Images Of Halo Infinite’s Season 3 Maps Leaked

The new maps are called "Oasis: An ancient gift. A new genesis," and "Cliffhanger: High altitude. Highly classified."

Halo Infinite is not a small name in gaming, same as the Halo series is not unknown to many. It launched alongside the first Xbox console among its first exclusives and took the world by storm, being one of the largest and most influential franchises of all time.

It quickly became one of the premier first-person shooters of the time, with its captivating story, likable characters, and captivating gameplay. With the release of Halo 2, Halo became a household name among console owners. It was quickly propelled to stardom by leveraging the newly launched Xbox Live services and online features of Xbox consoles.

Not only was the gameplay vastly improved, but the story also was quite brilliant and enthralling, not to mention the multiplayer component garnering the most acclaim as it was the title’s best and most attractive feature.

This multiplayer component ended up being its biggest feature, and also its only feature apparently. Recently looking at their dwindling player base and loss of support, some people may say that the game has started its decline. While that may be true, the team behind Halo Infinite is still hard at work, delivering for the players.

The maps in Halo Infinite are both liked and somewhat disliked. Tight corners give a good experience in close-quarters combat, and huge open sections allow vehicles to be driven around with ease. The maps are usually huge and filled with life, and seeing how these maps look, we shouldn’t be disappointed.

Another map here is known as Chasm, and by looking at this concept image and this name, there is probably going to be a chasm in this map, probably. This map may focus on grappling points and long-range combat with hints of vehicle madness.

Halo Infinite always had a ton of leaks, one of its biggest being its huge weapon leaks like the VK78 Commando and a certain Light Grenade weapon type. Seeing this many weapons and other map leaks can suggest a major update coming soon to the game. But until we see concrete proof, there really isn’t anything we can say with certainty.

If Halo Infinite is to succeed, it needs a format of its own, something that allows people to see it in a new light, not see a former shell of itself, but it seems the title is cursed to this fate.

Halo Infinite also has over twenty weapons that are extremely unique and different from each other. While everyone mostly likes these weapons, the game seems to be lacking newer weaponry. This is because some of the weapons in this title were present in previous entries as well.

Seeing as how the weaponry in the game is lacking a lot of diversity, and map designs, the team needs to quickly build a new tolerance and finally make a redeemable project.

Everything aside, the new images for the maps look solid and we can hope that this just might be the thing that can jumpstart the title back into full throttle, one more time.

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Ahmed Shayan is a News Writer on eXputer with decent experience writing about games. He’s a machine learning enthusiast with a passion for a plethora of gaming genres. Ahmed is fond of Soulsborne games in which he has invested more than 3,000 hours! You can follow Ahmed's gaming activity on his PSN Profile.

Experience: 1.5+ Years || Mainly Covers News Stories on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Data Science.

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