Pirated Games Can Actually Lead To Legal Purchases, Here’s How

Even the most popular game series' are often pirated.

Story Highlights

  • A European Commission study found piracy led to 24% more legitimate game purchases.
  • Piracy serves as an entry point for those with limited financial resources, leading to future legal purchases.
  • Companies like CD Projekt’s GOG adopt DRM-free models, converting pirates into paying.

DISCLAIMER: I, in no way, condone piracy and it’s still illegal and unethical. I’m just providing another perspective that benefits both parties.

The Complex Landscape Of Video Game Piracy

Piracy definitely affects the profits of game developers and publishers. It can discourage innovation and result in lower-quality games as companies try to cut costs to offset potential losses. However, not all the effects of piracy are negative

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A study by the European Commission found that piracy can actually increase legitimate game purchases. Specifically, the study showed that piracy led to 24% more legitimate downloads for video games, indicating that an initial illegal download might often be followed by a legal purchase.

The Gateway Effect 

Many personal stories show that piracy can be an important entry point for people with limited financial resources. For example, pirating the anime “Death Note” during middle school sparked a lifelong interest in anime for some, eventually leading to many legal purchases of related merchandise and games. 

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Fans Tired From Services Resorting To Pirating (Source: Arian Van Putten on Twitter)

This isn’t an isolated case. Many gamers who initially pirated games later bought them legally once they could afford to. This “try before you buy” approach helps people experience content they might not have otherwise encountered.

Industry Perspectives 

Industry leaders have also acknowledged this phenomenon. Markus Persson, the creator of Minecraft, suggested that adding value to legitimate purchases can convert pirates into paying customers. By offering additional features that pirated versions lack, such as online services, developers can encourage legal purchases.

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Minecraft’s Developer Encouraging Pirating (Source: Notch On Twitter)

Different companies have varying approaches to Digital Rights Management (DRM), which further illustrates the complexity of dealing with piracy. While DRM can temporarily deter piracy, it often frustrates legitimate users more than it prevents piracy since hackers quickly find ways around it. Some companies, like CD Projekt’s GOG, have adopted a DRM-free model, focusing on creating a positive user experience to encourage purchases.

Ethical And Legal Considerations

Despite potential benefits, it’s important to recognize the ethical and legal implications of piracy. It is a form of intellectual property theft that deprives creators of their rightful compensation and can lead to serious legal consequences for offenders. Engaging in piracy undermines the value of creative work and fosters a culture of entitlement that harms the industry.

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Community And Brand Loyalty 

Interestingly, some game developers have found that a non-hostile approach to piracy can foster a positive community and brand loyalty. By not embedding punitive measures against pirates in their games, these developers have converted some pirates into loyal customers.

indie game developer lets developer pirate
Another Developer Encouraging Pirating (Source: ARIELEK On Twitter)

This approach also helps maintain a positive mental health environment for the development team, avoiding adversarial relationships that can be detrimental to both parties.

The Role Of Free-To-Play Models 

The rise of free-to-play models with in-game purchases has also changed the landscape. These models bypass traditional piracy issues by offering the game for free and monetizing through microtransactions. 

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YouTube Comments About Free To-Play Models (Source: Comments On Youtube)

This approach attracts a broader audience, including those who might otherwise resort to piracy, thereby converting potential pirates into paying customers in a different manner​.

A Balanced Perspective

While it’s crucial to continue combating piracy to protect the interests of developers and uphold ethical standards, it’s equally important to recognize the complex role it plays in the gaming ecosystem. Under certain conditions, piracy can introduce new users to content, eventually leading to legal purchases and fostering brand loyalty.

By understanding and strategically addressing the motivations behind piracy, the gaming industry can turn a challenge into an opportunity, encouraging more gamers to support the creators they love through legitimate means.

In conclusion, the discourse on piracy should shift from a purely negative perspective to a more balanced one that considers the potential for positive outcomes. This approach not only acknowledges the reality of piracy but also leverages it to build stronger, more loyal customer bases in the long run.

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Najam Ul Hassan is a News Reporter on eXputer who enjoys investing hours in his favorite video game titles. When he’s not playing games, he’s practicing Journalism. He began his career on eXputer after combining his limitless love of video games and all things geek with his considerable writing experience. He has been cited numerous times by several noteworthy publications and sites such as Game Rant, Yahoo, PlayStation LifeStyle, VGC, VG247, TheGamer, among others. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Masters in Mass Media Communication || Written 300+ News Stories.

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