Rocksteady Seems To Have Begun Working On Its Next Game Already

Don't hold your breath just yet.

Story Highlights

  • Rocksteady Studios is the creator of the Batman: Arkham franchise, now succeeded by Suicide Squad.
  • As per information hosted online, the developer is working on another project. 
  • Fans speculate that this could be a full-fledged Batman game like from the Arkham series. 

Rocksteady Studios, the famous developer behind the Batman: Arkham franchise, has seemingly misfired with the onset of its latest release, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. It’s something that drastically breaks away from what Rocksteady achieved with its Batman games, being a live service third-person shooter with relatively weak gameplay, and a lack of adequate depth. 

But could the developer be willing to make amends from this point onward? I sure hope so. According to Tae Ho Kang’s LinkedIn, who is a Senior Systems Programmer at Rocksteady, the developer has already begun work on its new project (thanks Timur222).

This unannounced game has been in the works since June 2024 — not long from now — so it’s safe to assume it’ll be a good while before we can hear anything about it officially. Outside of that, there’s not much else to go on here sadly. 

The Experience Section of Tae Ho Kangs LinkedIn Profile
The Experience Section of Tae Ho Kang’s LinkedIn Profile

Now, what this could actually translate to is anyone’s guess, and if I were to make an educated prediction, I’d also be able to come up with nothing but speculation. At best, it’s the Batman: Arkham series revived and restored back to its former glory. But the worst-case scenario? Prepare for another live service. 

Suicide Squad’s Release Has Killed A Lot Of Dreams

The Elseworlds Joker in Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Features an Alternate Dimension Joker | Image Source: Rocksteady

The writing was on the wall ever since Suicide Squad launched. Soon after its early access release, refund searches spiked by 791%, with players jumping to get their money back in droves. With unoriginality prevailing, and obvious plot loopholes getting pointed out, the game is a hot mess, and sooner or later, it might as well get taken off life support

In Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (2023), every single character, including King Shark, is given a gun. This is because the game developers were trying to impress the CEO of DC Studios, James Gunn.
byu/Sha_Shock inshittygamedetails

Let us know what you think of whatever Rocksteady is cooking up next in the comments ahead. 

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Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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