Raptor: Call of the Shadows’ Remastered Version Could Be Coming In 2023

We might just get to relive our childhood.

According to the official page for Raptor: Call of the Shadows Remixed, the game is all set for an upcoming remaster.

While there is no official release date as of now, it is anticipated that it will be somewhere around this year. Raptor: Call of the Shadow’s Remixed release date may be wrapped in an air of mystique, but that just makes us want it more.


  • Raptor: Call of the Shadows is a vertically scrolling shooter game that came out on April 1, 1994.
  • Scott Host, the creator of Raptor: Call of the Shadows, has stated that the game is getting remastered
  • The official Raptor: Call of the Shadows Remixed page, as well as Scott Host’s YouTube has multiple videos that give a better insight into the game.

It all started with a knife. ScottApogee, in a tweet, wrote about a knife he had gifted Scott Host, the creator of Raptor: Call of the Shadows. The tweet was just meant as a light-hearted joke, but in his tweet, ScottApogee mentioned something rather offhandedly.



He said, “BTW, he’s busy doing a comprehensive remaster of the game to come out this year.”  Many fans had no idea this remaster had been under work for such a long time.

Even though Scott Host had posted an official Raptor: Call of the Shadows Remixed teaser four months ago. The video has garnered over 2.6k views. It shows certain parts of the game.

YouTube video

But that is not all; if you have been a fan of the official audio for the game, we have good news for you. In another Youtube video, you can actually catch snippets of Scott Host remixing the audio for the teaser. The nostalgia factor really hits the gates with this one.

YouTube video

On his official page, he has this to say about the upcoming remaster,

Hi! My name is Scott Host, and I’m the original author of Raptor: Call of the Shadows! It succeeded beyond my wildest dreams — so much so that 28 years later, it’s still the game I’m best known for. It seems like it was just yesterday when I was feverishly coding away, squeezing every last drop of power out of my 386 PC. But time and technology never stop advancing, and it’s finally time to bring Raptor to a whole new generation of players and devices! Not only am I re-releasing Raptor in its original Classic Form, but also making a new Remixed Raptor to take advantage of the incredible power of modern hardware.”

The current remaster will include a variety of enhancements, including:

  • Dynamic new music changes depending on the mood
  • All new levels
  • Local co-op multiplayer
  • High-quality sound effects
  • Run at 60fps for smoother gameplay
  • Fixes for decades-old gameplay issues
  • Better visual effects including real-time lights and reflection effects
  • Particle effects for explosions, shots, engines, etc
  • Enhanced cutscenes and animations
  • New weapons to purchase
  • Store and hanger will use real 3D models
  • A game editor to make new levels, edit ships and change music
  • Steam Workshop compatibility

Raptor: Call of the Shadows Remixed will be available on Nintendo Switch, PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox, iOS, Apple TV, and Android platforms. However, it is anticipated that the game will first only be released on Nintendo Switch.

Are you excited about the upcoming remaster? Do share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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Community Feedback

I loved this game on my Packard Bell 386 windows computer. Can\'t wait for the remastered version.

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Amama Farrukh is a News Reporter on eXputer who’s been passionate about playing and writing about games since an early age. As a die-hard God of War fan, she’s really into gory hack-and-slash titles that get her adrenaline pumping. She’s got a bachelor's in Business Administration and several years of experience reporting on the gaming industry. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration || Previously worked as a Freelancer || Published 100+ News Stories

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