Sifu And Scorn Were “Hugely Successful” For Kepler Interactive

Sloclap's beat 'em up has also sold over 2 million units now.

Story Highlights

  • Sloclap’s Sifu and Ebb Software’s Scorn were highly successful for Kepler Interactive in 2022.
  • In addition, Sifu has now sold over 2 million copies worldwide.
  • Kepler made over $50 million in revenue in 2022 due to the success of these titles.

Global video game publisher Kepler Interactive released financial results for its first operating year and highlighted two games: Scorn and Sifu. As per the report, both of these games were among the “hugely successful” launches from the company’s founding studios. Developed by Sloclap, Sifu has now sold over 2 million units worldwide according to Kepler Interactive.

The success of these two games made 2022 a successful first full year for Kepler as it announced $50 million in revenue. With an Xbox and Steam release upcoming in March, Sifu’s sales are only going to increase. Kepler Interactive also announced new partnerships to grow in new markets. The publisher is investing in The Gentlebros, the Singapore studio responsible for making Cat Quest.

It will also extend its publishing partnership with the new Montpellier studio Sandfall Interactive. In addition, Kepler Interactive will also deepen its collaboration with the Chinese PR agency IOI. According to the report, the success of Ebb Software’s Scorn and Sloclap’s Sifu in China is a big reason for this. Furthermore, the company is also partnering up with the video game fund Kowloon Nights to help exceptional developers create games.

With its latest release, Tchia, launching on March 21, 2023, the London headquartered global studio certainly has big expectations for this year. Kepler Interactive launched in 2021 as a publishing and developing company co-owned by developers worldwide. It gives the studios under it a stake in its business and a creative leadership role.

Hence, the company allows developers to make the games they want with creative freedom through this unique model. Ebb Software and Sloclap are among the seven studios under Kepler and they ruled the 2022 indie scene.

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Sloclap released Sifu in February 2022 only on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. The third-person beat’em up was a huge success, selling 500,000 copies in 48 hours. It sold a million units by march, in under a month, and was a critical success. Reviews praised the narrative, combat, and structure of Sifu with its challenging gameplay garnering acclaim.

Players also loved the Sloclap game, which is proved by its 8.1 user score on Metacritic. The game was one of the most successful indie titles of 2022, both commercially and critically. It also received 3 nominations at The Game Awards, including Best Independent Game and Best Action Game. D.IC.E. Awards also nominated Sifu for Action Game of the Year, resulting in a pretty impressive portfolio.

Nintendo Switch players also got to play the game on November 8, 2022. Sifu will also launch on Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S later this month. On the other hand, you can play the second triumphant Kepler Interactive game right now on Xbox. Scorn launched on Xbox Series as a console exclusive and also on PC in October 2022.

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Even though the overall reviews for the survival-horror game were average, fans recognized the potential of developer Ebb Software. Combat and puzzles were signaled out as below par but players and critics alike praise the aesthetic and setting of Scorn. It also made $8 million by December 2022 on Steam, despite launching on all versions of the Xbox Game Pass.

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Games Press

Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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