Do I Need To Play Xenoblade 2 Before 3? [Answered]

The new Xenoblade 3 has been released. New players have 1 question on mind, "Do I need to play Xenoblade 2 before 3?" and we're here to help.

Xenoblade 3 is the all-new entry in the Xenoblade series. Xenoblade series is a Nintendo exclusive that has been around since the Wii. It is a fan-favorite game, and everyone loves it for what it is. Xenoblade fans have been eagerly waiting for the latest, 3rd entry in the series, and almost everyone loves the trailers.

One thing that the trailers did do was impress others as well. People who have not even touched any of the Xenoblade games are now genuinely interested. They all want to play the game. So, everyone is asking, “Do I need to play Xenoblade 2 before 3?” and this guide explains exactly that. 

Key Highlights
  • Xenoblade series features deep lore and connections across all entries.
  • Xenoblade 2 and 3 covers depict the same titan, with a subtle sword detail in 3.
  • Monado III in Xenoblade 3 references the original game and ties into its lore.
  • Rex from Xenoblade 2 is mentioned and has a role in the ending, with nods to other characters.
  • Playing prior entries enhances understanding of references and lore.
  • Monolith Soft recommends playing earlier games for full enjoyment but deems it not necessary.

Why You Should Play Xenoblade 2 Before 3

Should you play Xenoblade 2 before 3? Absolutely. Here’s why:

  1. Lore and World Building: Xenoblade is rich in lore, and while the main stories aren’t directly connected, the series’ lore and world building are intertwined. Details like the shared titan on the covers of Xenoblade 2 and 3 highlight this connection. References and continuity are prevalent in Xenoblade 3, making it beneficial to have played the previous entries for full appreciation.
    Shulk’s Monado
  2. Monado III and Shulk’s Monado: Xenoblade 3 features Monado as a skin for a special weapon, paying homage to the original Xenoblade. As you progress, lore and story elements related to the sword unfold, potentially impacting the game’s ending.
  3. Rex from Xenoblade 2: Rex plays a significant role in Xenoblade 3, with quests requiring prior knowledge of Xenoblade 2. His presence adds depth to the storyline and provides closure to his character arc. Other characters from Xenoblade 2 are also referenced, but Rex’s involvement is particularly noteworthy.
    rex and pyra
    Rex and Pyra in Xenoblade 2

Playing Xenoblade 2 before 3 enriches your understanding of the series’ universe, enhances your appreciation of the lore, and allows you to fully grasp the connections and references present in Xenoblade 3.

Why You Should Skip Xenoblade 2 

Should you skip Xenoblade 2? Here’s why you might consider it:

  1. Each Game’s Unique Story: While Xenoblade games share a connection in lore and world-building, each installment presents a completely different story. The setting, cast of characters, and their motives are distinct in each game, providing a fresh experience with every entry.
  2. Developer’s Perspective: Monolith Soft, the developers of the series, have stated that there’s no necessity for new players to start from the beginning. You can dive into Xenoblade 3 without any hesitation, as its main story is standalone and easily understandable for newcomers.
  3. Optional for Lore Enthusiasts: While Xenoblade 2 isn’t required for understanding Xenoblade 3’s main story, playing it enriches the experience by allowing players to fully appreciate references and lore. The choice to play Xenoblade 2 ultimately depends on the player’s preference.

In the end, it all depends on what you want to do. If you love world-building and the lore of the series, then it is a must. You should definitely play all 3 in the release order. But if you don’t want to, then no one is forcing you. You can easily play Xenoblade 3’s main story without worrying much about the lore.

About Xenoblade Franchise

All Xenoblade games on Switch

Xenoblade is a game series developed by Monolith Soft and published by Nintendo. Tetsuya Takahashi is the mastermind behind this game. He is also the founder of Monolith Soft. The game is a very popular action RPG game that is loved by a lot of Nintendo fans.

Xenoblade uses most aspects of a typical action RPG. The player controls the leader of the party while the rest of the party auto attacks the enemies. The simple input attacks are called Arts. Character-specific Arts are called Talent arts. Each character has their own unique Talent Arts. The overall combat system is very simple and much like your typical Action RPG.

All Xenoblade games have a unique setting that separates them from each other. The World and characters are always new. Furthermore, the story is also completely unique. Xenoblade 1’s world is set up on 2 colossal titans called Bionis and Mechonis. While Xenoblade 2 is set up in a world with many different titans and is called Alrest.

Xenoblade 3, however, doesn’t take place on titans. Instead, we have the world of Aionios, where two nations, Keves and Agnus, are constantly at War. The characters are completely different. In One, we have Shulk. In Two, we have Rex. And finally, in Three, we have Noah. All of them are completely different characters with no apparent connection. The same goes for the story.

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Irfan Ansari is a Senior Editor and Guides Writer on eXputer. He has seven years of Video Game Journalism experience and has been gaming for more than 22 years. Over his editorial career, he has gained experience at multiple sites, including TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming. Irfan has also earned a degree in Writing and Editing from the University of Michigan. Learn some more about Irfan's gaming journey on his Steam, PSN, and Xbox profiles.

Experience: 7+ Years || Worked for TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming

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