Screenshots Leaking Fortnite’s First-Person Mode Have Surfaced

This new way to experience the game is reportedly coming next season.

Story Highlights

  • Fortnite—the battle royale genre giant—is all set to receive an optimized first-person mode in Season 4 Chapter 4, which is slated to begin on August 25, 2023. 
  • This is according to several leaked screenshots as well as corroborations by multiple credible Fortnite leakers, such as FNBR Watch, HYPEX, and ShiinaBR. 
  • The first-person mode that players can test out at the moment isn’t specialized and is ridden with bugs that make the feature look unready. 

Being one of the most prominent names in the battle royale genre, Fortnite is no longer just a game; it’s a brand at this point, and it’s only looking to make more strides from here on out. As per a myriad of screenshots that have surfaced online, the title is all set to receive a specialized first-person mode. This, of course, is a major game changer as compared to the current third-person camera perspective of Fortnite’s gameplay. 

Leaked Fortnite First-Person Mode Screenshot
Leaked Fortnite First-Person Mode Screenshot

Now, the screenshots uploaded on Imgur hint toward the under-development process of Fortnite’s first-person mode. Different models have been taken up for editing and appear to be in a testing phase at present. From what I can see, pertinent issues and problems with this new camera perspective for the game are still being hammered out, but expect the feature to be ready by the next Fortnite season. 

Another Leaked Fortnite First-Person Mode Screenshot
Another Leaked Fortnite First-Person Mode Screenshot

It’s been a fairly long while since rumors about Fortnite’s first-person mode initially started to spread. Proof of some form has been gathered by the community from as far back as February of this year, with well-reputed Fortnite tracker iFireMonkey spotting the addition of multiple files relating to the first-person camera perspective of different guns in the title. 

On the other hand, fans and followers haven’t had the greatest of responses to the game’s impending first-person camera perspective. One of the biggest reasons Fortnite is as popular as it is pertains to its seemingly innumerable list of crossovers and collaborations with other media franchises, may they be gaming- or movie-related. Spider-Man, Thanos, John Wick, and Kratos are among some of the biggest names to talk about here. 

However, apart from a few special abilities included alongside the skill set of each new character, the skins merely serve an aesthetic purpose. It’s commonplace for players to dole out money on the latest Fortnite skins, but with first-person mode, that would seem illogical, since there’s no way to see your character’s body that way while you’re in game.

That is why it’s been rumored that the new camera perspective could be restricted to Fortnite’s Zero Build mode, where you cannot indulge in the rest of the title’s gameplay mechanics, particularly those that revolve around building. Still, it’s rather exciting to see how the first-person mode will play out in Fortnite, given the title’s heavy focus on character skins and third-person player-vs-player experience.  

As you can comprehend from the footage ahead, though, the currently accessible first-person mode in Fortnite is outright janky. It’s in an unfinished state and has quite a bugged design to its name. Of course, this is far from the finished product, which currently appears to be under the works over at Epic Games‘ HQ—the famed creator of Fortnite. 

Again, the topic of Fortnite receiving a first-person mode has been circulating on the internet as far back as Fortnite’s Chapter 4 Season 2. With the game’s Creative 2.0 mechanic out of the gates now that seemingly paves the way for new design-centric opportunities to step forward, a first-person mode could do wonders to nourish the creative imagination of map designers all around the world. 

Are you looking forward to it? Let us know in the comments section ahead. 

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Najam Ul Hassan is a News Reporter on eXputer who enjoys investing hours in his favorite video game titles. When he’s not playing games, he’s practicing Journalism. He began his career on eXputer after combining his limitless love of video games and all things geek with his considerable writing experience. He has been cited numerous times by several noteworthy publications and sites such as Game Rant, Yahoo, PlayStation LifeStyle, VGC, VG247, TheGamer, among others. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Masters in Mass Media Communication || Written 300+ News Stories.

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