
[Exclusive] Xbox Reaches Agreement With Batman: Arkham Trilogy Creators For A New AAA Game

Hundred Star was founded in 2023 by ex-Rocksteady heads.

Story Highlights

  • Hundred Star was created by Rocksteady co-founders and is based in London and has about 100 employees. 
  • The studio is working on its first-ever project, with is a AAA, action-adventure, single-player game.
  • Xbox Game Studios Publishing has signed a partnership with Hundred Star for the project. 

Rocksteady co-founders Sefton Hill and Jamie Walker banded together to form a new AAA games-making studio in 2023 called Hundred Star, which is headquartered in London. Today, eXputer has learned that the developer is working on its first project: A AAA-standard, single-player, action-adventure game built in Unreal Engine 5.

Unfortunately, not much else is known about this game, but the partnership has already been signed, and Xbox Game Studios is financing the studio’s first project. The title is likely to be a platform exclusive, releasing in the future for both Xbox consoles and PC, but considering Xbox’s current approach toward exclusivity, it’s hard to say what’ll happen in the future.  

More About Hundred Star

Hundred Star
Image Credits: Hundred Star 

Hundred Star has grown over the course of its establishment in 2023, now reaching an employee count close to 100. Out of those, more than 20 devs who have joined are ex-Rocksteady, which is the studio known for its work on the iconic Batman: Arkham franchise, and the relatively recent Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League just as well.

In addition, the official website of the London-based developer is currently hiring. 

With innovation at our core, we’re dedicated to pushing boundaries, embracing diversity, and fostering a vibrant gaming community. Our empowering company culture is unique to the industry which encourages leadership at all levels, accountability, team support, vulnerability, and connection,” reads Hundred Star’s description on Great Place to Work

Although news pertaining to Hundred Star surfaced in 2024, thanks to a report by Polygon which also discovered Sefton and Jamie to be the founders, the studio has been in operation since 2023

For those who missed it, both Sefton and Jamie departed Rocksteady, being the studio heads, surprisingly months before the promised release of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, insinuating trouble behind the scenes. Warner Bros. president David Haddad addressed the community in a letter, saying, 

With Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League nearly finished, they have both decided to leave Rocksteady at the end of 2022 and will begin a new adventure in gaming. We have the utmost respect and gratitude for Jamie and Sefton and wish them all the best in their new endeavor, and like many fans, we look forward to what they do next.”

I’m hopeful for the quality of the project, given the talent that’s on the helm this time around. Perhaps, Xbox would be able to make up for its long line of botched first-party games over the years from here on out, but hey, don’t hold your breath. 

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My name is Álvaro. I am a Spaniard living in the Netherlands and a lawyer by profession. In my spare time, I create informative content about the video game industry, with a special focus on Xbox.

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