FF7 Rebirth: All Kalm Chest Locations [Tried And Tested]

There are multiple chests scattered around the town of Kalm, and these are the locations to each and every chest that I found in FF7 Rebirth!

As soon as you wake up from the Kalm Inn in Chapter 2: New Journey begins, you can roam the town to search for chests. Some of these can be seen easily, but some are a bit hidden, which is the reason for me to blindly search for them for hours. Now that I know where they are, I can tell you that if you know the pinpoint locations of all the Kalm chests in FF7 Rebirth, they are really easy to find!

Key Takeaways
  • There are around 4 Chests that can be found in the village of Kalm in FF7 Rebirth.
  • The First Chest is situated at the end of the tunnel at the Air-Raid Shelter area below the Kalm Inn.
  • The second chest is found on the second floor of the Kalm Inn at the Kalm Village.
  • The third is found in the Village Overlook area inside the second floor of The Rusty Arrow bar.
  • The last chest in FF7 Rebirth is located at the end of the river canal flow in the Village Center area.

All Kalm Chest Locations In FF7 Rebirth

There are a total 4 chests with rewards that can be retrieved in Kalm, and these are their locations: 

  1. Sprigs Of Laurel Chest
  2. Ether Chest
  3. Antidotes Chest
  4. Headband Accessory Chest
Before You Start: You can open these chests however you want to open them, but I was able to open them in 3 minutes by going to the chest locations respectively.

1. Sprigs of Laurel Chest

Fast Travel Location Point In FF7 Rebirth
Fast Travel Location Point To Get To The First Chest Through Air-Raid Shelter- (Screenshot Captured by eXputer)
  1. Air-Raid Shelter: The first chest can be found through the passage where the Inn manager takes you out into the Grasslands.
  2. Didn’t See Chest: If you haven’t already opened the chest up, you can get back to it.
  3. Inn Passage: Head to the Inn and inside the passage through which you went out into the Grasslands.
  4. What I Did: I forgot to open the chest, so I used the outside entry from Grasslands into the passage.
First Chest Location Of All Kalm Chests In FF7 Rebirth
The Chest Right Ahead Of Where Barret Opened An Exit Point To The Grasslands – (Screenshot Grab: eXputer)
  1. Barret’s Opening: Keep moving into the passage until you see the entrance that Barret opens, and the chest will be on your right.
First Chest In Game
The First Chest With 3 Sprigs Of Laurel As A Reward – (Image Captured by Us)
  1. Sprigs Of Laurel Chest: The chest gives you three sprigs of Laurel, and you can craft an Antidote with it. 
Important: Since this is the first chest, I fast-traveled to the Air-Raid Shelter and went in the Inn tunnel from the outside, and started my chest opening journey.

2. Ether Chest Location

Second Kalm Chest Location Of All The Chests In FF7 Rebirth
The Room In Which The Chest Is Located On The Second Floor Of The Inn – (Image credit: eXputer)
  1. Kalm Inn: The Location for the Ether Chest is situated at the Kalm Inn hotel in the village of Kalm.
  2. Get Inside Inn: If you missed the chest the first time, just head back to the inn again.
  3. The Inn At Kalm: Move onto the second floor of the hotel, where you will find a door to the south of the room.
    Second Kalm Chest In FF7
    Getting Ether From The Chest At Kalm Inn – (Screenshot Captured by eXputer)
  4. Locked Door: If you were here in Chapter 1, It had been closed, so fortunately, there is no key for it.
  5. The Ether Chest: When you open the door and find one of the Kalm chests locations in FF7 Rebirth, open it to receive some Ether.
  6. Ether: Ether is a consumable that gives you around 20 MP health. 

3. Antidotes Chest

Third Kalm Chest Location Of All CHests In FF7 Rebirth
The Rusty Arrow Location Left To The Kalm Inn- (Image Captured by eXputer)
  1. The Rusty Arrow: At the eastern side of the Central Plaza left to the Kalm Inn, head inside a bar called The Rusty Arrow.
  2. Village’s Overlook Clock Tower Plaza: The Rusty Arrow bar is a POA at the Village’s Overlook Area.
  3. Bar Entrance: Head inside the bar, and you will find wooden stairs next to the bar counter.
    Third Kalm Chest Turn In Game
    The Dark Room Entrance Right From The Stairs Taking You To The Second Level – (Screenshot Captured by eXputer)
  4. Second Floor: As soon as you reach the upper floor, you will see a dark room on your right.
    Third Kalm Chest In FF7
    The Chest Next To The Barrels With 2 Antidotes- (Screenshot Grab: eXputer)
  5. Chest Location: When you get inside the room, there will be a staircase down your right that leads up to some barrels.
  6. The Antidote Chest: Between the barrels, you will find your Antidotes Chest, and inside it, you will find 2 Antidotes.
  7. Antidotes: The consumable is a potion that can be used to cure poison, regenerate some HP or remove some elemental negative effect. 

4. Headband Accessory Chest

Fourth Chest Location In Game
The Location Of The Third Chest After Follow The Canal To The End – (Screenshot Captured by eXputer)
  1. Village Center: The Headband Accessory Chest can be found in the Village Center area at the very end of Bailey Bazaar.
  2. Canal: Just move south from the village center, and you will be following a canal if you see it.
  3. End Of The Canal: Keep following the canal until it ends, and then go down the staircase to see some wooden boxes.
    Fourth Kalm Chest In FF7
    The Fourth And Last Chest Containing A Headband- (Screenshot Captured by eXputer)
  4. The Headband Accessory Chest: The chest will contain a wearable headband accessory.
  5. Headband Ability: You will be prone to any sleep effect put on you, but it doesn’t provide any statistical buff.

These were all the Kalm chests and their locations that you can go to in FF7 Rebirth. They have very beginner-level rewards but offer a good headband and other items that will be necessary at the beginning of your journey. Opening these chests makes one feel more rewarded with the controller haptics, as experienced by many players. Do check out our recently published review of Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth, written by Syed Hamid Ali Shah


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Usama Mehmood is a Games Specialist, and writer on eXputer who's either hunting for the richest loot in Destiny 2 or endlessly playing his favorite games such as Yakuza or Final Fantasy. Usama has been gaming for 15+ years during which he has accumulated 4000+ hours on Destiny 1 & 2. His constant adoration for video games has allowed him to pursue eXputer as a platform to showcase his striving talents in writing helpful articles. Get familiar with Usama's extensive gaming library on his Steam, PSN, and Xbox profiles.

Experience: 2+ Years || Mainly Covers Reviews And Guides || Education: Bachelors in Physiotherapy.

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