Diablo Immortal Transmog System Explained

My guide on the Transmog system answers the questions commonly asked related to it, like "does Diablo Immortal feature Transmog?"

Transmogrification is commonly referred to as Transmog or Tmog, Xmog, or just mog. Transmog is a term used to express the ability to be able to customize your weapons and equipment or gear with another item’s design. Also, it represents a hide option feature for certain pieces of armor or item.

Key Takeaways
  • Diablo Immortal’s Transmog System customizes weapons, equipment, or gear with another item’s design.
  • Requires a significant cost for each use.
  • In December 2020, replaced by the Essence system, which retains Transmog features and allows skin changes and improvements.

Difference Between Transmog And Skins

Skins in Daiblo Immortal
Skins In Diablo Immortal

Now, many of you might be thinking of the difference between Transmog and Skins in Diablo Immortal. In my opinion, the most noticeable difference is that skins are usually unique one-off items in-game. At the same time, Transmog works on items that are already in-game and are easily available.

Based on my gameplay experience, Another giveaway of skins is that they can easily be switched between without any charge in-game. However, that is not the case for Transmoged items. Transmoging usually costs heavily for the player who wishes to do it. So, ultimately, it is not a feature that can be readily used.


Essence System Of Diablo Immortal
Essence System Of Diablo Immortal

The Transmoging system in Diablo Immortal is a little altered. The developers in December 2020 revealed that the Transmog system would be available in the game, but it won’t be the traditional transmog system.

They said that they would deliver a brand new system that would be very similar to the Traditional Transmog system. Now, this feature is available in Diablo Immortal. It is known as the Diablo Immortal Essence Transfer System

The Essence system has all the features of the Transmog system. However, when you transfer the essence of the item from one item to another, one of the item’s stat is also transferred. Diablo Immortal players usually use this system to change their skin and improve their equipment. 

However, there is a flaw in the majestic Transmog Essence system. The flaw is that the system only works for legendary items, mostly paid items, making the Transmog system a paid feature.

My Thoughts On The System

Well, I genuinely believe that the Transmog system’s replacement, Essence System, is a great success for the franchise as the system offers a two-in-one ability that will benefit many players in the game. However, I believe the flaw of the feature makes it less pleasing for the players. 

The majority of Diablo players don’t want to invest huge amounts of money just for customization. So, I believe that if the feature were to be free of cost, then the feature and game would be much more popular within the community.

With my conclusion on the Diablo Immortal’s Transmog system, I bring the guide to an end. I truly did my best to provide you with as much information as I could about the Transmog system. Hope you found my guide useful.

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