It’s Time For Fortnite To Focus On Performance Over New Additions

What's the point of adding cool things if you can't enjoy them smoothly?

Story Highlights

  • Fortnite’s frequent stutters and lags, even on high-end PCs, disrupt gameplay and frustrate players.
  • Epic Games should balance new content with performance optimization for a smoother gaming experience.
  • Listening to player feedback and improving performance will enhance satisfaction and long-term success.

No one can deny the power that Fortnite has in the world of gaming. More than just a game, it has become a part of culture since its inception. What can be said is that Epic Games has outdone itself in terms of consistently keeping the game fresh and exciting with new items, skins, and events to keep players glued. But as much as we love these new shiny toys, one serious issue has been bugging me and many other players: Game performance.

The Appeal Of New Stuff

Fortnite is addictive also because of the fresh content influx. Epic Games always has a way of surprising us with new innovative weapons, items, and, of course, crossovers. Remember when they brought in characters from Marvel, Star Wars, or even real-life celebrities? That was pure gold, pure moments, which maintained the game’s liveliness.

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These updates do not merely give us eye candy but also tend to shake the gameplay. New weapons and items change our actions, making us alter our tactics and strategies. That gets us motivated to log in and see what’s new with these seasonal events. It just shows how well Epic Games manages to keep things interesting.

The Performance Problem

However, here’s the catch: all this new content comes at a price. The more a game adds complexity, the more prevalent performance issues become. I’ve lost count of the times it stuttered, lagged, and dropped frames, even on a high-end PC with an RTX 4060. It can be genuinely annoying to be in the heat of an intense match, only for the game to freeze for a second, ruining the pacing.

These are real buzzkills for a game all about quick reflexes and precise timing.

And I am not just talking about myself. Surf the majority of Fortnite forums (Reddit, Microsoft, Tom’s Hardware) and you will find players in the numbers with beefier rigs complaining about the very same issues. It’s not only a problem for people with older hardware; the game’s optimization needs serious attention.

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Why Optimization Matters

It’s high time Epic Games prioritized optimizing Fortnite’s performance. I’m not saying they should stop adding new content entirely, but they need to find a better balance. Smooth gameplay should be just as important as the latest weapon or coolest skin.

fortnite tweet about stutters
Players’ Concern Regarding The Stutters (Source: DNCHI77 on Twitter)

Optimization is not easy, but this is pretty important. Put simply, it means a game should be able to run smoothly from a low-budget PC to the most recent gaming rig. Better optimization may mean the difference for lower-end PCs between an unplayable mess and a fun experience. For those of us who have high-end setups, this ensures that our expensive hardware is put to good use.

Tackling The Technical Challenges

It’s never easy to optimize such a vast game like Fortnite, but still, it’s possible. Much working behind the scenes is done in the back end: cleaning up code to make the game run smoothly and network infrastructure to cut down on the lag. These technical fixes can have a significant impact on the game’s performance.

Another wise decision would be to put in adaptive quality settings. This means the game would automatically adapt its graphical settings depending on your hardware. So, for less powerful systems, this would mean the down-tuning of some of the visual effects to keep the frame rate constant. On the flip side, if you’ve got a beast of a machine, you can enjoy all the bells and whistles without any stuttering.

Listening To The Community

What Epic Games has always done right, one of the things is engaging with the Fortnite community. They’re pretty good at listening to player feedback; this needs to be no different regarding performance issues. By listening to what players say and getting a rundown of exactly where the game faults, you can have a clear picture of what needs fixing.

fortnite helping players
Fortnite Keeping Up With Players (Source: Tweet by bowles_keaton on Twitter)

What matters is transparency. Players want to be sure their concerns are taken seriously and actions taken. Regular updates will go a long way towards keeping the trust and loyalty of players on the action taken to improve performance. It’s all about establishing a partnership with the community, showing that Epic Games is committed to making Fortnite the best it can be.

Fortnite Performance / FPS Stutter Issue (It’s getting really annoying)
byu/Liegecanid inFortNiteBR

The Long-Term Benefits

Prioritizing performance optimization does not just mean fixing immediate issues; it is wise for the long term. An optimized game will only result in happy and engaged players, leading to less frustration and burnout. Besides, it also lays down a solid foundation for future updates, wherein new content can be added without causing more problems. 

That is the kind of reputation Fortnite would build for itself within the gaming community. Happy players will likely recommend your game, thus attracting new players and keeping the community vibrant. Besides, it’s just good business sense. Satisfied players are more likely to spend money on in-game purchases, supporting the game’s continued development.

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Ahmed Shayan is a News Writer on eXputer with decent experience writing about games. He’s a machine learning enthusiast with a passion for a plethora of gaming genres. Ahmed is fond of Soulsborne games in which he has invested more than 3,000 hours! You can follow Ahmed's gaming activity on his PSN Profile.

Experience: 1.5+ Years || Mainly Covers News Stories on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Data Science.

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