Concord Has Now Also Lost About 80% Of What Was Already A 697-Player Peak

Like beating a dead horse.

Story Highlights

  • The Sony-published Concord for PS5 and PC is a newly released FPS with hero shooter elements. 
  • The game’s launch, a few days ago, has been met with a dismaying number of players on PC.
  • The 697-player peak hit 5 days ago has now dropped down to ~100 players. 

Well, Concord is having a rough time as soon as it’s come out of the oven. The title, launched merely 5 days ago, was received with a fairly underwhelming response by players, hitting a 697-user peak on Steam, and I imagine things didn’t boom up much on the PS5’s side either. I mean, the numbers on that platform could be 15 times higher; that would still mean Concord had a bad launch. 

In any case, the first-person shooter is now down bad, way bad. According to SteamDB, it’s got around 100 players online at the time of writing, setting it up for pretty much one of of the worst game launches of all time. The situation is especially bad because Concord has been in development for 8 years, and as a Sony-published title, a lot of people expected better.  

Concords Launch Has Been Harsh, to Say the Least
Concord’s Launch Has Been Harsh, to Say the Least | Image Source: SteamDB

Reddit seems to be having a field day with making jokes about the game’s situation. One u/BrandonMedia21 says, 

It doesn’t even look like a real game. That cover art looks like it would be in the startup of a game engine.” 

What’s Next For Concord? 

Concord is a mess | Source: PlayStation (Youtube)
Concord Employs a Hero Shooter Format as an Aspiration to Challenge Overwatch | Image Source: PlayStation

A post on the PlayStation Blog by Firewalk Studios has laid out what Concord players can expect from the title in terms of new seasonal drops from here on out. October will mark the beginning of the shooter’s first season, welcoming a new playable character, map, variants, numerous QoL updates, cosmetics, and other bonuses. 

Concord Post-Launch Roadmap
Concord Post-Launch Roadmap

Things look exceptionally bad for Concord right now, especially considering that even Foamstars had a better launch than this game. Just like the latter, however, if player response toward the shooter does not spice up, we might as well see the game transitioning to an F2P business model.

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Ahmed Shayan is a News Writer on eXputer with decent experience writing about games. He’s a machine learning enthusiast with a passion for a plethora of gaming genres. Ahmed is fond of Soulsborne games in which he has invested more than 3,000 hours! You can follow Ahmed's gaming activity on his PSN Profile.

Experience: 1.5+ Years || Mainly Covers News Stories on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Data Science.

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