Crime Boss: Rockay City Review – A Disappointment

A star-studded cast might not be enough to save this game.

Crime Boss: Rockay City Review
  • Story And Setting
  • Gameplay
  • Visuals And Performance


Crime Boss: Rockay City is a game with big ambitions, but it fails to deliver on most fronts.


  • Iconic Actors
  • Interesting Blend of Genres


  • Corny Writing And Dialogue
  • Repetitive Gameplay Loop
  • Unsatisfying Gunplay 
  • Terrible Companion AI

This is our review of Crime Boss: Rockay City, the latest game from Ingame Studios, which is a first-person shooter with elements of classic Hollywood action movies and draws heavily from titles like Payday.

Key Takeaways
  • Developers: INGAME STUDIOS
  • Publishers: 505 Games
  • Release Date: March 28, 2023
  • Platforms: PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PC
  • Game Length: 5.5 Hours
  • Time Played: 10+ Hours
  • Editor’s Note: We thoroughly tested Crime Boss: Rockay City on PC, putting just over 10 hours into its various modes.

The title features a cast of well-known actors who bring the characters to life, but that alone may not be enough to convince you to spend a full $40 on this game.

Story And Setting

Crime Boss Rockay City review
Story. (Screenshot by eXputer)

The premise of the game is fairly simple and straightforward. Players step into the shoes of Travis Baker, an up-and-coming kingpin in the fictional city of Rockay City. In order to get to the top of the power structure, he must contend with the city’s other criminal bosses as well as the tenacious Sheriff Norris.

This rags-to-riches story isn’t very memorable, but the game does try to distinguish itself with a cast of 90’s superstars that play most of the NPCs. But this dynamic does not work in the game’s favor because the celebrity appearances simply take you out of the game as you play it.

The writing is also exceedingly corny and mediocre, relying completely on the assumption that players would remain invested if they look at it through rose-tinted nostalgia goggles.

The writing is also exceedingly corny and mediocre, relying completely on the assumption that players would remain invested if they look at it through rose-tinted nostalgia goggles. It would have been preferable if all of the budgets that went into hiring these actors had instead gone towards enhancing the story and writing of the game. 

Aside from that, the dialogue is frequently unpleasant and cringy and relies way too much on dated tropes to recreate the 90’s vibe. Furthermore, some of Travis’s supporters, such as Touchdown, become exceedingly tiresome after a while because their entire schtick relies on a single joke. As a result, the dialogue and script are, in fact, reminiscent of a ’90s action film, but in the worst way conceivable.


Crime Boss Rockay City review
Gameplay. (Screenshot by eXputer)

The gameplay is an intriguing spin on the Payday-style shooter formula that takes roguelike aspects and mixes in some elements of management sims. The majority of the heists we carry out follow the same general pattern of going out into the field and engaging in firefights.

But most of the time, your primary goal is to steal a valuable object from enemy territory, transport it safely to our van, and flee. The gunplay is supposed to be an afterthought but also the main attraction.

You can choose between various gang members to go on a mission or we could go as Travis himself. This is where the roguelike elements come into play with the introduction of permanent death in a shooter game like this. Because if any of your gang members die during a mission, they are gone for good, and you will have to recruit new members to make up the difference.

The same goes for Travis, and if you die like Travis, the game is over, and you will have to restart your progress from the beginning. Remember that the upgrades and equipment you grant to dead characters are not recoverable either.

Speaking of the gunplay, it feels extremely outdated and unresponsive.

Noticeably, the companion AI needs more polish, to say the least. You cannot directly command any of the companions on your team, and they will do whatever they want for the most part. This is extremely annoying when you are trying to go for a stealth approach, and the AI decides to go in guns blazing, ruining your entire strategy.

There were also cases during my playthrough when the companions stood in place, not taking any action. Even if you were near your van, they would not proceed to move out. The AI isn’t much use for firefights either, as they seem to have a horrendous aim when you are engaged in combat. These issues add up to make the gameplay loop a bit irritating.

Speaking of the gunplay, it feels extremely outdated and unresponsive. The weapons have no force behind them, your shots feel flimsy, and their impact is significantly less than what you would expect. Enemies do not respond appropriately to the shooting as well, with some foes not responding at all to being shot. This makes the combat less than ideal for a game that is a first-person shooter at its core.

Overall, the gameplay feels underdeveloped, and a little extra polish would have gone a long way to making this game more enjoyable.

Once you finish the campaign, you can access permanent upgrades that aid you in future runs. These upgrades are not lost after dying, making successive playthroughs much quicker. But the fact is that the game does get repetitive very fast, and there is not much replay value in it. We never would have started another run of Crime Boss: Rockay City, if it not for the fact that we had to prepare a review.

Aside from the single-player narrative, the game includes two more modes: Crime Time and Urban Legends. Crime Time is the campaign mode stripped of story beats and roguelike aspects. The map for this is much smaller, but the missions seem more or less the same. In the Urban Legends mode, you progress through a number of smaller campaigns, each with its own set of missions.

Overall, the gameplay feels underdeveloped, and a little extra polish would have gone a long way to making this game more enjoyable.

Visuals And Performance

Crime Boss Rockay City review
Visuals. (Screenshot by eXputer)

When it comes to the visual department, Crime Boss Rockay City is a game that seems to blend in with other Unreal Engine titles. There is nothing about the visual presentation or art direction that makes it stand out from the rest.

Even at maximum settings, the graphics are nothing to rave home about;

Even at maximum settings, the graphics are nothing to rave home about; it’s so generic that you have to struggle to think of it as anything other than a tech demo. That said, it looks serviceable and is perfectly adequate to look at. Throughout my playthrough of the game, I did not encounter any major game-breaking bugs, but there were a few visual glitches that popped up now and again.


Verdict. (Screenshot by eXputer)

Crime Boss: Rockay City is a game with big ambitions, but it fails to deliver on most fronts. It is obvious that the developers spent a pretty penny in order to hire some of these iconic actors and actresses, but I cannot really see the value in that. The title would have been considerably better if that money had instead been directed toward improving the gameplay and narrative. 

The core gameplay loop gets repetitive pretty quickly, and there isn’t much value in playing the game in its current state. 

If you are someone who loves the ’90s Hollywood aesthetic, and this particular setting appeals to you, then I suppose one could say that there is still a serviceable game here. But it’s not innovative, polished, or even all that fun to say the least.

This has been our Crime Boss: Rockay City Review. While you’re here, consider checking out some of our other articles. 

This is box title
Get This Game
If you’ve ever dreamed of ruling the criminal underworld and constructing your own empire in a gritty and atmospheric urban setting.
Dont Get This Game
If you dislike repetitive gameplay and are uncomfortable with mature themes and explicit content.
Do I Need To Get This Game
No, Crime Boss: Rockay City fails to deliver on most ends, which is surprising since a lot of developers from other studios have already defined the formula.
Alternative Games
  • Mafia: Definitive Edition
  • Payday 3
  • Back 4 Blood
  • Deathloop
  • Returnal
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Huzaifa is eXputer's Review Editor, who’s all about RPG games. He’s got several years of experience critically judging games and writing his unbiased thoughts on them. You can also find his content published on sites like Twinfinite & GearNuke. Huzaifa has been gaming for 23+ years, during which he managed to amass 400+ hours on Elden Ring! You can follow his gaming activity on his Xbox and Steam Profiles.

Experience: 5+ years || Previously Worked At GearNuke & Twinfinite || Mainly Covers RPG Guides & Latest Games Reviews || Education: Bachelors in Hospitality.

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