Dragon’s Dogma 2
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a sequel to the action role-playing game developed by Capcom. Set in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and ancient evils, players get to embark on an adventurous journey. Dragon’s Dogma 2 also allows you to recruit pawns, each with its own unique abilities. Dragon’s Dogma 2 offers a blend of exploration, combat, and storytelling for every fan of the RPG genre. Keep up with eXputer’s articles on Dragon’s Dogma 2 for all the latest news, tutorials, guides, features, and much more!
eXputer Originals
Gamers Need To Understand That Popularity Cannot Turn A Bad Game Into A Good One
Many video games that get popular and consumed by the video gaming community turn out to be subpar or short of expectations.
eXputer Originals
PS Store’s “Essential Picks” Sale Finally Discounts Some Of My Favorite AAAs
The latest PlayStation Store "Essential Picks" sale discounts titles like Returnal, Dragon's Dogma 2, and others by a cool margin.
eXputer Originals
Games That Take Pride In Having The Most “Alive” NPCs
Only a few video games out there have world design so great, that the NPCs in them feel like they're actually alive, featuring Pathologic.
eXputer Originals
Great Open-World Games That Discourage Fast Travel
Some open-world games, such as Kenshi, want you to live in the moment, and not opt for a travel-minimizing shortcut.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Has Sold 3 Million Units In 2 Months
Dragon's Dogma 2, Capcom's latest JRPG, has reached a new sales milestone, rolling over 3 million copies in a span of two months.
eXputer Originals
5 Games With Great Gameplay But Terrible Endgame Content
Many successful titles often feature great gameplay mechanics that pull you in, only to lead into subpar endgame content.
eXputer Originals
After 100 Hours, Here’s Why I Think Dragon’s Dogma 2 Is GOTY Material
In Dragon's Dogma 2, I experienced every Vocation and explored the open world, which made me fall in love with the game.
Dragon’s Dogma 2: Best Party Combinations [Top 4]
A descriptive guide on the best party combinations in Dragon's Dogma 2 for early game as well as late game.
Dragon’s Dogma 2: Best Ways To Farm XP [Our Picks]
Learn about the best ways you can level up fast and gain maximum XP and discipline points in Dragon's Dogma 2
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Loses About 90% Of Its Players A Month Into Release
Dragon's Dogma 2, Capcom's latest JRPG, has suffered a gigantic loss in playerbase, as per stats depicted by SteamDB.
eXputer Originals
Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Microtransactions Are The Least Of Its Problems
Dragon's Dogma 2 got panned on launch for a swath of microtransactions, but its real issues are more deep-dyed.
Despite MTX Backlash, Dragon’s Dogma 2 Is A Sales Success For Capcom
Dragon's Dogma 2 has rolled over 2.5 million copies over the course of its release, as announced by the officials over at Capcom.
Dragon’s Dogma 2: How To Buy A House [Our Expert’s Opinion]
Here's a quick guide on how to buy a house in Dragon's Dogma 2 and all the locations of the houses you can get.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Receives Promised Fixes On PS5 And PC; Patch For Xbox Delayed
Dragon's Dogma 2's latest patch brings the previously promised swath of planned updates to the RPG, including the option to start a new game.
Dragon’s Dogma 2: How To Get Art Of Metamorphosis [Location Guide]
Change your character's appearance in Dragon's Dogma 2 by using the Art of Metamorphosis.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Becomes UK’s Biggest Launch This Year; Narrowly Beats FF7 Rebirth
Dragon's Dogma 2 has become the UK's biggest launch by far this year, as recent data suggests. It narrowly crossed Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth.
Dragon’s Dogma 2: Approach The False Sovran Questline
Here, you can learn everything about the questline and items that are necessary to approach the false sovran in Dragon's Dogma 2.
Dragon’s Dogma 2: How To Create Frieren [Our Expert Recommendations]
Use Dragon's Dogma 2's character creator to create Frieren from one of the famous anime, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Review – A Masterpiece With Rough Edges
Its performance may be disappointing, but don't let that detract from the fact that Dragon's Dogma 2 is still one of the best RPGs ever made.
eXputer Originals
Can The PS5 No Longer Push The 60 FPS It So Enthusiastically Promised?
With FF7 Rebirth's visual compromise, and Rise of the Ronin and Dragon's Dogma 2's low framerate, is this it for the PS5's promise of 60 FPS?