Leak Reveals Rockstar Working On A Public Mission Creator For GTA Online

This new feature may sustain engagement till GTA 6 is released.

                                                                       Story Highlights

  • Credible leaker Tez2 shared a screenshot of an empty Mission Creator script in GTA’s latest update.
  • The Mission Creator could serve as a grand send-off while helping in resource allocation for the GTA 6.
  • User-generated content can keep GTA Online lively and transform the game completely. 

According to the credible leaker Tez2, Rockstar Games appears to be developing a public version of the Mission Creator for GTA Online. He posted a screenshot of the game files of the “Bottom Dollar Bounties” update released on the 25th of last month, where an empty script for the Mission Creator was added.

Although the feature is not yet active, its inclusion suggests that Rockstar is preparing to expand the creative options for the players. Introducing the Mission Creator at the twilight of the game makes strategic sense. As it can extend the engagement in the game till GTA 6 arrives. Also helping in better resource allocation for GTA 6.

Mission Creator for GTA Online
A custom mission mode will unlock the creative potential of GTA Online.

Grand Theft Auto V has a lasting legacy, for more than a decade, and three console generations later people are still playing it. The timing of this feature can be very crucial and it being part of the final updates to the game will serve as a grand send-off.

The Potential Mission Creator Can Be A Game Changer

We can’t concretely say what the Mission Creator has in store for the players but generally user-generated content keeps video games alive by giving time to the developers to work on new titles and features. We can assume that the introduction of this feature will help the developers work on GTA 6 more effectively and efficiently while their brand ”GTA Online” will continue to get engagement from players.

Minecraft is an evergreen example of a game where user-generated content has kept the game alive. Its modding community and the in-game tools allow players to share their creativity with the world and there is a consistent influx of user-generated content aiding in an engaging experience.

Now imagine the heists and the missions the community of GTA could create, This could transform GTA Online, by offering a more dynamic and immersive experience and empowering the players to take the brand to another level.

We believe that the potential addition of a Mission Creator in the game will be welcomed by many players. Thus we can hope that the reported rumors come true and we see this feature very soon. Having creative freedom while lessening the burden on Rockstar to shift more focus on the next installment is a very logical move for all the stakeholders.

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Muhammad Sanan Khan is a Tier List expert on eXputer who loves to talk and write about everything related to video games. He has half a decade's worth of experience writing for video games and is also the founder of TopTierList, a website dedicated to Tier Lists and rankings only. For some reason, Sanan is obsessed with ranking things and researching what's best. Learn some more about Sanan's gaming journey on his Steam profile. Experience: 5+ Years || Founder at TopTierList || Mainly Covers Tier Lists on eXputer || Education: BBA.

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