Dwelling on the chronicles of Final Fantasy XIV leaves one with a shot of elated nostalgia. This title has embedded itself as one of the most prominent MMORPGs in this decennium. Although the game did not innovate a lot in the genre, its execution is worthy of praise. The relaunch, A Realm Reborn, further burnished the jewel. It improved upon the original formula, and Square Enix was showered with a lot of credit. The game is still prospering and receiving love from developers after a decade.
The free trials for Final Fantasy XIV were discontinued back in December following the release of the Endwalker expansion. The experience was chaotic, with players constantly waiting in queues and receiving the infamous error 2002. Square Enix tried to combat these issues by expanding queue lobbies and server errors but could not curb the jumble. The gamers were unable to log in and the server crowding led the developers to stop the free trials. Game sales persisted on January 25, but free trials stayed out of sight.
Free Trials Resuming Next Week
Square Enix has verified that free trials for the “critically acclaimed” MMO Final Fantasy XIV will continue the following week. Amidst the recent Livestream, the renowned director and producer, Naoki Yoshida, and his team affirmed that free trials for the MMO will be available to the public starting from February 22. Although there is no specific time provided, the world of FFXIV will soon be available at our disposal.

In a few daylights, you’ll be able to indulge in the magical world of this MMORPG. Soon you’d be able to boast about the free trials, perhaps share the experience with your friends? The extensive free trial leaves a lot to explore: A Realm Reborn’s entirety to the award-holder Heavensward expansion. The trial can be played up to level 60 for gratis with no restrictions on the time limit.
Amongst the game sales on the way and free trials making a return, it’s as clear as the full moon that Final Fantasy XIV is in the post-expansion phase. The hustle and bustle have reached its conclusion, and it’s time to relinquish into the free trial as soon as it drops. All in all, it also appears that the servers won’t run in the same ol’ issues that halted the experience. Square Enix must have improved this time around.
Steam Players Soon Required To Link Steam Account
Furthermore, Yoshida shared more details regarding linking the steam account with Square Enix. Some insight was provided earlier this month. It was stated that Final Fantasy 14 Steam players would soon need to link their Square Enix account to dive back into the game or continue on an old save. The minor update is not region-locked and is one element of the “ongoing efforts to further enhance account security and bolster fraud prevention measures.” This action will further prevent malicious activities.
As per the Square Enix statement acquired by FanByte, “For existing users, we understand that there may be cases where the country information in the Steam account provided by Valve does not perfectly match the country/region information of the Square Enix account. Therefore, we have not set restrictions that would impede pre-existing users who wish to link their accounts.”
The free trial is commencing in just a week. The community has exercised months of patience; it will bear fruits in just a few days. Moreover, it appears that Square Enix has more plans for the game and community as they revealed more in the 5-hour live stream (posted above). What are your thoughts regarding the game? Let us know in the comments below.
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