Stardew Valley Creator “Swears” On His Family Never To Charge Money For DLC

"Screencap this and shame me if I ever violate this oath."

Story Highlights

  • Stardew Valley is a cozy farming simulator with great crafting and overall gameplay. 
  • The game comes from a solo developer — Eric Barone — going by the name of ConcernedApe. 
  • Eric has affirmed online that Stardew Valley is never going to get paid DLC. 

Taking to X online, the solitary developer of Stardew Valley, which has become one of the most popular indie games of all time over the course of the past 8 years or so, has made quite a bold statement regarding future content for the farming sim. Eric “ConcernedApe” Barone, in simple words, is never going to put the game’s DLC behind a paywall, and to back that up, he’s already sworn on his family

I swear on the honor of my family name, I will never charge money for a DLC or update for as long as I live. Screencap this and shame me if I ever violate this oath,” reaffirms Eric in his reply to a fan. 

The heartfelt gesture is appreciated, but for those of us who have been following the game, it’s nothing out of the blue. Eric has been keeping pace with this practice for years on end, pumping out content for Stardew Valley consistently and never charging a penny for it.

In the last 8 years, the title has received more end-game content, new maps, a multiplayer mode, dozens of additional items, and countless tweaks here and there refining the core gameplay experience—all for completely free

ConcernedApe Also Provides Update On New Stardew Valley Content

Stardew Valley features a wide variety of fun activities that you can enjoy at your own pace | Image Source: Steam
Stardew Valley Is Just Full of Surprises | Image Source: Steam

Being a “forever game” for the creator, Stardew Valley has still got more content coming for it. What’s next is yet another PC update, and patch 1.6’s port to the rest of the platforms the game is on except for PC, because the latter is already out there. Xbox, PlayStation, Android, and Apple all await the March-released patch for Stardew Valley, following its initial release in March this year.

Eric's Tweet About New Stardew Valley Content
Eric’s Tweet About New Stardew Valley Content 

Stardew Valley first launched in 2016 for Windows and macOS, going on to release on other platforms in the subsequent years. As of February 2024, the title has rolled over 30 million units to date, signaling immense success across the board. eXputer wrote a revised review on the farming simulator, rating it 4.5/5.0, with author Moiz Banoori remarking, 

Even in 2024, Stardew Valley is a universally beloved and utterly timeless farming sim that can provide hundreds of hours of entertainment.”

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Huzaifa, an Online News Editor at, is a video game industry aficionado with a talent for unearthing the juiciest stories for his beloved readers. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Data Science, he dives deep into the abyss of news, meticulously dissecting every tiny detail to serve his audience. When he's not unravelling breaking news, he becomes a master storyteller, conjuring up captivating tales from the depths of his imagination. With a wealth of experience as a Video Game Journalist, he's penned his mighty words for numerous other video game outlets, leaving no video game unturned and no pixel unexplored! Experience: 4+ Years || Education: Bachelor of Science in Data Science || Previously Worked at VeryAli Gaming & TheNerdMag || Covered 100+ News Articles

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