Fortnite: Best Landing Spots In Chapter 5 [200+ Hours Experience]

With 200+ hours since the OG release, here is my take on the best landing spots in Chapter 5 of Fortnite.

Fortnite Chapter 5 has arrived, and with it, bringing a plethora of new locations to explore and unearth when playing the season for the first time. While it goes without saying, from my personal opinion, that landing anywhere can prove to be equally beneficial, the best Fortnite Chapter 5 landing spots provide a slight advantage, from their area to even the minor accessibilities available there that other areas seem to lack.

Key Takeaways
  • Landing at the best spots or locations in Fortnite can make a huge difference with their amount of loot and other unique details.
  • An advantage of some locations, such as Fencing Fields, is their inclusion of vaults that have both blue and gold chests, along with possible mod benches.
  • A slight disadvantage is how some locations can be chaotic to fight in, such as Reckless Railways, due to their surrounding layout.
  • In my experience, the best landing spot for me has to be between Hazy Hillside and Fencing Fields.
Important: Caution is advised when landing at the Yellow-named versions of these locations as though they’ll offer you better loot; it has a chance to attract a lot of opposing players and squads who have the same idea as you.

Best Landing Spots in Fortnite Chapter 5

Following is a summary of the Best Landing Spots in Chapter 5 of the game:

5Pleasant PlazzaInter-connected Villas, rooftops provide height advantage.
4Reckless RailwaysNPC Boss fight Mansion and Large Buildings which provide ample cover for retreat.
3Hazy HillsideLarge lodge and cabins, with nearby railway tracks giving an edge to climb train and balanced rooftops for height advantage.
2Fencing FieldsLarge courtyard area, along with NPC Boss fight and enemies.
1Rebel's RoostNPC can trade Grappling Hook and the large mansion is great for Duos teams to loot.

5. Pleasant Plazza

fortnite chapter 5 best landing spots
Landing in Pleasant Plazza (Image captured by Me)
  • Why I Chose This: Lots of house rooftops for advantage in opening fights.

The Pleasant Plazza almost feels like a successor to Pleasant Park, at least to me, because though both feature lots of houses, the former is reminiscent of a countryside farmhouse in Italy.

The only downside for me here is that while there are a ton of brick rooftops that you can perch on immediately, the problems arise if you’re at ground level because navigating the area or fighting on that level can be hectic, especially at a height disadvantage.

There’s a good amount of loot to be found here, with chests in almost every room of this huge Villa; plus, you can also use the twisting interior design and courtyard in fights to gain a slight upper hand.

4. Reckless Railways

fortnite chapter 5 best landing spots
Outside the Railway Station of Reckless Railways (Image Captured by Me)
  • Why I Chose This: Large frontal open area with a good place to gather loot.

The Reckless Railway almost resembles the Grand Central Station of NYC, except that there’s nothing grand about it apart from the chaotic fights that happen when you land in it. The key detail about the area is how the Train will always pass right through it, making it a great location if you want to plan on riding the train with your squadmates.

However, it is understandable if you dislike the area because there is an NPC boss right near the station in the mansion, along with a Turret in the front yard. Engaging him while you have nearby enemy players can prove to be a difficult time but also means equal greater loot if you manage to overcome the odds. It is also easy to lose track of your targets as the interior areas here provide cover and clever parkour sections.

3. Hazy Hillside

Landing in Hazy Hillside (Image captured by Me)
  • Why I Chose This: Compact exterior design and multi-floor buildings.

Hazy Hillside is one of the new Snowy locations part of the Fortnite Chapter 5 landing spots. The whole area resembles a large winter resort with Lodges and other cosey cabins in the vicinity. One of the highlights of this area for my teammates and I is how you can also catch the train just close to it near the tracks, so if you want, you can climb onto it with some pre-planning to get some extra loot for yourselves.

Furthermore, I like the place due to how easy it is to loot it, as you can get a good amount of loot depending on your RNG from a single Lodge’s treasure chests. The rooftops of the area also provide a great vantage point if you’re using a sniper to scout or engage an enemy.

2. Fencing Fields

In the Fencing Fields (Image Captured by Me)
  • Why I Chose This: Open-ended area and with an NPC boss.

The Fencing Fields is vastly similar to the Pleasant Plazza as both locations feature large mansions/Villas, but what makes Fencing Fields better for my friends and me when landing here is the inclusion of an NPC Boss, their Vault Loot and, of course, the area, in general, being much more open to explore and scope out.

Furthermore, my favorite key detail is how the yards in this location can also provide treasure chests as well as a little line-of-sight cover during fights if needed via the bushes.

1. Rebel’s Roost

At Rebel’s Roost (Image by Me)
  • Why I Chose This: The best landing spot for Duo teams and Solo Players.

If you ask me, in my opinion, I found the Rebel’s Roost the best landing spot because the Steelsight NPC here can offer you the Grappling Hook Tool in exchange for Gold. This tool is easily one of the best traversal options introduced this season, which can help you chase down enemies or retreat during heated situations. The location itself houses a large mansion, which can be confusing at first to navigate.

Lastly, due to the single mansion, I wouldn’t really recommend going here as a squad, as you might find an inadequate amount of treasure chests here to get the proper set of weapons or items.

My Take On The Best Landing Spots

In my opinion, if you’re playing in Squads or Trios, either Hazy Hillside or Fencing Fields are great landing spots when starting matches in Fortnite Chapter 5. For Duos, try to land at a location where you can stay together unless you’re skilled enough to hold your own in the heat of battle, such as Pleasant Plazza.

For now, this wraps up my guide, and if you have any other questions, please let me know about them in the comments section below! Before you go, be sure to check out OG Fortnite veteran Haris Umar’s Latest Review on Fortnite in 2023, as well as my guide to locating the Peter Griffin NPC boss fight.

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Usama Mehmood is a Games Specialist, and writer on eXputer who's either hunting for the richest loot in Destiny 2 or endlessly playing his favorite games such as Yakuza or Final Fantasy. Usama has been gaming for 15+ years during which he has accumulated 4000+ hours on Destiny 1 & 2. His constant adoration for video games has allowed him to pursue eXputer as a platform to showcase his striving talents in writing helpful articles. Get familiar with Usama's extensive gaming library on his Steam, PSN, and Xbox profiles.

Experience: 2+ Years || Mainly Covers Reviews And Guides || Education: Bachelors in Physiotherapy.

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