Harry Potter Magic Awakened: All Redeem Codes [September 2024]

Enter the redeem codes and get gold, robes and so much more in Harry Potter Magic Awakened!

There are plenty of redeem codes for Harry Potter Magic Awakened that the players can use in September 2024 to get a lot of helpful items and in-game credits. These codes will allow you to obtain items that you can use in recipes and potions. You can also obtain free outfits and robes using these codes. 

Key Takeaways
  • There are a lot of codes available in Harry Potter Magic Awakened that the players can redeem. 
  • These codes will allow the players to obtain exclusive items and rewards. 
  • Some of them will also offer players a lot of gold. 
  • To redeem the codes, players will have to visit the official website and enter their user ID along with the code. 
  • After that, the rewards will be sent to the in-game mailbox. 
  • Check out our Game Codes Ultimate Guide for all errors that can be encountered while redeeming codes. 

What Are Harry Potter Magic Awakened Codes 

The Harry Potter Magic Awakened codes can be used to obtain plenty of items as well as bonuses, in-game boosts, and gold for September 2024.

Codes – [Image by eXputer]
However, it is important to note that they are valid for a certain time only. Below is a list of all the codes you can use, as well as the rewards each one has to offer. 

Codes  Rewards  Status 
HPMAMAGIC  1000 gold and 50 gems.  Inactive 

How To Redeem HP Magic Awakened Codes? 

Now that you have learned about all the Harry Potter Magic Awakened codes, you will be able to redeem the rewards by following the steps ahead.

Harry Potter Magic Awakened All Redeem Codes
How to redeem – [Image by eXputer]
But before you enter the code, make sure that it is not expired. 

  • In the main menu, open the knapsack. 
  • After that, you need to select the information tab on your knapsack. 
  • There will be an option to open your user ID. 
  • Copy your user ID and go to the Harry Potter Magic Awakened gift code website
  • There will be an option to enter the codes and redeem rewards. 
  • You need to enter your user ID, server name as well as the code to get the rewards. 
  • After that, you will have to complete the verification process. 
  • When you have successfully entered the verification code, you need to press Confirm, and all the rewards will be ended in your in-game Mailbox. 

How To Get More Codes 

There are a lot of different ways by which you can get more Harry Potter Magic Awakened codes to try and redeem them. Below I will list a few of them.

Harry Potter Magic Awakened Redeem Codes
Get more codes – [Image by eXputer]
A great way is to keep checking the official website of Harry Potter Magic Awakened, as any newly released code will always be announced there. 

  • However, most of the time, whenever the codes are released, they are usually not the first to publish them. 
  • Another way is to keep an eye out on the social media platforms of Harry Potter Magic Awakened, Any new codes that are announced will always be available on social media channels, including Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube. 
  • Make sure to follow the official accounts to stay updated on the active codes available. 
  • You can also try visiting any of the community forums and servers dedicated to Harry Potter Magic Awakened, where there is always some new information, including codes available. This includes the official subreddits as well as Discord servers. 
  • Make sure to watch YouTube streams as well of Harry Potter Magic Awakened. Many streamers will often drop codes in the description boxes. 
  • They will also mention a special code in their videos that only their streamers can use. 

with this, I conclude my detailed guide on Harry Potter Magic Awakened codes. Make sure to bookmark this page so you can come back here anytime and see if there are any new codes released. You can also check out our guides on all wands and their effects, as well as the ultimate reroll guide in Harry Potter Magic Awakened.

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Hamid Ali is a Guides Writer & Editor on eXputer who occasionally covers Game Codes. He is a huge Doom fanatic and loves to melt his stress away in titles such as God of War games and Elden Ring. With a Bachelor's degree in Journalism, Hamid’s been writing and updating about the majority of games for several years. Hamid's gaming experience can be verified on his Steam and PSN profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering.

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