The Lego franchise has been known to bundle with existing franchises, be it DC or Warner Bros. From being children’s brick based toys, Lego has come a long way to even make two major feature films, other titles too. The latest rendition of this series happens to be the Lego DC Super Villains. The title is set to come out on the October 16, 2018. Recently though, its season pass was announced, details that would have people super excited for it all.
As mentioned in the video above, the season pass includes six whole level packs and 4 different character packs.
For the Level Packs, It contains two each from the upcoming Aquaman and Shazam! movies. The first parts for both would contain some material that will in no way get the players any spoilers or hints at what the movies might hold. The second parts would be out by the time of the movies being out as well which would be linking it to the movies themselves.
For the Character packs, it would contain many interesting characters such as those from the movies that we mentioned previously, i.e: Aquaman and Shazam! It would also include characters such as Super Girl, the Flash and the Arrow.
These character packs and the Level packs will be available separately and bundled with the deluxe version of the title as well.
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