Gran Turismo 7 Sales #1 In France Despite Negative User Reviews

Polyphony Digital's new racing simulation game continues to perform exceptionally well in France, despite the controversy surrounding it.

The past few days have been very shaky for Gran Turismo 7. Previously, PlayStation Studios’ new racing game was offline for a whole day for maintenance and players weren’t very happy about it. Reviews of the game have also been negative recently, with the Metacritic User Score reaching a very low 1.9. However, despite all the controversy with Gran Turismo 7, sales of the game continue to thrive in France.

Gran Turismo 7 holds the top two spots in the recent France video game sales chart from Syndicate of Leisure Software Publishers (SELL), which represents publishers of video games and leisure software on a national level,  through its PS5 and PS4 versions respectively. It retains this position for the second week running, showing consistency in sales. Popular Nintendo games like Pokémon Legends Arceus and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe just are behind the racing game. Considering the popularity of Nintendo in France, this is a huge feat for Gran Turismo 7.

Gran Turismo 7
SELL’s Top Sales for Week #10 in France.

One of the editions of Gran Turismo 7, however, did fall out of the top 5 spots. The 25th-anniversary edition was #3 last week but is no longer present in the chart now. A sales performance like this is especially noteworthy considering all the recent drama surrounding the game. Both Polyphony Digital and PlayStation Studios continue to receive criticism in the form of negative reviews from players. Recently, players review-bombed the game on Metacritic, causing a significant decrease in the game’s User Score in under a week.

Another interesting thing in the sales chart is the position of Elden Ring. Surprisingly, the game is no longer in the top 5 spots in France, while it continues to dominate in other parts of the world. It might be due to the country’s preference for sports games, but we can’t be too sure. This certainly makes Gran Turismo 7’s position an even bigger feat, seeing as how it’s the only PlayStation game in the sales chart.

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Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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