Black Myth: Wukong Demonstrates The Effectiveness Of An Anti-Sweet Baby Game

A mythological fantasy setting doesn't need to go extra hard on diversity.

Story Highlights

  • Black Myth: Wukong has come under attack for breaking societal norms of adding diversity.
  • Diversity is important when it can be naturally added, not illogically forced in a fantasy setting.
  • The glowing reviews and happy consumers show what’s more important to make a game fun.

Today, let’s discuss a rather controversial topic: The extra focus on diversity and inclusion in today’s games. Now before you label me a hater and come after me, let’s look at the problem logically for a moment.

Do you believe the kind of diversity and inclusion games that have started featuring recently is the right thing to do? As for me, I have nothing against diversity as long as it is present naturally and makes logical sense. However, I cannot get behind the forced “political correctness,” the likes of which Sweet Baby Inc. is spreading. Thus, I don’t think criticizing Black Myth: Wukong for refusing to bow down is just.

YouTube video

Black Myth: Wukong And The Diversity Fiasco

If you haven’t heard it yet, you must be wondering what this problem actually is, so let me try to explain briefly. Black Myth: Wukong, the latest Soulslike that’s practically the talk of the town these days is under attack because it didn’t feature any diversity, inclusion, or representation. Because of this, it has earned the wrath of certain people.

Earlier, Game Science, the devs of Black Myth: Wukong refused to accept any guidance for “political correctness,” and refused to pay a whopping $7 million to Sweet Baby Inc. Call it retaliation or throwing a tantrum if you will, the game has been viciously attacked for not conforming to the norms of featuring needless diversity and succumbing to societal pressure.

'Black Myth: Wukong' refused to be extorted $7 million by SweetBaby.
by inAsmongold

That’s not all. Black Myth: Wukong devs also forced reviewers not to talk about topics like feminism, COVID-19, or other political issues. Not including diversity aside, I cannot condone forcing people to not talk about a certain topic. You didn’t bow down to social pressure, that’s good. But let people say what they want, they should be able to speak their minds.

Everyone has their views, and restricting them doesn’t sit well with me.

However, this doesn’t mean I don’t think Black Myth: Wukong refusing to incorporate needless diversity wasn’t a smart move.

Not Everything Needs Forced Diversity

The way I see it, Black Myth: Wukong standing up to Sweet Baby is something I genuinely respect. Some of the strategies of that company have been pretty heinous, and the forced implementation of diversity in cases where it doesn’t even make sense is something I grow tired of. I would certainly like to see diverse characters and female representations, but only most naturally and fittingly. Not “adding characters for the sake of diversity.”

Unpopular Opinion: I honestly hate how there is just so much forced diversity in video games.
byu/AndreLovesYa inGamingcirclejerk

If you ask me, that’s even more offensive. You’re adding a particular character in a game not because of any merit or logic, but just because they’re of a particular race or stereotype. If the plot, character development, and background logic make perfect sense, I’ll have zero problems with a diverse cast. But take a step back, and just look at Black Myth: Wukong.

Does a fantastical world like Black Myth: Wukong need diversity? | Source: Steam
Does a fantastical world like Black Myth: Wukong need diversity? | Source: Steam

The story and setting are of a mythical fantasy world based on Journey of the West, with monsters and apparitions. You’re an overpowered monkey killing over-the-top monstrosities. Why on Earth would something like this even need diversity in the first place? I didn’t think diverse and inclusive monsters were even possible. It’s a game about relishing killing a tough boss, not worrying if the mythical creatures are diverse enough.

“There’s no diversity and representation!” The game with so called “no diversity”:
byu/Ok_Winner_5695 inBlackMythWukong

And while we’re on the topic of forced diversity, take a look at what happened with Assassin’s Creed Shadows. Now before you say Yasuke was a historical character, let me say that I’m not going to dispute that, and you’re right. However, putting Yasuke as the center character in a game about a Japanese setting is an example of forced diversity. Should he have been in the game? Absolutely.

Is the main character overshadowing everything else? No way.

The Yasuke fiasco speaks volumes | Source: Ubisoft
The Yasuke fiasco speaks volumes | Source: Ubisoft

The Numbers Speak For Themselves

If Black Myth: Wukong had some fundamental problems as a game, I would’ve been the first to criticize it. Like if you want a genuine issue, it’s the game’s performance that dips even on stronger hardware. Now that’s a valid complaint. Just because it’s missing the diversity that has no logical place in the game, doesn’t mean it’s a bad title.

Black Myth Wukong Poor Performance
byu/Traditional_Park_849 inps5india

Besides, I’m sure the 2 million people enjoying the game wouldn’t have done so if this diversity problem made it completely unplayable. From pre-orders to player count, Black Myth: Wukong is breaking records left and right. Couple that with the glowing reviews and satisfied gamers, and you get a game that shows how good a game can do without Sweet Baby poisoning it.

I see nothing but love for the game | Source: Steam
I see nothing but love for the game | Source: Steam

To conclude, I’m not against diversity and inclusion in games, as long as it makes perfect sense. However, forcing certain character types just for the sake of being politically correct and “woke” is something I can’t get behind. Sometimes, the representation cannot be logically justified, and if games refuse to bow to the pressure of adding it regardless, that’s fine. Black Myth: Wukong ought to be judged for its overall quality, not if it’s diverse.

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Hanzala is a dedicated writer who expresses his views as opinion pieces at eXputer. He's always been fascinated by gaming and has been an avid consumer of many different genres for over a decade. His passion for games has him eager to encounter the latest RPGs and actively look for new Soulslike to challenge. He puts forth his experience and knowledge of gaming into captivating opinion pieces.

Experience: 8+ months || Education: Bachelors in Chemistry.

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