Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Matt Mercer Is Voicing The Fan-Favorite Vincent Valentine

Mercer is renowned for voicing Leon in the Resident Evil series.

Story Highlights

  • Matt Mercer, known for voicing Leon S. Kennedy, has announced his role as Vincent Valentine in the upcoming FF7 Rebirth.
  • Mercer’s revelation was with highly positive reception with fans citing his skill as a voice actor.
  • Rebirth is set to change the story of FF7 as we know it, greatly expanding upon the original lore.

Matthew Mercer took to Instagram early today, announcing that he will be voicing fan-favorite Vincent Valentine in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Mercer has lent his voice to several characters over the years, one of which happens to be the iconic Leon S. Kennedy from Capcom‘s Resident Evil franchise.

Matt Mercer is the voice of Vincent Valentine in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
Matt Mercer is the voice of Vincent Valentine in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Vincent Valentine first appeared in the original Final Fantasy 7, designed by Tetsuya Nomura. The character served as a guard to the scientist who ultimately birthed the game’s antagonist—Sephiroth. Owing to his overall personality and his appearances in Advent Children along with Dirge of Cerberus, Vincent has a solid fanbase. With Square Enix expanding upon VII’s universe with the remake project, fans were looking forward to Valentine’s voice.

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Mercer’s confirmation regarding the voice of Vincent in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth received a highly positive response. As we stated above, he’s known to have lent his voice to a plethora of characters over the years, all of which appear to have improved his skills. Due to his recent performances, including his run as Leon in Resident Evil 6 and Death Island, and his love for FF7, fans believe the character is in good hands.

FF7 Rebirth is the second part of a three-phase project focusing on the legendary JRPG. The first part, Remake, saw its release in 2020 after over a decade of speculation, rumors, and demand. Having released on the positive side of critical reception, Remake took several liberties with the original story, changing the fate of certain characters and the entire sage itself.

With Rebirth being confirmed for launch later next year, the iconic story of Cloud and the company as we know it is about to change. Where it goes from this point on is anybody’s guess.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth makes landfall on February 29, 2024, as a timed exclusive for Sony‘s PlayStation 5.

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Saad is a News writer at eXputer. With vast journalistic experience working for a multitude of websites, Saad currently reports to eXputer with the latest news and dishes out his opinions on a frequent basis. He's currently studying Game and Interactive Media Design, which has further increased his knowledge about the ins and outs of the industry.

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