Godfall Single Player Cannot Be Played Without Constant Internet Connection

Even $70 wont help you play It without Internet

Two days ago, Sony updated the Godfall listing, and the game is now available for pre-order. Many players must have gone through the listing, but I guess not a lot of them paid attention to “Online Play Required.”

No Internet – No Godfall

Online Play Required implies that even If you pay $70 for this game, you will always need an internet connection to enjoy offline mode. I guess that’s fine, but It’s really a limitation, because In my country at least there are consistent Internet Problems, and staying connected at all times isn’t common. Godfall also features multiplayer, and constant Internet is fine for that.

There is a good amount of chance, that if something goes wrong with Godfall servers, players enjoying the campaign will have to suffer. We have seen this happen with The Division and Anthem, which also require constant Internet. Here is a Reddit post from last year, that highlighted the consequences of this feature.

“But I’m getting offtrack here, in the middle of august my internet randomly went out for the day and I was playing some Destiny 2, when the internet went out I was really infuriated so I couldn’t really do much except play some fallout, when I was playing though I thought about PS+ and whatnot and remembered that you need PS+ to play multiplayer on games, nothin out of the ordinary, but then I thought about games like Fallout 76 or the Destiny franchise, (aka online only no offline mode games) and then realized that these games cant be played without PS+, they’re literally rentals.

Not only that but consider what you need to do to even play these games:

  1. Buy a Ps4 (100$-400$ depends)
  2. Pay electric bill (100$-110$ a month)
  3. Pay for wifi (50$-60$ a month)
  4. Pay for Ps+ (10$ a month 60$ a year)
  5. Buy the game (10$-60$ depends)
  6. That’s around 690$ just to play a rental.

Honestly, can we just access these types of games without Ps+? not all of them but at least the ones that dont have offline modes, I can afford these things but this is just ridiculous.”

A very few amounts of games on PlayStation require constant Internet. There has been debate over the past If this feature is necessary because of day 1 patches. Well, I guess not, because the listing has not mentioned anything like this. Further, we have seen a lot of single-player games getting updates, but not requiring constant Internet. I’m afraid, this isn’t good news for those living In third world countries with poor Internet Connections.

Update: Godfall Twitter Account has confirmed that Internet at all times is necessary for Godfall single-player.

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Moiz Banoori is the brains behind eXputer. Having worked at various Video Game sites, with 8 years of Content Writing Experience and a Journalism Degree at hand, he presently monitors teams, creates strategies, and publishes qualified pieces through his aptitude at eXputer. Feel free to get in touch with him through his gaming profile on Steam and PSN.

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