The Indie Games Scene Is Carrying The Gaming Industry At This Point

Indie developers deserve more recognition for doing the heavy lifting in the gaming space.

Story Highlights

  • As the prices of AAA games increase, most indie games stay low-budget and low-cost.
  • Corporate meddling is infamously bad for games thanks to the pressure on developers, but indie developers don’t have this problem.
  • Many trends we see in games today were initially discovered by indie games but popularized by AAA games.

The gaming industry is filled with many AAA games by companies like EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda, and Rockstar. While that makes for some high-quality games, there’s a good chance gamers might overlook the many under-budget gems that continue to be released. Of course, I’m talking about independent developers.

Various anticipated indie games are under development, including Hades 2, which recently got its early access, and Hollow Knight Silksong. Even though almost everyone unanimously agrees that titles like Celeste are masterpieces, they’re always overshadowed by underbaked big-budget titles that are simply hopping on trends. The funny thing is most trends are started by the same indie games these AAA goliaths overshadow.

With indie developers single-handedly evolving the gaming space, I’m here to discuss why the indie scene is carrying the gaming industry now.

Wait, So I Don’t Have To Sell My Arm And Leg For Indie Games?

The most well-known feature of most indie games is that they’re much cheaper to develop than AAA titles. With smaller teams and studios making games because they’re passionate about them and not because it’s their job, indie games tend to be cheaper, seeing many sales shortly after release.

YouTube video

As the prices of big AAA games continue to increase, these indie games can serve as fruitful moments of peace for your bank account. Naturally, players also know what they can expect from cheaper indie games. Compact yet memorable experiences full of imagination instead of bloated open-world games that try to make things too realistic.

It’s no secret that game studios continue to get shut down by companies like Microsoft thanks to low returns. With development costs for huge AAA games at an all-time high that’s to be expected. Fortunately, indie games don’t have this problem since the initial budget indie developers have to work with is already low, making it easier to break even or profit. This helps talented developers keep their jobs while keeping gamers and their wallets happy.

Corporate Meddling? What’s That?

Indie games are always unique, different, and stable at launch because they don’t have any corporate pressure. Corporate overlords loom over many high-budget developers, demanding illogical changes and unrealistic release dates to appease shareholders and achieve what they think is right.

It’s not our fault the game came out as rushed it is and i’m tired of people saying so
byu/Bigmanfam_GHoResHead incyberpunkgame

Companies like EA, notorious for launching buggy games, are often forced by their shareholders to release half-baked games. They’re also forced to make mechanics and features based on what’s trending at the time instead of something that would make the game fresh or unique. An example would be how every game tried to replicate PUBG and Fortnite’s success by adding their own Battle Royale mode.

Working with known corporations has its upsides like the budget developers can utilize. However, from the point-of-view of a gamer who loves good video games, I would rather play a short game with retro graphics than a 100-hour game with outstanding graphics I dread.

No Shortage Of Creative Juices Here

Gone are the days players were forced to buy the same yearly game series, including WWE and EA FC. Most gamers would state they only bought yearly releases thanks to a shortage of options. Fortunately, with so many unique indie games made by creative indie developers, there’s a little something for everyone.

Indiesa are almost always distinct in their way, whether it’s the graphics, the soundtrack, or the gameplay. Indie games tend to set trends that AAA games eventually popularize. An example of this is the roguelike genre that games like Hades, Hollow Knight, and Furi popularized.

The older I get, the more I value indie games.
byu/Bpbegha intruegaming

With so much influence in the gaming industry, indie games deserve more recognition for their accomplishments. However, we’re still some ways off from achieving that future. Despite how amazingly creative some indie games may be, many gamers still gravitate toward big names. If you don’t believe me you just have to look at the comments of any indie showcase livestream.

Some indies have managed to break into the mainstream industry. All I can do is hope they’re the first of many. If you feel gaming is too stale, do yourself a favor and play a good indie game. Trust me, you won’t ever feel that way again.

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Najam Ul Hassan is a News Reporter on eXputer who enjoys investing hours in his favorite video game titles. When he’s not playing games, he’s practicing Journalism. He began his career on eXputer after combining his limitless love of video games and all things geek with his considerable writing experience. He has been cited numerous times by several noteworthy publications and sites such as Game Rant, Yahoo, PlayStation LifeStyle, VGC, VG247, TheGamer, among others. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Masters in Mass Media Communication || Written 300+ News Stories.

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