Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Max Level [Detailed Explanation]

Hone your skills and strength as you grind your character to the the max level!

Unlike other RPGs, the Max Level in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty is not entitled to a single value that you gradually increase over the course of the game. Instead, the game focuses on five different categories in which you can invest your hard-earned Genuine Qi in order to upgrade your stats and gameplay capabilities. Aside from farming enemies, there are a few ways that you can effectively earn genuine qi to help you level up these virtues as quickly as possible.

Important: The Game does not feature a max level per se, but with five different stat categories known as Virtues, they all have different level thresholds where the stat value boosts will offer diminishing returns, so keep that in mind as you upgrade each category.
Key Takeaways
  • Maxing the level in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty involves upgrading the Five Virtue categories using Genuine Qi rather than strict min-maxing.
  • Wood virtue boosts character health and affects spirit gauge loss when damaged.
  • Fire virtue benefits melee players, influencing spirit to gain from attacks and consumption during martial arts moves.
  • Earth Virtue determines weight load, impacting gear choices and allowing for a “Tanky” build with increased spirit from deflects.
  • Metal virtue maintains a consistent spirit gauge during idle moments, reducing spirit consumption for sorceries and spells.
  • Water virtue aids stealth by decreasing enemy visibility and enhancing ice spells while providing minor stat boosts.

All Virtue Types And How To Level Them Up

wo long fallen dynasty
All Virtue levels (Image Captured by Us)

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty diverges from conventional RPGs by eschewing traditional character levels. Instead, it employs a distinctive currency called Genuine Qi, earned through defeating enemies and other means.

Now, let’s briefly explore the five virtues, understanding their impact on stats and current thresholds. These virtues significantly shape playstyles, so researching the Best Builds for your character before investing Genuine Qi is advisable.


wo long fallen dynasty wood virtue
Wood Virtue (Image Captured by Us)

The Wood virtue governs your character’s health pool and determines spirit loss when attacked. The spirit gauge, located at your health bar’s bottom, fluctuates positively or negatively during gameplay.

Accumulating spirit enables powerful martial arts attacks, potentially stunning enemies. Excessive damage or overuse of the guard stance may lead to a negative spirit, risking stun-locking and vulnerability.

Upgrading the Wood virtue is crucial, as it influences vigor and enables buff spells. It enhances stats, notably for sword archetype weapons, albeit subtly. Notably, leveling up extends spell duration, with diminishing returns noticeable after reaching 40.


wo long fire virtue
Fire virtue (Image Captured by Us)

The Fire virtue impacts spirit gain when attacking and the spirit consumed during martial arts attacks. This makes it ideal for aggressive playstyles, which is why leveling up this virtue is crucial.

Notably benefiting melee users, the fire virtue also unlocks and upgrades fire-based spells. However, the stat increase diminishes after reaching Level 15, with a more significant drop at Levels 30 and 46. Staying within this range is advisable, as further leveling won’t significantly enhance spirit gauge-related stats.


wo long fallen dynasty earth virtue
Earth virtue (Image by eXputer)

The Earth virtue resembles Souls Borne games’ endurance stat, impacting your character’s weight limit and spirit gain from deflecting attacks. Ideal for players prioritizing higher defense and damage resistance.

Increasing the weight limit benefits both weapon and armor choices, allowing for heavier gear. As the virtue suggests, leveling up grants access to ground-based spells, useful for crowd control.

Deflecting serves as your primary counterattack, and boosting spirit gain through Earth leveling is vital for efficient enemy takedowns. Suited for the Glaive weapon archetype, diminishing returns occur around Level 30, with minimal gains in attack power beyond this point.


wo long fallen dynasty metal virtue
Metal virtue (Image by eXputer)

Metal is definitely the level-up tree that most mage characters will end up focusing the most on since it is the bread and butter of their builds or playstyle. It affects the duration long you can maintain a positive spirit as well as the amount of spirit consumed when casting spells and other sorceries. At a high enough level, the spirit bar will take longer to deplete when idle so that you can conserve it for a longer period of time.

  • But honestly, aside from the bonuses to spells, it is useful to invest in the metal virtue solely due to the fact that you will maintain a solid positive spirit during combat.
  • Furthermore, the soft cap starts from Level 10, which is fairly early on for the tree, so it is considered worth investing in if you have spare currency.


wo long fallen dynasty water virtue
Water virtue (Image by eXputer)

The water virtue may seem less crucial, but it holds value by slightly boosting various character stats. Primarily focused on stealth, it influences enemy detection, and the spirit consumed during deflects.

While stealth may be less significant, the reduced spirit consumption for deflects complements the Earth virtue’s bonus. Successful deflects ensure a positive spirit gauge. Leveling up grants access to ice-type spells, ideal for mage builds, with no noticeable soft cap; it aids spell unlocks and overall stat improvement.

Best Early Game Qi Farm

wo long fallen dynasty Qi farm
The mission (Image Credit Copyright: eXputer)

I wanted to showcase an excellent Qi farming route I happened to stumble upon during the early game. Although, it is fairly advised that this might require skillful play and commitment to execute properly. This farm takes advantage of the 2nd Part of the main battlefield missions where the exact mission is called the “Valley of Crying Wraiths,” which is shown in the image above for your convenience.

  • The section you’re looking for is deadset on your way toward the mission completion, so do not worry about missing it.
  • As pointed out in the image showcased above, you will soon come across a giant demonic beast known as the Suanyu, which resembles a mix between a dragon and a bird.
  • The beast is fairly tough as the morale gap between you, and it will be large enough that it can kill you within a couple of hits.
wo long fallen dynasty suanyu
Fighting Suanyu and locating the flag nearby (Image Credit Copyright: eXputer)

Despite that, I strongly encourage you to, first of all, grab the nearby flag near the broken bridge for a checkpoint here. You can also further ensure your progress is safe by skipping the fight and unlocking a shortcut (if this is your first time playing the mission), which is located toward the end of the level itself.

The Wrap-Up

According to a GameFAQs post, there was a debate sparked on the topic of what the max level could be for the Wo Long Fallen Dynasty despite having five different level trees. Thankfully, there is no need to max them out, as reaching the soft cap for each one should be more than enough to create the most basic builds with ease.

Our Beginner’s Guide to the game will entail every strategy and help that you need in order to set yourself up for the brutal gameplay that awaits you. Our Review of Wo Long Fallen Dynasty helped us break down its most integral components, from the awe-inspiring gameplay to the performance on both console and PC. It is honestly a combination of the best of both worlds from Team Ninja’s Nioh franchise.

But for now, this concludes my guide to everything that you may need to know when it comes to grinding for the Max Level in the game. If you have any further questions related to the topic or about the game in general, then be sure to mention them in the comments section below so I can get back to you with a solution as soon as possible! As always, eXputer wishes you luck!

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Moiz Banoori is the brains behind eXputer. Having worked at various Video Game sites, with 8 years of Content Writing Experience and a Journalism Degree at hand, he presently monitors teams, creates strategies, and publishes qualified pieces through his aptitude at eXputer. Feel free to get in touch with him through his gaming profile on Steam and PSN.

Experience: 8+ Years || Manages Teams, Creates Strategies, and Publishes Guides on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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