Dragon’s Dogma 2 And Tekken 8 Know I Just Want To Let My Creativity Run Wild

The unorthodox demo proved even better than the real deal.

Story Highlights

  • In a rather unconventional move, Dragon’s Dogma 2 released its character creator for a demo.
  • First Tekken 8 and now this, unrestricted character customization has been widely appreciated recently.
  • Default characters are good, sure, but extensive customization in games imparts the freedom of choice.

The purpose of video games was to create a fictional world where you could let your creativity run free and enjoy the things you couldn’t do in reality. Although a multitude of genres exist at this point, they share the factor of providing you with a stress-free (and sometimes stressful) virtual playground. Many games even give you the choice to dive into a game the way you want to look and feel.

That takes me to today’s topic of discussion: Character customization in games. Before I begin, let me ask you this. Do you prefer standardized, pre-designed characters in games, or are custom characters more to your liking? While I don’t have anything against default characters, I feel like player-designed characters bring a lot more immersion; you can spend hours designing your virtual self alone, and Dragon’s Dogma 2 is well aware of this.

YouTube video

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Released A Brilliant Character Creator As A Demo

I don’t think it needs saying, but demos are very important for any game. They provide a glimpse of what to expect and serve as a sample for both the developer and the consumer. Players get a better idea of whether the game is up their alley, and developers can estimate the reception of the title, as well as fix any pending issues arising in the demo before the final release.

As such, the upcoming Dragon’s Dogma 2 was to receive a demo as well. Capcom’s highly underrated action RPG with a cult following is finally getting a sequel, and so far it’s looking bigger and better in every way. Thus, the demo was a much-awaited piece of software for everyone. However, in a rather unconventional move, Capcom released the game’s character creator instead of a demo.

The fact that people are enjoying this creator so much which isn't even a proper demo speaks volumes
The fact that people are enjoying this creator so much which isn’t even a proper demo speaks volumes

You might be thinking, that’s pretty bad, isn’t it? Well, I assure you it’s not. Dragon’s Dogma 2’s character creator is a ton of fun, with extreme customizability. It’s detailed enough that people are spending hours upon hours in the customization, and still coming up with new designs and varieties to try. It also comes with rather bizarre and unique combinations to have a laugh while you let your creativity run wild.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has the craziest Character Creation I’ve ever seen!!
byu/killingjoke619 ingaming

Creative Player Customization Is Integral In Games Now

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has once again reminded me of just how important creative customization is in games. This point runs parallel to the original essence of games, a virtual world where you are in control. If it’s a world designed for me to do what I please, an in-depth and diverse character creator can give me the immersion I need; I get to design what to play as.

Of course, the game’s quality itself matters a lot. I don’t mean to say give me a good character creator and nothing else. Stuff like narrative, world design, and gameplay mechanics are important. But that is something that’s common knowledge; it has to be good. However, a creative character customization utility can take the experience a long way.

Character customization is something everyone enjoys. It’s not tied to existing mechanics and standards, and there’s no story or script you have to follow. It’s just a fun utility where you’re in control. Whether you create cool and calm characters or ridiculous abominations, the choice is all yours.

“Waltuh, put fire on my sword waltuh.”
byu/BulwarkHDMods inDragonsDogma

Dragon’s Dogma 2 released a character creator only, and look at all the attention and following it’s getting. Customization has become a pretty important part of modern gaming.

Earlier, Tekken 8 Proved This Point Of Mine

Oh, and Dragon’s Dogma 2 is not the only example I have to support my argument. Another game received renown for many other things, but the character customization was a pretty big reason. That game is nothing other than Tekken 8. Tekken is a game that practically has a definite fan following, and it’s immense. The reason is that it’s one of the most enjoyable fighting game series around with a steep but rewarding learning curve.

And Tekken 8 was everything fans wanted and expected, and then some more. However, there’s one thing the game did slightly differently and creatively; the character customization system. Although Tekken has pre-defined and definite characters, this new entry allows you to customize those characters. More specifically, dress them up and modify their attire and accessories in any way you like.

Tekken 8 has the best customization, yet
byu/haunv1 inTekken

This system was so magnificently detailed that you could recreate essentially any character in existence with Tekken 8’s customization potential. From Resident Evil to anime characters, there’s nothing you couldn’t do. This customization made Tekken 8 a lot more popular than the series is, even among newcomers and first-time fans.

The point I wish to make is that people love mechanics that give them the freedom to utilize their creativity, myself included. Be it character customization, or stuff like the Ultra hand from Tears of the Kingdom to craft any bizarre machinery possible, creative and unrestricted customization has become too popular and important to ignore. It’s something games need to actively consider at this point.

Any mechanic that provides creative freedom is always enjoyable
Any mechanic that provides creative freedom is always enjoyable

I Hope Dragon’s Dogma 2 Is As Creative As This Demo

With all said and done, Dragon’s Dogma 2’s rather bizarre choice for a demo turned out extremely successful. If anything, the demo shows it is no short of creativity, and I hope this essence carries into the game itself, too. From what we know so far, Dragon’s Dogma 2 is making a lot of these strange yet intriguing choices pretty big in scope.

First is the open-world design, where it’s ditching the standard fast-travel-focused approach to opt for a more immersive and grounded in-reality design choice. However, the question remains will it stay repetition-free for the entire game? I have my hopes up for it.

Let's see how Dragon's Dogma 2's unorthodox open world plays out
Let’s see how Dragon’s Dogma 2’s unorthodox open world plays out

Similarly, Dragon’s Dogma 2 is going the realistic route with its quest design and NPCs as well. Dead NPCs stay as much and are actively transported to morgues and cemeteries. Moreover, quests are also time-conscious and require active time management.

As creative as all of this sounds, there is a lot to be skeptical about the execution as well. However, since it’s Capcom manning the helm, I don’t have a lot to worry about. If this brilliant character creator is any indication, the creative elements are sure to be in abundance.

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Hanzala is a dedicated writer who expresses his views as opinion pieces at eXputer. He's always been fascinated by gaming and has been an avid consumer of many different genres for over a decade. His passion for games has him eager to encounter the latest RPGs and actively look for new Soulslike to challenge. He puts forth his experience and knowledge of gaming into captivating opinion pieces.

Experience: 8+ months || Education: Bachelors in Chemistry.

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