No Man’s Sky Has Seen A 500% Increase In Players On PlayStation 5

The new update has been a massive hit among the fanbase.

Story Highlights

  • No Man’s Sky saw a 500% player surge on PlayStation 5 after its new content update.
  • Worlds Part One completely overhauls the planet generation system of the space game.
  • The Hello Games title also saw an increase in players on Steam, hitting a five-year peak.

Following its refreshing Worlds Part One update, No Man’s Sky has seen an unbelievable player surge on PlayStation 5 with its user count increasing by almost 500%. According to True Trophies, which uses data from active PSN accounts to figure out player counts, the title’s player base has increased by 493% since the update came out. The game was above the likes of Diablo 4, Final Fantasy 14, and Mortal Kombat 1 this last week according to the player tracker.

No Man's Sky
No Man’s Sky Has The Most Impressive Redemption Arc In Gaming History| Source: IGN

Worlds Part One is just one of the massive free content updates that Hello Games has released since its initial launch in 2016. The popularity of this new update is due to its overhaul of the planet regeneration system based on new tech the developer is using in its upcoming title Light No Fire. Seeing this dynamic change in the space opera’s planets, players all over have come back to No Man’s Sky, with the title achieving its highest player count in five years on Steam.

The Redemption Arc Of No Man’s Sky

No Man’s Sky has arguably had the greatest comeback in the history of gaming if you take its initial reception into account. The game was criticized by everyone for its repetitive gameplay and unfulfilled promises when it first hit the stores even though its technical aspect did receive praise. Many panned the title for not delivering on the hype around it with many promised features like some multiplayer aspects with Hello Games head Sean Murray admitting that the game’s marketing should have been better.

Since then, however, No Man’s Sky has turned the tide around with a plethora of massive content updates for no cost adding many new features to the game like base building, play modes, additional narrative, and cross-play. This success led to millions of new players joining the game even years after launch, with Hello Games stating that the title’s sales figure would definitely satisfy a AAA publisher

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True Trophies

Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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