6 Superhero Games Other Than Batman: Arkham And Marvel’s Spider-Man You Need To Play

Shine a little light on these experiences as well.

Story Highlights

  • Superhero games in the industry are some of the most enjoyable titles to play in the business.
  • The eminence of Marvel’s Spider-Man and Batman: Arkham games has overshadowed other gems. 
  • Other superhero-flavored titles such as Prototype 2 and X-Men Origins: Wolverine are a must-try.

I’ll be honest: The superhero genre in video games hasn’t been explored and utilized as well as it could’ve been. Sure, there are absolute masterpieces such as Marvel’s Spider-Man and the entirety of the Batman: Arkham series (not looking at you Suicide Squad), but other capable games that pretty much hit the nail on the head with their representation of their respective superhero don’t get as much love and attention.

This article, therefore, puts six different superhero-themed games in the spotlight that you should be playing if buffed-up protagonists with a swath of abilities to their name are your thing. With no further ado, let’s get right into it. 

These High-Quality Games In Superhero Flavor Deserve More Love

I’ll have to say: The forthcoming entries are a reflection of my personal opinion, and aren’t objective in any way, shape, or form. If you feel you could contribute to the list with like-minded suggestions, feel free to leave a comment down below. 

1. Infamous Second Son 

Infamous Second Son Sports Terrific Gameplay | Source: DeviantArt
Infamous Second Son Is Nothing to Sleep On | Source: DeviantArt

I mean, there are kind of different ways you can go about playing the mainline campaign in Infamous Second Son, given that your in-game actions aren’t exactly the rationale for acting as a “good superhero,” but yeah, there’s a gray area in there in terms of morality. You can choose to be good in Infamous Second Son and have Delsin looking out for his “Karma” score to make sure things end on a righteous note.

That said, the game in question belongs to an iconic franchise and something you should definitely check out if you enjoy open-world games with creative freedom available at your disposal. Developer Sucker Punch Productions has been on the Infamous IP since the start, and it’s only a prayer at this point that the studio attempts to revisit the series sometime in the future.

2. Guardians Of The Galaxy 

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Epic Games Store
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is Action-Packed Fun | Source: Steam

Quite admittedly, I had a little too much fun with Guardians of the Galaxy than what I hoped for initially, slowly but surely hitting me that this is one of the best superhero games on the planet right now. Sure, it does a few things that are questionable, such as offering little to no replayability by the time you’re done with it, with the combat feeling slow and sluggish too at times, but all that is offset by the incredible writing and the execution of the game’s storyline

Not only that, but the world design, humor, and dialogue of Guardians of the Galaxy are done so well, that you’re going to enjoy yourself going through the game, as I did when I finished it several months after its launch.  

3. Prototype 2

Prototype 2 Is Badass | Source: WSGF
Prototype 2 Has Incredibly Addictive Gameplay | Source: WSGF

If you’re a fan of the Crackdown series, you’re going to love Prototype 2. Coming across as a sequel to the 2009-released Prototype, this one features cutthroat action, absolute mayhem that the player can wreak as per their convenience, and a gripping storyline that has you engaged from start to finish. James Heller isn’t exactly a superhero in the game; more of an anti-villain, but you don’t want to miss out on this game just over that debate.

4. The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction

The Incredible: Hulk Ultimate Destruction | Source: ModDB
The Incredible: Hulk Ultimate Destruction | Source: ModDB

I have some incredibly fond memories with what is otherwise the best Hulk game ever made. It’s a pity that The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction is a console exclusive, and never came out on PC, but if you’ve still got your Xbox, PS2, or GameCube lying around somewhere in the attic, time to swipe the dust off it and fire up this game—you’re going to love how fun this one can get with its awesome combat and liberating free-roam gameplay. 

YouTube video

5. X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men Origins: Wolverine was Wolverine's brutal and violent nature at its best
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Is A Fantastic Experience, Even In 2024 | Source: Raven Software

Games where you can deal with boss-level enemies in the same way as you do with regular foes are flat-out amazing, with X-Men Origins: Wolverine being one of them. Talk about nostalgia playing through this one, considering how it came out all the way back in 2009. It’s set after the X-Men Origins: Wolverine live-action movie, expect amazing combat, admirable visuals, and an engaging plot that will keep you on the edge of your seat through and through. 

6. Marvel’s Midnight Suns

Marvel's Midnight Suns
Marvel’s Midnight Suns Is Nothing to Sleep On | Source: Firaxis 

While I understand that Marvel’s Midnight Suns — being a turn-based strategy game — may not be for everyone out there, but one could easily commend the level of quality on display here. The title features a strong casting of characters, and perhaps, that’s the reason it settled well among fans and critics.

The visuals are amazing, the hit animations feel crisp and punchy, the humor and subsequent dialogue are terrific, and the “house interactions” are unique down to the bone. 

eXputer author Huzaifah Durrani reviewed Midnight Suns and rated it 3.5/5.0, remarking that the game “blends the tactical RPG aspect with the deckbuilding mechanics, and that makes for a really fun experience overall.” If you plan on picking the title soon, here are the best tips and tricks to be wary of ahead of time.

YouTube video

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Huzaifa, an Online News Editor at eXputer.com, is a video game industry aficionado with a talent for unearthing the juiciest stories for his beloved readers. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Data Science, he dives deep into the abyss of news, meticulously dissecting every tiny detail to serve his audience. When he's not unravelling breaking news, he becomes a master storyteller, conjuring up captivating tales from the depths of his imagination. With a wealth of experience as a Video Game Journalist, he's penned his mighty words for numerous other video game outlets, leaving no video game unturned and no pixel unexplored! Experience: 4+ Years || Education: Bachelor of Science in Data Science || Previously Worked at VeryAli Gaming & TheNerdMag || Covered 100+ News Articles

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