Marvel vs Capcom 4 Reportedly Leaked on Twitch

All aboard the hype train

Marvel vs Capcom is a crossover series of fighting games that boasts an immense fan-base. It features iconic characters from the cosmic universe of Marvel and pits them against folks from Capcom. Followers of the franchise have been thirsting over a sequel, and it seems that we might have something worthwhile to look into.

Marvel vs Capcom 4 Twitch Leak
Marvel vs Capcom 4 Twitch Leak

First seen by robertman21 on Reddit, the secret disclosing party here is Twitch. A couple of Twitter users have spotted the streaming platform enlist Marvel vs Capcom 4 in their list of games. This involves Lythero who just tweeted the following.

Lythero on Twitter
Lythero on Twitter

The second Twitter user is Kevin Ha who also noticed the same thing and is panicking over the situation currently. Take a look at his tweet below.

Kevin Ha on Twitter With the Twitch Leak
Kevin Ha on Twitter With the Twitch Leak

What could this mean for the months to come is indefinite, unfortunately. The latest installment in the series is Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite and this title came out back in 2017. Comparatively, this game wasn’t received as well as other parts of the franchise, and this is one reason why fans want a sequel.

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Matt Hunter is our New Releases Editor with one of the coolest Aliases ever. He loves chasing after the latest scoop in the gaming and tech industries and covers it with the utmost urgency. You’ll find him breaking some of the best news stories for his audience. He also likes to dive into interesting leaks and rumors. You can also follow Matt's gaming activity on his Steam Profile. Experience: 3+ years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Ghostwritten for Several Publications || Broken 300+ Articles || Mainly Covers New Game stories on eXputer

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