Story Highlights
- Ratchet and Clank 2016 is celebrating its 8th anniversary with performance updates and free stuff.
- The original Ratchet and Clank games were superb titles that deserve a revival; a port or a remaster.
- The first and last games are only available on modern platforms, it’s time to complete the story, Sony.
Console wars are not some present stuff, they’ve been going on since the dawn of the consoles. Each provided a ton of features, but at the end of the day, as they were “game” consoles, that was the deciding factor. The console that provided the most quality and appealing games was the winner in my book, and it still is.
This is precisely why the PlayStation is beloved by many as a console, its exclusive game is pretty strong. We all might have differing opinions about the platform as a whole and Sony, but I think we can agree that the exclusive games are very good. When PC started receiving them, I was genuinely happy that more people would be able to experience these brilliant titles.
If I start listing and talking about all these exclusives, I’m sure I’ll end up boring you. Thus, today I’ll stick with one of these exclusives: Ratchet and Clank.

It’s Been 8 Years Since Ratchet And Clank Was Rebooted For The PS4
You must be wondering why I picked Ratchet and Clank out of the long list. It’s a splendid series, true, but why this one particularly? Well, to answer that, let me tell you a piece of good news if you’re as avid a fan of the series as I am. Ratchet and Clank 2016 is celebrating its 8th anniversary right now, which essentially gave me the idea.
Ratchet and Clank (2016) released 8 years ago today in North America! What did you like about the game?
byu/0dqir0 inRatchetAndClank
Back during the E3 2014, Sony announced this reboot of the iconic Ratchet and Clank franchise. The game, titled Ratchet and Clank (2016) was a remake of the first game and also a tie-in with a movie of the same name (The game was delayed a little to coincide with the movie). It was nothing too noteworthy, but the game announced the triumphant return of this beloved shooter/platformer series.
Featuring overhauled visuals and gameplay, the same quippy banter between the lovable duo, and a creatively hilarious lineup of weapons, it was the Ratchet and Clank we knew and loved. I can’t believe it has been 8 years since then, I remember this game like yesterday.

And because it’s been 8 years, Insomniac is going all in to celebrate the occasion. Ratchet and Clank has received a 60 fps patch and the iconic Bouncer weapon which was only a pre-order bonus, for free. If you were looking for an excuse to revisit this gem, I believe you’ve got one now. Go and enjoy this celebration, and then join my cause, the real reason for me discussing this.
The Classic Ratchet And Clank Games Were Just As Good
What is my cause you ask? Why, it’s nothing more than asking Sony to release the classic games of the franchise as well for the modern audience. The reboot of the series is great, no doubt, but that doesn’t mean the originals were bad. No, not at all, they were equally remarkable and deserve another shot at glory.
If we go back to the origins of the franchise, it started with Insomniac wanting to create a new IP after another one of their brilliant creations: Spyro. Taking inspiration from a myriad of media like Star Wars, the buddy-cop genre, and many more, the idea of an “alien wandering the space with unique weapons and gadgets” was created in the form of Ratchet and Clank.
Evolution of ratchet in the ratchet and clank games.
byu/Michael_Aaron_Dunlap inRatchetAndClank
And the rest is history. Every subsequent entry made the concept more creative and the weapons more hilarious. You get ingenious 3D platforming and downright crazy weapons to make a joke out of your enemies, what more do you need?
If you’ve played the newer Ratchet and Clank 2016 and Rift Apart, I have no doubt you’ll enjoy the classics just as much. They might not be as advanced in the visual department, but they do not disappoint in their gameplay, which is honestly all that matters to me.

Since it’s a celebration, Sony, how about bringing back the classic Ratchet and Clank games as well?
They really need to find a way to bring all the past Ratchet and Clank games to PS5 / PS4 if they can on there.
byu/jeremy1051 inPS5
We’ve Got The First And Last Game, Now To Complete The Story
Here’s another reason why I believe it’s important Sony releases the past games. Ratchet and Clank 2016 is the remake of the first game in the series and thus is technically the first game in chronological order (with some changes). However, Rift Apart was not a remake, but a proper sequel, which is why it’s the last game in terms of story chronology.
The Ratchet & Clank Timeline/Franchise Map – Made this for some friends who are looking to get into the series and I figured I’d share
by inRatchetAndClank
Thus, modern gamers only have access to the very first and the very last journey of Ratchet and Clank. What went on between these two games? I know that, you might know that, but all these fresh gamers are unaware. Considering this franchise is still a very popular Sony title, how about completing the story for a more thorough experience?
Besides, it’ll help raise even more awareness for the series among a wider audience. This was actually one of the problems that plagued Rift Apart’s PC release. Sony released the very last game of the series as an icebreaker for a platform the series has never been on before. Who will start playing from the very end of the story?

Therefore, I believe it’s time Sony does things right this time. I’m not demanding a remake, a simple remaster for the PS4/ PS5, or a direct PC Port for these classics will suffice. It’ll help complete the story, give these gems another chance at the spotlight, and make me and many other Ratchet and Clank fans immensely happy.
Thoughts on remake / remastering of the original quadrilogy with extra content?
byu/XavierSaviour inRatchetAndClank
Please, make it happen, Sony. Consider it an anniversary present.
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