Developers Need To Understand That Grinding In An RPG Should Not Be Necessary

Video game progression system is a highly popular debate, and some games require unnecessary grinding.

Story Highlights

  • Games should give you the freedom to progress your level at your own pace.
  • Some titles force the players to level up to progress through the story.
  • Absolute progression makes the game easy and boring for many fans.

The video game world is filled with countless RPGs that require the player to level up and gain experience to progress through the story. This necessity makes the game relatively easier and less fun to enjoy.

We have many examples of titles where you do not have to grind at all and can end the game at level one. This allows the players to have the freedom to play the game however they want. It gives an experience of liberty and control over the game, making it more immersive and appealing. Let’s talk about this in detail.

Titles That Make Grinding An Essential

Compulsory End Game Grinding In Final Fantasy 2
Compulsory End Game Grinding In Final Fantasy 2 | Image Source: eXputer

There are hundreds of video games that require the player to invest time building up their power and stats to progress in the story, as I stated before. This takes out the fun for many players because some people, or veterans in this case, just want to enjoy the game and test their skill with little to no grinding.

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Final Fantasy series is a staple for RPGs, and they require a must-have grinding power scaling system. This means you can not progress the story without putting multiple extra hours in the game to get some designated set of skills to beat the next area of the game.

byu/varrogath from discussion

Another great example of this is the Persona series. If you don’t grind and level up your characters in the games, you will get absolutely stepped even against the normal enemies. Persona series require hours of grinding to beat the dungeons and the bosses in them, and in my opinion, this is something that should not be necessary at all.

Video Games That Do Not Put Emphasis On Grinding

Beating A Really Tough Boss In Shadow Of The Erdtree At Level One
Beating A Really Tough Boss In Shadow Of The Erdtree At Level One | Image Source: eXputer

Many titles do exactly the opposite of the aforementioned criteria. Let’s take the Souls series, for example; in any of the Dark Souls titles, the player can beat the game at level one with a level one weapon, too. It’s the same case with Elden Ring, where you absolutely do not have to level up your character or grind in it to beat the game. If you’re good at the game, then leveling up should not be a concern.

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Balanced Progression And Skill-Based Combat

Balanced Progression In Sekiro Shadow Dies Twice
Balanced Progression In Sekiro Shadow Dies Twice | Image Source: ONGBAL

Gamers shouldn’t be forced to grind; hence comes the balanced progression. A game should comprise enough leveling up throughout the campaign that the player does not feel the need to grind for countless hours just to beat a boss.

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The same goes for skill-based combat video games, as these do not require extreme farming. Sekiro: Shadow Dies Twice is a prime example of a video game that requires no farming at all. It is just pure skill-driven combat that tests the ability and understanding of the player. If you learn the patterns and understand the game, then you do not need to farm or grind and can enjoy the game from the first encounter right till the final boss.

My Opinion On Both Sides Of Spectrum

Darkeater Midir An End Game Boss Defeated At Level One
Darkeater Midir An End Game Boss Defeated At Level One | Image Source: eXputer

I believe that a video game should be fair for players to enjoy at level one; however, for some players, this can be difficult. The perfect countermeasure for this scenario is to provide the player with the freedom to do both.

byu/varrogath from discussion

If you are struggling with some arena, dungeon, enemy, or boss, then you can farm and grind your arms away. If you are a veteran or just good at the game, then you do not need any of this at all. The choice should be up to the player so an experience of freedom is provided.

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Ahmed Shayan is a News Writer on eXputer with decent experience writing about games. He’s a machine learning enthusiast with a passion for a plethora of gaming genres. Ahmed is fond of Soulsborne games in which he has invested more than 3,000 hours! You can follow Ahmed's gaming activity on his PSN Profile.

Experience: 1.5+ Years || Mainly Covers News Stories on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Data Science.

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