a patch that will address some of the most common bugs. The company addressed four major issues in its patch, including the banner and weapon upgrade bugs. However, the issue of players not receiving correct rewards is yet to be resolved. 


The first issue is that players sometimes could not upgrade their weapons in Arena matches. This recently released patch finally addresses this annoying issue. The second issue that this patch addresses in Apex Legends is the one where whenever players would collect the banner while wearing the Heartthrob cosmetic for Seer and the Wastelander cosmetic for Rampart, the game would crash.

Another two common bugs that Apex Legends players faced were with a Legend, Vantage. The first one wouldn’t let Vantage use the Knockdown Shield while being knocked and using her tactical ability, Echo Relocation. The patch finally addresses this, and players can now use these features normally with Vantage. 

Lastly, whenever Vantage would respawn, her range indicator would disappear, and Respawn Entertainment also fixed this issue. That said, the main issue with the new Season in the game is still present, and the development team is looking into it. While replying to a tweet, it said, “We’re still working on the fix for this but will let you know when it’s ready and in the game.”

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Saqib is a Senior Guides writer at eXputer with multiple years of writing experience. His love for RPGs, Roblox, and mobile games knows no bounds. In his free time, Saqib is on yet another adventure with Roblox or free roaming in RPG. Saqib has completed a Journalism degree and worked for notable gaming sites including DualShockers and Gamepur. You can follow Saqib's gaming activity on his Steam profile.
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