For Those Who Are Running Out Of Games To Play, Here Are 6 Great Recommendations

The gaming industry is home to hidden gems.

                                                                            Story Highlights

  • If you try looking up the best games you can play in the day and age we live in today, the same titles are repeated.
  • People who are getting tired of getting recommended nothing out of the usual will find something new here. 
  • Titles such as Tinykin, Rage 2, and Chernobylite are a breath of fresh air and a break from typical concepts.

The video game industry is more expansive than we really think, and due to rising competition that has every developer pushing for success, not all deserving games get to come out into the spotlight for what they bring to the table. I decided to put together this article to cast a lens on such titles that you should definitely check out because you’re not going to find them recommended elsewhere for the most part. 

Great Underrated Games That Have Probably Slipped Under Your Radar

Before we proceed, it’s important to note that the following games have been cherry-picked due to personal experience and time invested into playing them. Feel free to contribute to the list in case you have other like-minded suggestions as well.  

1. Tinykin

Tinykin is Not Your Average Platformer
Tinykin is an Experience Like No Other | Source: Steam 

In all fairness, I’ve yet to play a game as special and unique as Tinykin. It’s a themed platformer that nails the gameplay aspect and features a highly engaging plotline that kicks repetition out of the gate. Everything from the art and level design down to the way the game handles itself is pure bliss and a testament that a title does not have to be AAA to dole out a meaningful experience. 

YouTube video

If you happen to be a Pikmin fan, Tinykin is right up your alley, hands down. I highly recommend checking the game out now more than ever, because it also happens to be up on a 60% off sale at present.

2. Chernobylite

Chernobylite is an Exceptional Hybrid Title | Source: Steam 

Labeled as a unique blend of RPG, FPS, and survival horror, Chernobylite is another special game in the sense that it does not get recommended enough for its fantastic story, amazing atmosphere, and brilliant level design that keeps you hooked to the game until you beat it. The game is often compared to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R franchise, given the Chernobyl theme, but it prioritizes narrative over other elements and ends up offering a distinct experience that’s not to be slept on. 

YouTube video

The game’s Enhanced Edition is up for sale for $10.49 only, which I’d say is quite a steal for a game of this stature. 

3. Rage 2 

Rage 2
Rage 2 is a Short Yet Engaging Experience | Source: Avalanche

Mad Max and Just Cause creator Avalanche Studios and Doom developer id Software both got together to work on Rage 2, and the result was as expected. Enter a gorgeous-looking open-world first-person shooter with fantastic gunplay, amazing traversal, and sensational locales and regions to explore. It does have its fair share of shortcomings as well, but the pros here outweigh the cons, and I really think you should try out this underrated RPG gem the moment you get the chance. 

Players call this one an “open-world Doom game” and rightfully so. As one review on the platform notes, 

If Far Cry and Mad Max had a baby, and that baby was mentored by Doom (2016) it’d be this game. Also, don’t play Far Cry. Play this instead.”

4. Death’s Door 

Death's Door
Death’s Door is an Incredible Adventure | Source: Steam

Another quality title that I’d like to nudge your attention toward is Acid Nerve and Devolver Digital’s Zelda-like gem Death’s Door. The game has so much style, with each main level’s design being flat-out remarkable, not to mention the lovable protagonist, fantastic piano-led music, and refreshing gameplay mechanics. 

Back when the title was released, it clocked more than 100,000 concurrent players on Steam despite being an indie, thereby speaking volumes about itself with the passage of time.  

5. Slay The Spire 

best steam games for macos
Slay the Spire Isn’t Everyone’ Cup of Tea Though | Source: Steam

Combining deck-building with the rogue-lite genre, Slay the Spire is a stellar piece of entertainment that you can play not just on your consoles or PC, but on iOS and Android as well throughout the day. And outside of the game’s design, amazing charm, and tight gameplay, there’s extreme replayability potential waiting for you, as you spend a little over $3 on this title and get to play it forever.

Just so you know, a sequel is coming as well, but it’s not going to be anytime soon.

6. Mad Max 

Mad Max Is A Fantastic Open-World Title
Mad Max is a Long Forgotten Gem | Source: Avalanche Studios

Last but not least, my heart goes out to the masterpiece that Mad Max is, a fantastic work of art in the department of open-world games. Coming out way back in 2015, this free-roam adventure still holds up after all these years, all thanks to its great characters, awesome combat where every registered hit has weight to it, an enjoyable assortment of modifiable vehicles, and more.

Just in case you happen to pick this one up, here’s eXputer’s in-depth Mad Max guide to help you get started in the right direction. 

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Huzaifa, an Online News Editor at, is a video game industry aficionado with a talent for unearthing the juiciest stories for his beloved readers. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Data Science, he dives deep into the abyss of news, meticulously dissecting every tiny detail to serve his audience. When he's not unravelling breaking news, he becomes a master storyteller, conjuring up captivating tales from the depths of his imagination. With a wealth of experience as a Video Game Journalist, he's penned his mighty words for numerous other video game outlets, leaving no video game unturned and no pixel unexplored! Experience: 4+ Years || Education: Bachelor of Science in Data Science || Previously Worked at VeryAli Gaming & TheNerdMag || Covered 100+ News Articles

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