Monster Hunter Rise Support Palico: Best Types & Moves

There are 5 types of Palicoes in Monster Hunter Rise with different Moves. We will go through each of them thoroughly in this guide.

Monster Hunter Rise is the latest installment from the renowned Monster Hunter series of Capcom. As the name suggests, you’ll have to spend time hunting different monsters in the game. To assist you with it, you’ll come across Support Palicoes in the game. These Palicoes all have different abilities. So we’re here to help you choose the Best Support Palico type in Monster Hunter Rise.

Key Highlights
  • Palicoes assist in hunting monsters.
  • Initially have one Palico, can hire up to 35 at Buddy Plaza.
  • 5 types of Support Palicoes: Healer, Assist, Fighter, Bombardier, Gathering.
  • Each Support Palico has unique moves; level 1 and level 20 moves depend on type.
  • Healer Palico with moves like Herbaceous Healing, Healing Bubble, Vase of Vitality for healing.
  • Assist Palico with moves like Felyne Silkbind, Poison Purrison for player’s abilities and damage boost.
  • Fighter Palico with moves like Rousing Roar, Furrious for dealing damage.
  • Bombardier Palico with moves like Felyne Wyvern Blast, Giga Barrel Bombay for explosive damage.
  • Gathering Palico with moves like Endemic Life Barrage, Pilfer for resource gathering.

Types of Palicoes 

Palicoes are the cat-like companions in Monster Hunter Rise that assist you during your hunts. There are a total of 5 different types of Support Palicoes. They are:

  1. Healer Palico
  2. Assist Palico
  3. Fighter Palico
  4. Bombardier Palico
  5. Gathering Palico
Palicoes types in Monster Hunter Rise.
Different types of Palicoes are available to choose from.

Initially, you’re allowed to have only one Palico. But you can hire up to 35 different Palicoes by visiting the Buddy Plaza. What it means is that you won’t be stuck with the first Palico you get at the beginning of the game. You can try out different Palicoes later on.

Here’s summarized information on Palicos:

PalicoType of PalicoLevel Effect
Herbaceous HealingHealer 1Places a healing plant that will continually heal any allies who are nearby
Healing BubbleHealer 5Creates a bubble that heals you when touched
Vase of VitalityHealer 10Shows effect when you stand in smoke, heals ailments
Furbidden AcornHealer 15Heals a buddy, temporarily prevents loss of its health
Health Horn Healer 20Recovers player and Buddy's health
Felyne SilkbindAssist 1Fires movement-hindering ironsilk at large monsters
Go, Fight, WinAssist 5While your Palico is dancing it reduces hunters' stamina loss
Summeown Endemic LifeAssist 10Places a fragrant pouch that entices nearby endemic life to approach
Shock Purr-isonAssist 15Prevents large monsters from moving by setting a shock trap
Poison Purr-isonAssist 20Immobilizes large monsters and poisons them
by setting a trap
Rousing RoarFighter 1Grants +30% affinity to all hunters for 150 seconds
Whirlwind AssaultFighter 5Whirls their weapon around in a circle before ramming into enemies
Power DrumFighter 10Raises attack and defense for both hunters and Buddies
Fleet-foot FeatFighter 15Skillfully evades the monster's attack then mounts a counterattack
Furr-iousFighter 20Increases attack power drastically
Felyne WyvernblastBombardier 1Lets loose a fearsome roar gives power
Zap Blast SpinnerBombardier 5Unleashes a horde of top-shaped bombs that track monsters
Anti-Monster MineBombardier 10Places a mine that goes off when a bigger monster steps on it
Flash BombayBombardier 15Sets a bomb that dlies into the air and emits a bright flash
Giga Barrel BombayBombardier 20Rushes at a enemy with a Giga Barrel Bomb
Endemic Life BarrageGathering 1Fires endemic life at monsters from a ballista
Mega BoomerangGathering 5Hurls a gargantuan boomerang bsaed on weapon attack type at foes
CamouflageGathering 10Palico conceal themselves and stay hidden
Shock TripperGathering 15Inflicts thunderblight on monsters
PilferGathering 20Steals materials from monsters

Support Palicoes Moves

We’ve listed down the Moves of different types of support Palico that you’ll come across in your travels in Monster Hunter Rise.

Healer Palico

Healer-type Support Palico focuses on healing the player and the party. 1st and 5th Move of Healer Palico remains the same, whereas others can be randomized. We’ll discuss all of the moves so you can better understand them.

Level 1 – Herbaceous Healing

  • Healer Palico places restorative plants that heal nearby allies.
  • Similar to Escuregot but can be cast multiple times within a time limit.
  • Placement is automatic and not under your control.
level 1 move of Healer type support Palico in Monster Hunter Rise
Healer Palico using Herbaceous Healing.

Level 5 – Healing Bubble

  • Healer Palico creates a growing bubble that, when touched, pops and heals.
  • Larger bubbles provide more healing.
  • A reliable healing skill for your hunter.
Level 5 Healer Palico's move in Monster Hunter Rise.
Healing Bubble move of Healer Palico.

Level 10 – Vase of Vitality

  • Healer Palico places a vase with an AoE cleansing effect.
  • Clears status effects on you and your party within its range.
  • Lasts approximately 1 minute and can be used multiple times during battles.
Level 10 Healer palico's move in monster Hunter Rise.
Vase of Vitality clears all the debuffs.

Level 15 – Furbidden Acorn

  • Random move, not exclusive to Healer Palico.
  • Palico heals a Buddy and temporarily prevents health loss.
  • Useful for extending Buddy survivability but offers no support to the player.

Level 20 – Health Horn

  • Found on all Healer Palico types.
  • Instantly heals the player and allies within a certain AoE.
  • Considered the best healing skill for Healer Palico in Monster Hunter Rise, greatly recovering health for both the hunter and buddies.
Level 20 move of Healer Palico in Monster Hunter Rise.
Healing Horn is a superb level 20 move.

Assist Palico

Next up in the list of Support Palicoes, we have the Assist type Palico. They are a perfect choice for those players who want a buddy that will help them by providing a small window to wale on the monsters.

Level 1 – Felyne Silkbind

  • Permanent Level 1 move for Assist Palico.
  • Palico fires Ironsilk at large monsters, restricting their movement.
  • Provides a window to recover or attack as monsters cannot burrow or fly.
Level 1 move of Assist Polico in Monster Hunter Rise.
Felyne Silkbind move of the Assist Palico.

Level 5 – Go, Fight, Win

  • Random Level 5 move for Assist Palico.
  • Motivates the hunter, reducing stamina consumption while dancing.
  • Particularly useful for weapons with high stamina consumption, like bows or dual blades.
level 5 move of the assist palico.
Assist Palico motivates the Hunter in ‘Go, Fight, Win’.

Level 10 – Summeown Endemic Life

  • Random Level 10 move.
  • Palico places a fragrant pouch to attract nearby endemic life, including creatures like Wirebug.
  • While useful, consider other moves for this slot and potential confusion with Vase of Vitality.
Level 10 move of Assist Palico in Monster Hunter Rise.
Summeown Endemic Life summons endemic life from nearby.

Level 15 – Shock Purr-ison

  • A move unique to the Assist Palico in the Level 15 slot.
  • Palico sets up a shock trap that immobilizes large monsters briefly.
  • Ideal for capturing low-health monsters and providing additional trapping options.

Level 20 – Poison Purr-ison

  • Permanent Level 20 move for Assist Palico.
  • Palico sets up a pitfall trap that poisons large monsters.
  • Great for dealing damage and applying poison status to monsters, offering extra damage over time.
Level 20 move of assist palico in monster hunter rise.
Poison Purr-ison traps the monster and puts poison status on it.

Fighter Palico

Fighter Palicoes provide the hunter with decent Support buffs in Monster Hunter Rise. But they fall behind other Palicoes because they have some of the worst Palico moves. Don’t get us wrong, and we don’t hate Fighter Palicoes. To understand what we mean, read through their moves.

Level 1 – Rousing Roar

  • Fighter Palico’s permanent Level 1 move.
  • Releases a powerful roar that enhances player and buddy abilities.
  • Provides affinity boost and earplugs for a short duration, beneficial for early game.
Level 1 move of fighter palico.
Rousing Roar increases the damage of the Hunter.

Level 5 – Whirlwind Assault

  • Level 5 move for Fighter Palico.
  • Palico spins and creates a whirlwind, damaging monsters on contact.
  • Generally not recommended due to slow attacks and limited hits.

Level 10 – Power Drum

  • Level 10 move, boosting the hunter and buddies’ attack and defense.
  • Offers minor buffs for added damage and survival.
  • Palico doesn’t use it frequently, but the effects last for a decent duration.
Level 10 move of Fighter Palico in Monster Hunter Rise.
Power Drum increases Hunter’s attack and defense.

Level 15 – Fleet-foot Feat

  • Fighter Palico’s level 15 move, drawing monster aggro and evading attacks.
  • Performs a counterattack during the evasion.
  • While helpful for distracting monsters briefly, it doesn’t deal significant damage.

Level 20 – Furr-ious

  • Fighter Palico’s Level 20 move that significantly increases its attack power.
  • Only boosts the Palico’s damage, not the hunter’s.
  • Considered one of the less effective Support Palico moves and competes with the excellent Level 1 move, Rousing Roar.
Level 20 move of Fighter Palico in Monster Hunter Rise.
Furr-ious increases the damage of the Fighter Palico.

Bombardier Palico

If you want additional part breaks on monsters for extra materials, then the Bombardier type Palico is the best support Palicoes. But then again, the Bombardier Palico is situational or redundant if you don’t face any problems with breaking parts.

Level 1 – Felyne Wyvernblast

  • Permanent Level 1 move for Bombardier Palico.
  • Fires small Wyvernblast shells at monsters, causing explosions on impact.
  • Great for dealing extra damage to monsters and breaking parts.
Level 1 move of Bombardier Palico in Monster Hunter Rise.
Felyne Wyvernblast deals explosion damage to enemies.

Level 5 – Zap Blast Spinner

  • Random Level 5 move for Bombardier Palico.
  • Unleashes a horde of tracking bombs that explode upon hitting monsters.
  • Effective for breaking parts but limited in utility.

Level 10 – Anti-Monster Mine

  • Level 10 move where the Palico places a mine on the ground.
  • The mine explodes when triggered by a large monster, potentially staggering it.
  • Competes with stronger Level 10 moves from other Palico types.

Level 15 – Flash Bombay

  • Level 15 slot move where the Palico launches a flash bomb into the air.
  • The bomb emits a bright light to blind monsters.
  • Less reliable as the Palico may miss its target or use it at less optimal times.
level 15 move of Bombardier in Monster Hunter Rise.
Flash Bombay acts like a flash bomb.

Level 20 – Giga Barrel Bombay

  • Permanent Level 20 move for Bombardier Palico.
  • Palico rushes at a monster carrying a Giga Barrel Bomb, causing a large explosion upon impact.
  • Effective at dealing significant damage and potentially breaking monster parts.
Level 20 move of Bombardier Palico in Monster Hunter Rise.
In Giga Barrel Bombay, Bombardier fires a large explosion barrel at the monster.

Gathering Palico

Gathering type Palico is currently every hunter’s favorite choice for Support Palicoes. That is because of the level 1 and level 20 move. Here’s what the Gathering-type Palico’s moves in Monster Hunter Rise look like.

Level 1 – Endemic Life Barrage

  • Gatherer Palico’s Level 1 move that spawns a small ballista.
  • Fires endemic life at monsters, applying their status effects.
  • Great for early-game support, applying Paratoad, Poisontoad, or Sleeptoad effects.
Level 1 move of Gatherer palico in Monster Hunter Rise.
Gatherer Palico using Endemic Life Barrage.

Level 5 – Mega Boomerang

  • Level 5 move where the Palico throws a large boomerang at monsters.
  • Boomerang damage is based on the Palico’s weapon type.
  • Offers damage and contributes to status buildup.

Level 10 – Camouflage

  • Level 10 move that temporarily conceals the Gatherer Palico.
  • Hides the Palico from monster targeting.
  • Provides minimal support, mainly useful for avoiding monster attacks.

Level 15 – Shock Tripper

  • Level 15 slot move where the Palico drops an electric field.
  • Inflicts the thunder light status on monsters within the field.
  • Helpful for status buildup and potentially causing stun, but requires multiple hits.
Level 15 move of Palico In Monster Hunter Rise.
Shock Tripper gives Thunderblight status on Monsters.

Level 20 – Pilfer

  • Permanent Level 20 move for Gatherer Palico.
  • Palico throws a boomerang at monsters to steal materials upon hitting.
  • Highly valuable for obtaining extra materials at the end of hunts, benefiting the entire party.
Level 20 move of Gatherer palico.
Pilfer is a great move if you’re looking for extra materials.

Best Support Palico

That was the complete list of moves that different Support-type Palicoes have in Monster Hunter Rise. If you’ve read through all of these skills, then you wouldn’t have a problem understanding which one is the best Support Palico.

If you’re having trouble choosing from any one of those Support Palicoes. Or you can’t make out which one is the best out of those. Then we’ll help you select the best one out of those. We’ll go from the worst to the best in our utility.

Again, we will try to give valid reasons why we prefer X over Y, but the final choice will be yours. Whatever we choose as best might not fit your gameplay. So we recommend that you choose whatever is suitable for you.

Fighter Palico

  • Weakest among Support Palicoes, with limited utility.
  • Rousing Roar (Level 1) provides affinity and earplugs but lacks versatility.
  • Furr-ious (Level 20) mainly boosts Palico damage, offering little to the player.

Bombardier Palico

  • Useful for players seeking extra part breaks for materials.
  • Felyne Wyvernblast (Level 1) and Giga Barrel Bombay (Level 20) deal explosive damage.
  • Randomized moves may not always align with player needs.

Assist Palico

  • Offers crowd control and stamina support for players.
  • Felyne Silkbind (Level 1) restricts monster movement.
  • Shock Purr-ison (Level 15) is a strong Level 15 move for trapping and capturing monsters.
  • Randomized moves like ‘Go, Fight, Win’ and ‘Summeown Endemic Life’ can be useful for specific playstyles.

Healer Palico

  • Focuses on healing the player and the party.
  • Herbaceous Healing (Level 1) and Healing Horn (Level 20) are excellent for providing health.
  • Randomized moves like ‘Healing Bubble’ and ‘Vase of Vitality’ offer additional healing options.

Gathering Palico

To be honest, we expected that we’d have a hard time choosing the best Support Palico in Monster Hunter Rise. But when we started jotting down the list of best Support Palicoes, then it all became clear. We can say that Gathering Palico is the Best Support Palico that you will come across in Monster Hunter Rise.

We didn’t choose it only because it lets you gather materials off of monsters. But it has other abilities that make it quite useful. The Endemic Life Barrage comes in quite handy in hunts. It will paralyze or put a monster in sleep status with a single move.

But that isn’t the main deal with Gathering Palico. It is the level 20 move ‘Pilfer’. This will steal materials from monsters and at the end of the hunt, will provide 2-4 extra materials. Oftentimes you’ll share these materials with your teammates.

As for the three random skills of Gathering Palico, we’d recommend avoiding the Camouflage move as it won’t help you at all. You can pick up the Mega Boomerang if you can’t find any other reasonable move. Shock tripper is a decent move from the Gathering Palico, though we’d prefer any other move from that slot.


All of the Support-type Palicoes in Monster Hunter Rise are good in their own way. But not all of them are worthy to be called the best Support Palicoes.

However, the Fighter Palico falls way behind due to its level 20 move. But it somewhat covers that up with the level 1 move, Rousing Roar.

Healing and Gathering Palicoes are at almost a tie for the No. 1 position in the list of Best Support Palicoes. But Gathering Palico takes the lead thanks to its superb Level 1 move. The Level 20 move that provides 2-4 extra materials, in the end, comes in handy in the late game.

With that, we conclude our list of the Best Support Palico that you can find in Monster Hunter Rise. We hope you had as much fun as we had testing different Palicoes and happy hunting.

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Zohaib Abdullah is a Guides Writer on eXputer who’s been obsessed with FPS and RPG titles from a young age. He is constantly looking for new games to play, although you can mostly find him falling back on Skyrim. He has several years of experience writing for video games. Learn a bit more about Zohaib's gaming journey on his Steam profile.

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