Deltarune Will Release After Chapter 4’s Development Is Finished

Sooner than expected, but with a catch.

                                                                           Story Highlights

  • Deltarune is an adventure RPG game developed by Toby Fox and is a sequel to Undertale.
  • Deltarune will now release soon after the completion of Chapter 4 with Chapter 5 added Post-launch.
  • Previously, Deltarune was supposed to be released as a full package including Chapter 5. 

If you’re like me and have been eagerly waiting for an update concerning Toby Fox’s upcoming Deltarune, it turns out we have some good news for you today. In a recent blog post, Toby Fox confirmed that Deltarune will launch soon after the completion of Chapter 4. Previously it was suggested that the game would launch following the completion of Chapter 5 after which the game was planned to release as a complete package.

My original plan was to release Chapter 3, 4, and 5 together. However, the finish line of Chapter 5 is still pretty far off… and I don’t think anybody really wants to wait that long to release anything. Especially me.”

Toby Fox says that chapter 5 of Deltarune is still far into the future, further adding that he doesn’t want to wait that long for a proper release of the game. He confirms that it will be available for purchase once Chapter 4 finishes development which should happen sometime soon. He also adds that a substantial amount of work has already been done on Chapter 4. 

Chapter 4 already has a very substantial amount of cutscenes and enemy work done. Also, I’ve hired a new producer whose entire job it will be to speed up the overall game development for future chapters. So, I feel very optimistic about the next steps of this project.”

Toby Fox ended his announcement by stating that he’s putting a halt on development updates until the project is near completion or if “something funny happens”. Deltarune is an RPG title inspired by titles such as Earthbound and The Legend of Zelda. It is set after the events of Toby Fox’s last game “Undertale” and takes place in a world where humans and monsters have chosen to set aside their differences and live together.

Also Read:

As someone who loves Undertale and played the first two chapters of Deltarune, I can say with no hesitation that if the quality persists as it has until now then we are truly in for a special experience. Currently, Chapters 1 and 2 of Deltarune are available to play for free and it is something I highly recommend players check out.

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Toby Fox

Nameer Zia is a video game News Writer on eXputer obsessed with hunting down all the latest happenings in the industry. Nameer has been gaming for more than 15 years, during which he has spent more than 3,000 hours on Overwatch 1 & 2. As a literature student, his literary chops feed into his passion for games and writing, using eXputer as the medium to deliver the latest news in the industry. Websites such as GamingBolt and IGN have also credited his works.

Experience: 4+ Years || Previously Worked At: Tech4Gamers || Education: Bachelors in English Literature.

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